Trump vs Clinton?

Reporting from Rural America here:

As a lifelong resident of a red state situated in the bible belt I can tell you;.there has been a definite shift in the general attitude/ behavior of people out here since this whole thing started.

Out here, it was always just the elderly white farmers who would get wound up and start spouting off at the mouth about politics....when they were drunk :/  If you were a left-leaning moderate ( like myself) then at worst; they would call you a "hippie" tell you to go "hug a tree" etc.   But now ( and I saw it coming when my Sanders banner was vandalized)  it is like this whole process has really allowed them to express how they really feel. And all of a sudden it is okay to verbalize this crap. And I am totally sick just listening to them even in a place as simple as the grocery market. 

Let me tell you, and I exaggerate not.:( Tonight I was waiting in line at the market and a girl maybe 16 years old ( ive never seen her around before) was at the front of the line buying a few things. Paid with plastic and left. Then the cashier told everyone standing around that she had paid with food stamps and the 4-5 people there were pissed. Saying this young girlfriend was "a piece of shit" " welfare trash" She should be "run out of town" etc. Mind you, this was a white female. When they start ranting on other races or  (a favoritr target) homosexuals, you would have to see and hear it to believe it. 

Im glad she was gone before they started. I wanted to say something to them but I had to throw up and anyway,  I know better. I have 2 kids to consider and I live here. I didnt let them see me cry,  I just put the couple things I had back and left.

People never use to act like this out here. And they Love Love Love.the new -president elect. They cant wait for him to clean up this country. And build the wall. They are sick of how the democrats have ran this country into the gutter. And they are not taking it anymore.

And they are insane. Hateful. And wrong.

Im plotting a permanent escape. I dont want my kids around this crap.

I need to be around some like-minded, rational, kind human beings. Before I loose my mind. 

And heres the real kicker.

That cashier, the one who started them toothless hillbillies the owner of the stores son. What this filth dosnt seem to realize is this: the people going in thier using thier food stamps to pay him $6 for a Quart milk and $3 for expired bread because this is the only store open at night within 40 miles, thats what they get. They get to eat.  He is the one making a profit and sticking food stamp dollars in his pocket. I bet his small buisness could not survive without that money. So who's the real bum living off food stamps? 

And this wall? Lol!!  When will these fools realize- Walls dont keep people out. They keep people in. Their wall is going to trap them in here. With us.. :) Im starting to love the idea :ph34r:  For later on yes?

And heres the real kicker.

That cashier, the one who started them toothless hillbillies the owner of the stores son. What this filth dosnt seem to realize is this: the people going in thier using thier food stamps to pay him $6 for a Quart milk and $3 for expired bread because this is the only store open at night within 40 miles, thats what they get. They get to eat.  He is the one making a profit and sticking food stamp dollars in his pocket. I bet his small buisness could not survive without that money. So who's the real bum living off food stamps? 

And this wall? Lol!!  When will these fools realize- Walls dont keep people out. They keep people in. Their wall is going to trap them in here. With us.. :) Im starting to love the idea :ph34r:  For later on yes?
Good post. :)

I'm from the south. I support Trump. So far he is sticking to his campaign promises! Really hoping he can get us (The US) outta debt. 

I had a difficult time approving that last post! But everyone is entitled to their opinions and since a lot of Trump supporters are crawling into the woodwork right now, I have to applaud the bravery of it.

Unfortunately he is only going to drive us further into debt by alienating us from our trading partners.  He is going to piss so many people off that no one will want to do business with us and our economy will collapse.  We will probably starve to death first though, because we wont have the immigrant farm labor that does such a wonderful job for us come harvest time.  Its going to be a fun 4 years....but at least it will only be 4 years :)

I had a difficult time approving that last post! But everyone is entitled to their opinions and since a lot of Trump supporters are crawling into the woodwork right now, I have to applaud the bravery of it.
None of my friends here in Louisiana are crawling into the woodwork. But thanks for the applause. 

That could just be my personal experience since I have a couple friends who have clammed up in the last few weeks.

Aside from the politial discussion, Louisiana is my absolute favorite vacation state. Can't wait to return and see more of it. Sorry for going off topic, but I have even considered moving there.

@2earls   That has been my experience as well.    I am just hopeful that he wont do too much damage and it wont take too long to recover from his Presidency.   Man oh man, some of the stuff I have been reading is quite disturbing.  They are complaining about fake news, yet they are creating news as I type.  Its very Putin-esque and you can ask the citizens of the country of Georgia how that went down!!!  I only hope that the Asshats in charge do not take it as far as Putin did/does.   

@ElectroNymph  I love Mary Poppins :)  !!  She was hot!!!

