Trump vs Clinton?

Huh, sorry not sure how that just posted twice although it is morning when my medical condition is at its most wonderful lol uggg! :)



Sorry just plain disagree! BTW which is my right.. not a personal attack. I am curious however how many jobs has he gained? Is he staying out of other countries and focusing on "Making America  Great Again"? Not so much! Sad to say I gave him money, I do not regret much however I do and always regret giving him money!



Huh, sorry not sure how that just posted twice although it is morning when my medical condition is at its most wonderful lol uggg! :)


Gee, I've never posted twice by accident. And if you believe that, can I sell you the Brooklyn bridge?..."Yea, that's the ticket!" (That's an ancient Saturday Night Live reference from the eighties, not a political ticket, lol.) I'm using my son's ancient old S-G4 cell phone, and sometimes it double posts, and often freezes for several seconds as if it's confused.

Anyhoo, of course it is your right to disagree with my stance. Too many of our citizenry have lost sight of our right to have differing opinion. During the campaign and afterward, people were endangering their own lives by merely sporting a Trump hat or bumper sticker. Decades ago, I remember shouting obscenities at people with a Reagan sticker on their car, but they didn't have to feel threatened for their safety.

The economy was in the crapper and interest rates were rising past 12%, on their way to 14%. And that was the prime rate. Reagan policies took so long to work that most pollsters thought that he'd be a one term president. He won a second term, (much to my dismay at the time) and the economy started soaring within the next year. Again, I was dismayed. Stupidly, I would rather not have even had a job if it meant trickle down economics gave Reagan any points. I still picture getting pissed upon when "trickle down" is mentioned.

My point is, we will need to give it time. I am reminded of a pk or b3nz0 patient in wi+hdr@w@l, we need our product NOW! Bush (W.) and Obama took 12+ years to totally fork up the economy. It will take time for things to adjust, and that's after tax relief and other economic improvement legislation can pass. Small businesses are poisonously regulated and most companies won't and can't hire more employees until the cost of doing business is brought under control. Some companies, though, have responded by bringing back or keeping American jobs in America. When given the incentives, they will.

Btw, Obama was sickeningly non confrontational. BullShiite WAS kicked down the road, whether one thinks it to have been for better or worse. Hillary would already have us at war, and at the same time, she'd be giving all our money to ISIS. I personally don't think that Trump has had any choice in his decisions so far. We've barely passed his 100-day point, and nobody seems to realize that he has kept more campaign promises than any president before him did in one or two whole terms.

I'm just curious, what has Trump done to Shiite in your Wheaties? If you gave to his campaign, what th did he DO to make you regret it so, if I may ask?

Thanks for your opinions, and I hope nothing in this post is regarded as a flame. If nobody ever disagrees, somebody's lying.

Good Evening OldF, 

I hope you are well and thanks for the post. Let me start by saying I am in absolute agreement of one thing and very vital at that which is "Too many of our citizenry have lost sight of our right to have differing opinion." That quote you made is the very reason I cannot stand him. He is very cocky to everyone even judges that he does not even know that are just doing their jobs which is based upon precedence and upholding the Constitution and if one disagrees with Trump he simply fires the person or makes their life miserable. My goodness just today all over the media, Internet etc. the White House has ordered an investigation on Stephen Colbert a comedian journalist only because he made jokes about Trump. My friend if this is the way America wants to be it's called Communism and I will be far away from it before it occurs however will see. On a brighter note please understand if Trump in the next few years humanizes and does good and well as POTUS I will be the first to say "I congratulate and support you Mr. President"! There is nothing on earth I wish more than to see him do well with that said he has not so far only the exact opposite so we will see my friend.



sure! You can ask...

@US Army Veteran I'm not accepting total fossil hood yet. I am only 60 years young! Pain and panic sometimes make me feel like 104, but with the help of this site, and begrudgingly admitted, the medical community, I usually feel much younger. The day I stop enjoying the appearance of pretty women though, well...please just shoot me and dig a deep hole!

@pilotoffer I have to agree that Trump can be too much himself...otherwise known as unpresidential. I get mad at him too.  I get mad at all presidents at times when they're in office. Hell, Obama is infuriating even out of office. He needs to get the hell out of Washington and go the hell back home, and take his f'ing  army with him. Pure obstructionism is why Trump is so reactionary, and sometimes his volatility is even warranted, sometimes it's not.

I have kept away from the (fake) news the past couple of days, so I don't know anything about the Colbert situation. I would hope that there is more than jokes behind the investigation.

As for the judges, presidents fire massive amounts of judges all the time. Some of those overly liberal, zealot judges have overstepped their bounds. History does not support their actions. Trump is well within his constitutional rights to use executive orders to protect the country and to fire asshole obstructionist judges whenever he sees the need. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one, and on many other things.

However, sometimes our disagreements with Trump agree with each other (if that makes sense.) Thanks again for your input!

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Man....if all this shit weren't real it would make for a great movie.  I am dumbfounded, awestruck and amazed all at the same time.  I though Ringling Bros. closed down their circus this year.   I couldn't stomach watching the liar in chief on NBC last night, but the excerpts I watched were hilarious then downright scary.   Does he really think we are all buying this shit?   His staff must be going crazy trying to keep with all the b.s. flying out of his mouth....  I only hope that our next Pres. doesn't have to dig us out of a huge hole and the problems caused by the current Pres aren't that bad.  

I wonder when the rubes in coal country and rust belt are going to turn on him for not bring their jobs back.  He can try all he wants but it ain't happening.  

The picture of the fat, rich white guys in the rose garden celebrating the passage of the health care act says it all.   Fat, rich white guys getting fatter and richer...all on the backs of the poor and whats left of the middle class.  What a shame...

This is exactly what I predicted on election day and I am sorry to be so negative, but it is only going to get worse. 

I have insulated myself from FB and even the nightly news because I find it all too depressing. I know this is not the correct approach, but I see some of my friends just becoming consumed by it. Need to find a happy medium between burying my head in sand and letting all the disturbing things about Trump get me down. 

@2earls    I am not letting it get me down.  The approach I am taking is that of an interested bystander.   Its like I am watching a movie or a car accident from across the street.  I am laughing and cringing at the same time and I just can't believe people are still feeding at the Trump trough.  Its beyond ridiculous.

The only thing I am really concerned about is a ramp up in warfare.  We have already damaged a generation of young men with a pointless war in Iraq and we created a power vacuum that allowed Isis to flourish by ousting all the dictators that ruled the Middle East for so long.   There has never been peace in that region and there never will be.  I do wish we would take a more active role in Syria and try to help the countless women and children that have been displaced by war, but it seems our politicians have no interest in that.   

I do think he will be a one term President and I can only hope a viable candidate from the opposition parties will pose a formidable fight.  

Here's the deal guys. the tea party hated obama and everything he stood for his entire 8 years because it didn't Aline with our way of thinking.

in the same token the democrats hate trump for the same exact reasons. For 8 years I went through this. So it just comes and goes in cycles and that's how I view it now.

@2earls as you know I come from the same Redneck area you said to avoid all boys from. Everyday I feel like I'm awakening to a nightmare and I say to myself how did this happen every time I turn on the news. I have alienated almost every person I grew up with because I wrote on my Facebook page if you are a Trump supporter please defriend me, I lost over 2/3 of my friends with that post but what do you expect from well you know from VIP chat where I lived. At least I still have all my friends from Berkeley! But Denver is a good progressive city to make a new start. I looked at my neighbors signs and they are not poor but are liberal Democrats, they care about their fellow men women and children, not just their pocket books! Time to return to Denver, I needed Florida to get my shi# together, but as explained in VIP chat, time to go home!

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@2earls as you know I come from the same Redneck area you said to avoid all boys from. Everyday I feel like I'm awakening to a nightmare and I say to myself how did this happen every time I turn on the news. I have alienated almost every person I grew up with because I wrote on my Facebook page if you are a Trump supporter please defriend me, I lost over 2/3 of my friends with that post but what do you expect from well you know from VIP chat where I lived. At least I still have all my friends from Berkeley! But Denver is a good progressive city to make a new start. I looked at my neighbors signs and they are not poor but are liberal Democrats, they care about their fellow men women and children, not just their pocket books! Time to return to Denver, I needed Florida to get my shi# together, but as explained in VIP chat, time to go home!
Ok so I'm sorry you lost your friends. Which fuck em if they stopped  being your friend because of your political views then they wasn't good friends anyway. So it's their lost not yours.

but I do have to ask. Why do you make a statement which suggest that republicans only care about staying rich and don't care about men, women, or children? I'm all for helping out folks. However  I'm not for continuing to pay taxes at the rate at which I pay so people can literally "live" on welfare and never pay anything in themselves.......

again sorry you lost friends over your political views but screw em they obviously wasn't your real friends to begin with. I never stopped being friends with my democrat friends.

I'm just around a lot of Republicans mostly family on the other side my husbands and all they care about is their taxes and keeping their money they don't care about the homeless and poor all they care about is what country club you go to and where you live god forbid if I didn't live on a barrier island its like a we are better than those poor people who live across the bridge. I guess I still have a problem with marrying into a wealthy family when I came from a trailer park in Fort Lauderdale where my grandparents raised me most of my life and watched them working as a maid and security officer at the Diplomat in Hollywood Florida they worked all the time and never got anywhere  and being a sort of clean ex heroin addict they would want me in prison instead of helping me. and they brought back mandatory sentencing minimum sentencing for drug crimes for the GOP private prisons to make money. Sessions just brought it back on Friday I should not put all republicans in the same pot and say they don't care because obviously you do. I apologize for offending you that's why I hate getting involved in politics there's always exceptions to everything and you seem like a genuine caring man. By the way I was for Bernie not to much of a Hillary fan but that's all we had. One more thing I'm a very big supporter for the legalization of marijuana something that the republicans will not ever let happen. Gratefully after four months I'm sobered up and returning home to my house in Denver. The beach is so beautiful but I actually miss the mountains and the recreational weed. Thanks @bwillia1!for making my stay here tolerable! And again I apologize If i offended you. I'm glad you're here and glad Im able to see things through other people's views without ugly arguments but still a die hard liberal @#resist! Welcome and good to meet you and thanks again for your service.

I'm just around a lot of Republicans mostly family on the other side my husbands and all they care about is their taxes and keeping their money they don't care about the homeless and poor all they care about is what country club you go to and where you live god forbid if I didn't live on a barrier island its like a we are better than those poor people who live across the bridge. I guess I still have a problem with marrying into a wealthy family when I came from a trailer park in Fort Lauderdale where my grandparents raised me most of my life and watched them working as a maid and security officer at the Diplomat in Hollywood Florida they worked all the time and never got anywhere  and being a sort of clean ex heroin addict they would want me in prison instead of helping me. and they brought back mandatory sentencing minimum sentencing for drug crimes for the GOP private prisons to make money. Sessions just brought it back on Friday I should not put all republicans in the same pot and say they don't care because obviously you do. I apologize for offending you that's why I hate getting involved in politics there's always exceptions to everything and you seem like a genuine caring man. By the way I was for Bernie not to much of a Hillary fan but that's all we had. One more thing I'm a very big supporter for the legalization of marijuana something that the republicans will not ever let happen. Gratefully after four months I'm sobered up and returning home to my house in Denver. The beach is so beautiful but I actually miss the mountains and the recreational weed. Thanks @bwillia1!for making my stay here tolerable! And again I apologize If i offended you. I'm glad you're here and glad Im able to see things through other people's views without ugly arguments but still a die hard liberal @#resist! Welcome and good to meet you and thanks again for your service.
I wasn't offended at all. I was just asking and have been looking forward to your response.

I could also tell that this wouldn't turn into an arguement which is why I asked. I hate getting into political conversations for the same reasons you do. As I suspected we both could voice our opinions without getting upset. 

Thanks for your input!

Thanks you @US Army Veteran that's why I love this board because we can totally be opposite but be good friends and looking at your posts you seem to be a kind good man who I have nothing but respect for serving our country I'm sure we will become good friends I like you already after knowing you just a few days.   Very  thoughtful and understanding man I appreciate your response thank you!

So true! I believe mutual respect is the start to bridging any differences and I don't have any patience for people who take their politics to a place where it's OK to mistreat others. My friend  (a Trump supporter) got a death threat on FB. Goes to show there are total idiots on both sides.

Always keep an open mind and try to understand the other guy's point of view. You can disagree with it, but if you understand it, I think it takes the hate away. There is usually fear behind the strong reactions. Whether it's fear of losing jobs overses or losing some hard fought rights, we are all afraid of something. 

No offense to anyone but asking people to defriend you because they voted for (or support ) a particular candidate is a pretty hard line to take. This is precisely one of the reasons I ended up leaving the Democratic Party. The party who historically loves to waive the flag of tolerance, incidentally is not so tolerant in recent years. Just look at what's happening at universities across the country.  I have very dear friends who are politically diverse and I can't imagine demanding people leave my Facebook page because of who they may or may not vote for. 

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@Pooner2013 you know we are friends and I'm glad that I have this board because during my irrational times I have to agree with you that has a hard line to take but this was before election time and everything was crazy it was us against them. I did lose many friends and family and I can't agree with you more and after speaking to @US Army Veteran I see he's not an evil person just because we have exposing political views. I agree with you totally that as a Democratic Party member it's pretty hypocritical and it was stupid but remember I was not in the best of shape I was dealing with major addiction issues which made my thinking pretty irrational to say the least! I agree with everything you said and I feel like an idiot only a little because where I moved from the people on my Facebook page were mostly other drug users. Not the kind we have here who need pain medicine and are in agony without it, these were street people who would rip me off without a second hesitation. And I believe some would have killed me over $500.00 believe me this actually did almost happen!  Not the best kind of friends to have on your Facebook page the people I did time with when I was caught with a felony illegal cultivation charge. Not smart thinking there either I might add! I just wanted to let you know I totally agree with you and can proudly admit that I was wrong. I moved to Denver and getting ready to go back after four months of being clean. For me alps or Val's is the next best thing. I deactivated that account and now I've learned to actually look at who I am friends with after being hacked I'm a lot more serious who I let gain access to my new account but I do have Trump supporters  and serious GOP people on there now. I would lose almost my entire family lol! I appreciate you reminding me of what the Democratic Party is about and it's time to move from hatred to getting along with all people whatever party they belong with. Time to heal all wounds thanks for the reminder???

@Pooner2013 I'm really happy for your reply your spot on about the hypocrisy of my party! I was glad to be reminded of that and do admit when I'm wrong and with your post I can see that I was and do regret it. But who needed a bunch of criminals on their account anyway!  It a great reminder post thank you! OMG what a beautiful cat my husband said to tell you he has the coolest coloring for a cat his face is adorable! We are cat lovers too although most of my cats accumulated through my son hiding them in his basement bedroom which we now are responsible for because he is now in college and can't have cats. Fortunately we used pet sitter for a short time but now we have a friend of his we've never met that's been living in our house in Denver taking care of them. Thank god he's a good kid and I do believe he has our best interest and she's taking care of our 4 cats!  If anyone takes in a special needs cat you're a genuine good person who loves animals I have the utmost respect for you. ❤️❤️❤️

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!