@2earls   That has been my experience as well.    I am just hopeful that he wont do too much damage and it wont take too long to recover from his Presidency.   Man oh man, some of the stuff I have been reading is quite disturbing.  They are complaining about fake news, yet they are creating news as I type.  Its very Putin-esque and you can ask the citizens of the country of Georgia how that went down!!!  I only hope that the Asshats in charge do not take it as far as Putin did/does.   

@ElectroNymph  I love Mary Poppins :)  !!  She was hot!!!
Hillary Rodham Poppins.

I have been watching and reading way to much news lately and I find it really disturbing.   I was doing a really good job of avoiding the news for the past year or so  and my stress level has actually been pretty low.   I have been thinking of a way to become more involved politically as I find the current climate unpalatable and disgusting and I would like to do something (other than putting a bumper sticker on my truck) to help create change and try to prevent more rich, angry white people from grasping more power.   I welcome any ideas that fellow, more informed members may have.

As I type this I am thinking of the terrorist attacks in the country of Georgia.   I dont remember what year the attacks occurred but they were facilitated by the KGB after orders from Pootin in order to justify military intervention in a number of former Soviet Satellite states.   I am fearful that our new administration, with the confirmation of the little racist Jeff Sessions, may try to perpetrate the same thing in America to justify the gestapo type police tactics  they are trying to implement.  I know....tinfoil hat, conspiracy type shit, but thats what the current climate has reduced me to.   The current use of executive orders, while our elected officials stand by with their thumb up their asses, is truly frightening.   

Just to add to my post above......I read an article yesterday where farmers in California are now regretting their votes for "Little Man Hands".   They are beginning to see a reduction in immigrant farm labor, due to fear of deportation and this means our country will see food prices begin to creep up and possible shortages on a variety of vegetables as Cali is the largest producer of produce in the US of A.  A frightening trend.....      Happy Friday Everyone :)  

Its going to get really ugly and probably pretty quick.  Attempting to silence the media is the beginning of the end and hopefully it will backfire on the asshole.   Just because you don't like the news, doesn't mean its fake, Asshole.  I should call him Assmouth.....His mouth totally looks like a balloon knot!  Fucker.

Poor Trump can't do anything right lol. It's no different than Obama though. Poor Obama couldn't do anything right in the GOPs eyes. 

This Donald thump really hates Mexico

kinda pisses me off he buddied with canada then dissed our other neighbors .. He seems hell bent about all drug issues being related to that ... But come on were there is a need there is a way .. There are so many other ways he could focus .. Ofcourse I rather he didn't ..I hate this fucker often for a lot of things !! I know he is working hard to win us over but who blocked CNN and others ... Pick and choose MF .. Has he ever at roman noodles? Really been in the ghetto ? Suffered ever  other than his own concious ? 

The only thing I have noticed is he left his usual ' tremendous , loser , overrated and other lingo at home tonight . He is being nice now I know .,,,,. But I can't help it 

I guess I will go to canada to open my own female business 

One of the first changes Trump will work on is to legalize the groping of women without their consent. So watch out! 

Sorry, I could not resist. Wait that was just locker room talk. Filthy man. His wife and daughters must be so proud. Not.

It looks like things are starting to get interesting.  I do not care for the politics of the current administration and it appears their thuggery, lying, and cheating are finally going to bite them in the ass.  I can only hope that the limp-spined Republicans can muster up enough courage to follow through on the ties to Russia and Putin.   I am guessing that the Balloon-Knot in Chief is afraid to reveal his tax returns because they will show he is owned by the Russians.  I, for one, hope an independent council is established and a bi-partisan group can be assembled to thoroughly wade through this mess that has become quite ugly.  I am not concerned about the leaks as I believe the public has a right to know whats going on.  It hasn't been proven but I believe Trump, Russia and Wikileaks conspired to undermine the Clinton campaign so Trump (owned by Russia) can become President and cancel the sanctions installed by Obama.  This will allow the Russian oligarchs to continue getting rich and screwing over their populace, again.

All you have to do is follow the Money and the lies.

Flynn lied.  Manafart lied and took money and he will prolly end up falling from a tall building or having a "heart attack" in a taxi.  Page and Stone conveniently forgot who they talked to and the little Southern Nazi, Sessions, lied as well.   If it doesn't do any damage to the country, I am going to enjoy watching these fuc*%$#@ squirm.    

Lets hope that the truth comes out and all is revealed.  Hopefully there will not be any diversionary tactics, such as a terrorist attack, to distract us from the real problems.   Putin used this tactic against the Chechens and lets hope Trump does not take a page out of the Russian handbook to use against us.  I am also concerned that N. Korea will play right into Trump's little hands and provide him with the distraction he so desperately needs to keep us from finding out the real truth.  We won't really care what Trump did to become Pres. if we are at war with Kim-Jong-Nam....

The news should be interesting in the next few weeks!!!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone