Trump vs Clinton?

@Heavenlee, oh no,... hypocrisy is a strong word and that certainly wasn't my intention to come across so harshly. I think my statement is sort of an expression of an overall frustration I've felt with the party as a whole. And the Republican Party is no better (or worse ) in my view. I am registered republican now after 30 years being registered as a democrat. Although I'm registered the way I am I actually didn't vote in the last presidential election. I wanted a republican but DT was certainly not my choice. .  I grew up in a family who's always had hearty debates about politics and world events. 

We have 4 kitties too - all rescues.  LB is a snowshoe Siamese mix. We have a male kitty (Pooner) who is also the same breed. They are my babies.  Did you get back together with your husband??  I hope so!!!

@Pooner2013 you know we are friends and I'm glad that I have this board because during my irrational times I have to agree with you that has a hard line to take but this was before election time and everything was crazy it was us against them. I did lose many friends and family and I can't agree with you more and after speaking to @US Army Veteran I see he's not an evil person just because we have exposing political views. I agree with you totally that as a Democratic Party member it's pretty hypocritical and it was stupid but remember I was not in the best of shape I was dealing with major addiction issues which made my thinking pretty irrational to say the least! I agree with everything you said and I feel like an idiot only a little because where I moved from the people on my Facebook page were mostly other drug users. Not the kind we have here who need pain medicine and are in agony without it, these were street people who would rip me off without a second hesitation. And I believe some would have killed me over $500.00 believe me this actually did almost happen!  Not the best kind of friends to have on your Facebook page the people I did time with when I was caught with a felony illegal cultivation charge. Not smart thinking there either I might add! I just wanted to let you know I totally agree with you and can proudly admit that I was wrong. I moved to Denver and getting ready to go back after four months of being clean. For me alps or Val's is the next best thing. I deactivated that account and now I've learned to actually look at who I am friends with after being hacked I'm a lot more serious who I let gain access to my new account but I do have Trump supporters  and serious GOP people on there now. I would lose almost my entire family lol! I appreciate you reminding me of what the Democratic Party is about and it's time to move from hatred to getting along with all people whatever party they belong with. Time to heal all wounds thanks for the reminder??? 
I've been down the path of "self medicating" with any thing I could after getting out of the Army. It's been a long run but stay strong and take it one day at a time. After many years I am able to manage medication for the reasons I need them for rather than abuse them. I do still occasionally over indulge with X@n@x and have To check myself. Just remember  to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME!

I dont really have anything more to add to this particular discussion anymore.  I think the actions going on now speak for themselves.  The man is clearly unfit for the job and when he said "I had no idea it would be this difficult!" I knew we were/are in trouble.

I think the people that have the Co-exist bumper stickers on their cars are the least tolerant people out there!

At least the next 3.5 years are going to be entertaining to say the least.   I only hope there is no ramp up in warfare and that our international allies remain our friends.   I don't think we have the ability to go it alone anymore and it seems as if we are alienating a bunch of our friends on an international level.

I guess one of my biggest pet peeves with the whole gang of them is the way money is spent.  The introduction of the latest and greatest fighter jet is a prime example.  Pieces of the jet are manufactured in 48 states to incentivize passage in the budget.   The jet, while amazing, came in over budget and fraught with multiple production problems.  If you take the cost of a couple of those airplanes maybe we could help improve a school or two, provide addicts with help rather than put them in for profit prisons and provide our veterans with the help they need/earned!!   The priorities of our Gov't boggle my mind and while I don't support multiple handouts and a welfare state, I just think we need a little more compassion in the world.  

I don't I even really know what's going on anymore. Every day there is some new dramatic breaking news and its hard to take any of it serious anymore. It may actually be serious business but, I saw a friend today who has no internet or tv and only looks at the sales and classifieds ads in the newspapers (all thjs by choice) and It seems ignorance really can be bliss.

Besides, I heard a rumor that Colin Kaepernick may be in discussions to join Seahawks as a backup QB! I am beyond excited. I don't care what anyone says, Kap is a good QB; he is in great shape and UNINJURED. There's nothing wrong with his arm and he is a perfect fit for My favorite team! Seattle needs a backup QB and I hope so bad this deal works out so I can only have to worry about the real issue which is; can FeastMode keep his weight down to a acceptable level? :):)

 Politics is going to have to do something HUGE to get my attention when I KNOW I will be seeing Russell Wilson get his 2nd Super Bowl Win this year.

Go Seahawks :)

@girlgerms @aintnouse can't agree with you more! My husband and I both said we are not watching news anymore because he gets on twitter and rants and raves I get pissed off we hardly speak to one another. We were saying we would limit our social media time because of all this political crap and people with their cell phones don't talk anymore. We just argue on twitter and other forums. I met an old man true blood GOP and he was the nicest man in the world we talked for an hour on the beach as we were doing our morning walks and we didn't mention any political crap either did I just had a nice time walking and talking. But @ainthouse got to agree with our highways private prisons etc... oh and @Pooner2013 we love LB I want to see your Asian half blooded snow leopard maybe on pictures of animals so they can continue their discussion at hand. I love his eye and my husband loves his coloring can't wait to see the other pictures. And at @US Army Veteran thanks for the sweet words of advice I need that now more than ever. I got some stupid looking back at it cosmetic crap done I just need to be me anyway got some percs that were unneeded honestly spent the bed in day had way too much fun my husband hid the prescription from me so I spent hours looking for them to no avail so I definitely know now this is a day at a time thing today reminded me of that and funny you said the same thing before that! I thought after four months I had a grip on it now I know it's an everyday thing more than ever. Thank you for the look out and thinking of me it meant a lot to me and to hold onto that gratitude and not let it slip alway. Thanks heavenlee 

Man....if all this shit weren't real it would make for a great movie.  I am dumbfounded, awestruck and amazed all at the same time.  I though Ringling Bros. closed down their circus this year.   I couldn't stomach watching the liar in chief on NBC last night, but the excerpts I watched were hilarious then downright scary.   Does he really think we are all buying this shit?   His staff must be going crazy trying to keep with all the b.s. flying out of his mouth....  I only hope that our next Pres. doesn't have to dig us out of a huge hole and the problems caused by the current Pres aren't that bad.  

I wonder when the rubes in coal country and rust belt are going to turn on him for not bring their jobs back.  He can try all he wants but it ain't happening.  

The picture of the fat, rich white guys in the rose garden celebrating the passage of the health care act says it all.   Fat, rich white guys getting fatter and richer...all on the backs of the poor and whats left of the middle class.  What a shame...
Hi Aintnouse, 

I hope you are well. My goodness you are correct in everything you have said here. Believe it or not my friend there are so many I am embarrassed to say that think he is doing a great job! WOW! I quietly watch and read intensely the articles from many of the news websites, the credible ones and the comments I read defending him are so full of hate it is literally difficult to read and further more difficult to believe. I had no idea really I did not have any idea that kind of hatred toward everything not white and Christian existed! Sure of course I know there will always be discrimination however the level in which I have seen and read since January are just darn scary! Almost makes me embarrassed to be my ethnicity. I am nearly 50 and have watched politics since a kid and have 2 Masters Degrees one in Political Science and I have never seen the extent of this kind of darkness! I really hope things change soon! Ohh and the "Fake Media" thing his supporters actually believe which is so interesting considering one can easily fact check anything that is said on the news and the news does not generally lie about anything or else they lose credibility which will put them out of business. Human errors occur and are backtracked and corrected otherwise yes so many with the "fake news" theory believe  it makes me sick they do not understand DT is just trying to confuse them, lie to them however they blindly see what they wish rather than reality! Have a great day Aint! :)



This is exactly what I predicted on election day and I am sorry to be so negative, but it is only going to get worse. 

I have insulated myself from FB and even the nightly news because I find it all too depressing. I know this is not the correct approach, but I see some of my friends just becoming consumed by it. Need to find a happy medium between burying my head in sand and letting all the disturbing things about Trump get me down. 
Hi 2E, 

I hope you are well. No worries you are not alone there is a dark cloud over this country and everyone knows it rather they admit it or not. Celebrities, Republicans and Democrats, Sports Coaches, Scientists and the list is never ending have all said this to be true. In my personal educated guess I believe he will be impeached. Hang in there! :)



@2earls    I am not letting it get me down.  The approach I am taking is that of an interested bystander.   Its like I am watching a movie or a car accident from across the street.  I am laughing and cringing at the same time and I just can't believe people are still feeding at the Trump trough.  Its beyond ridiculous.

The only thing I am really concerned about is a ramp up in warfare.  We have already damaged a generation of young men with a pointless war in Iraq and we created a power vacuum that allowed Isis to flourish by ousting all the dictators that ruled the Middle East for so long.   There has never been peace in that region and there never will be.  I do wish we would take a more active role in Syria and try to help the countless women and children that have been displaced by war, but it seems our politicians have no interest in that.   

I do think he will be a one term President and I can only hope a viable candidate from the opposition parties will pose a formidable fight.  
Hi A,

Again so true! I do not honestly think he will get through his first term. Talks and processes of impeachment have already begun. Let us breath deep and hope for the best. Last thing, I agree on the war you mentioned as at this point sad to say I think he will start a war at a blink of an eye to take all of the Russia controversy away or so he will think that. Impeachment will happen rather there is war or not. 



@2earls as you know I come from the same Redneck area you said to avoid all boys from. Everyday I feel like I'm awakening to a nightmare and I say to myself how did this happen every time I turn on the news. I have alienated almost every person I grew up with because I wrote on my Facebook page if you are a Trump supporter please defriend me, I lost over 2/3 of my friends with that post but what do you expect from well you know from VIP chat where I lived. At least I still have all my friends from Berkeley! But Denver is a good progressive city to make a new start. I looked at my neighbors signs and they are not poor but are liberal Democrats, they care about their fellow men women and children, not just their pocket books! Time to return to Denver, I needed Florida to get my shi# together, but as explained in VIP chat, time to go home!
Hi Heavenlee,

I hope you are well. So well said and no worries you do not need friends that will drop your dear friendship over the orange  man! :)



@girlgerms @aintnouse can't agree with you more! My husband and I both said we are not watching news anymore because he gets on twitter and rants and raves I get pissed off we hardly speak to one another. We were saying we would limit our social media time because of all this political crap and people with their cell phones don't talk anymore. We just argue on twitter and other forums. I met an old man true blood GOP and he was the nicest man in the world we talked for an hour on the beach as we were doing our morning walks and we didn't mention any political crap either did I just had a nice time walking and talking. But @ainthouse got to agree with our highways private prisons etc... oh and @Pooner2013 we love LB I want to see your Asian half blooded snow leopard maybe on pictures of animals so they can continue their discussion at hand. I love his eye and my husband loves his coloring can't wait to see the other pictures. And at @US Army Veteran thanks for the sweet words of advice I need that now more than ever. I got some stupid looking back at it cosmetic crap done I just need to be me anyway got some percs that were unneeded honestly spent the bed in day had way too much fun my husband hid the prescription from me so I spent hours looking for them to no avail so I definitely know now this is a day at a time thing today reminded me of that and funny you said the same thing before that! I thought after four months I had a grip on it now I know it's an everyday thing more than ever. Thank you for the look out and thinking of me it meant a lot to me and to hold onto that gratitude and not let it slip alway. Thanks heavenlee 
Hi H,

Funny I have watched the news since I was a child and certainly began to take great interest in my early teen years. Now, right now I have blocked all news programs on my cable and only get VI Alerts on my phone so I can keep up to date. I am sorry to say however they still come in about every few hours! Ugg.



@pilotoffer I can't agree more when we went to my warm home to get away from my home whereit was 80 one day and then it snowed 13.5 inches the next and the GOP says their is no such thing as climate change! Anyway I told my husband I wanted to get away from MSNBC news and Racheal Maddow still love her but we were just angry all the time. It didn't work however my husband just spends all day tweeting on twitter I keep telling him you're not changing anybody's mind it's pointless yet that's how he spends his time. We live on the freaking beach it's freaking beautiful the fishing sucks because they say the waters too warm and I say it feels great swimming because it's hot out and the ocean feels great. He has to bring up one shark attack two years ago where a lady lost her arm. Excuses, excuses and he's on his iPad all day. What a waste of time!

@pilotoffer I can't agree more when we went to my warm home to get away from my home whereit was 80 one day and then it snowed 13.5 inches the next and the GOP says their is no such thing as climate change! Anyway I told my husband I wanted to get away from MSNBC news and Racheal Maddow still love her but we were just angry all the time. It didn't work however my husband just spends all day tweeting on twitter I keep telling him you're not changing anybody's mind it's pointless yet that's how he spends his time. We live on the freaking beach it's freaking beautiful the fishing sucks because they say the waters too warm and I say it feels great swimming because it's hot out and the ocean feels great. He has to bring up one shark attack two years ago where a lady lost her arm. Excuses, excuses and he's on his iPad all day. What a waste of time!
 You are absolutely right, if you take/waste your time trying to change a Trump supporter's point of view, it will only drive you insane.  The next four years are going to be a huge test for everyone.  Not only do I hope we survive, I hope are planet survives  having a POTUS that thinks that climate change is a hoax. People will die… Die. People who do not get food,  medications....The elderly that depend on meals on wheels.... make no mistake about it, this is a war on the poor and people will die. Approximately 20 percent of American children live in poverty. Food insecurity and hunger leads to a long-term decline in life spans and a diminished standard of living for whole communities.Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to cut $39 billion from federal food assistance programs. Their vote is more than just the next act in the ongoing politics of cruelty by the Republican Party in the Age of Obama. It is a decision to kill poor people. Here, the long-term end goal for Republicans is revealed for what it is — a desire to make being a poor person into a crime. Trump’s proposed 2018 budget is not an outlier or aberration: It is the logical next step in a decades-long assault by the Republican Party and conservatives on vulnerable and disadvantaged people in America. To that end, it proposes reducing or eliminating programs that feed the elderly, provide heating assistance for poor people, aid the homeless and help educate poor children. Trump’s proposed budget and the Republicans’ proposed health care bill will diminish the life chances, life opportunities and life spans of tens of millions of Americans. It has been estimated that the Republican plans in repealing Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act will kill 43,000 people per year. Republican economic and social policies will also worsen the already extreme level of wealth and income inequality in the United States. This, too, will shorten life spans. 

By now it should be obvious that Trump, who once claimed that climate change was a hoax created by the Chinese, has very little respect for the natural sciences. We have learned just how little the president cares about the expertise of scientists, with a New York Times article reporting that the staff of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has been completely decimated since Trump entered office. This elimination of STEM experts from advisory positions is consistent with President Trump’s other anti-science policies, including his call for cuts to the EPA, NASA and NOAA, as well as his sweeping deregulatory agenda on the environment.

Trump’s hostility towards science and scientific facts like climate change is characteristic of his “post-truth” outlook, and his administration’s anti-science agenda is just one part of his larger crusade against objective truth.This crusade has involved the president relentlessly attacking the media as “fake news” while simultaneously peddling false stories and citing genuinely fake news publications himself. He has been so successful at this that Time magazine came right out and asked it on its  cover: “Is Truth Dead?” With same font and format as the magazine’s famous “Is God Dead?” cover from 1966, it includes a remarkable interview with the president, who manages to make a dozen false, unverifiable or misleading statements in one sitting.


 Why is it that I refuse to talk about politics online anywhere else but I go onto a political ramble here?  Anonymity. That's why. I can't post on public sites   where people know me on this topic (or any provocative social issue) without getting into debates with family/friends… And it can get ugly.  I do not blacklist "friends" ( I use that term loosely as many of my FB contacts are not people that I actually know ) due to their political beliefs unless they are so severely hateful that I find them intolerable.  I'm sad to say that has happened more times than I'd like to admit.  The world would be a boring place if everybody agreed on everything. It makes me sad how divisive this country has become. I wish we could focus on our similarities  instead of our differences.  Even if we disagree and sit on opposite sides of the aisle in terms of politics, more often than not if we met in person we  wouldn't know any better and would like each other.  Personally, I do not sit on either side of the aisle… My beliefs do not fit within the normal two party political party spectrum.  This is the first election where I truly did not want to vote for either candidate, it was a painful thing to witness from beginning to end. 

Trump has done more in his first days than any president I've seen or heard of. Give the man a chance!

Trump has done more in his first days than any president I've seen or heard of. Give the man a chance!
US ARMY VETERAN, I think people want to give him a chance but he keeps opening his mouth. Or tweeting for that matter about some random celebrity and how fat she is. All that aside, I hope his critics don't stoop as low as Obama's critics because the fact is he has our fate in his (small) hands. Sorry, couldn't resist. But yes for the sake of the USA and the world we should give him a chance.

US ARMY VETERAN, I think people want to give him a chance but he keeps opening his mouth. Or tweeting for that matter about some random celebrity and how fat she is. All that aside, I hope his critics don't stoop as low as Obama's critics because the fact is he has our fate in his (small) hands. Sorry, couldn't resist. But yes for the sake of the USA and the world we should give him a chance.
I can agree to that! Let's just give him a chance. I am a Republican but I gave Obama a chance.

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I have tried to like him but it's impossible everything that comes out of his lips are lies. Look at all the Russian ties with Trump. All of his promises have never come to fruition. @Jam1976 says everything she says is on point. It's really sad these days. Damn I turned off the news for awhile and just found out that Mika and Joe Scarborough are engaged what a turn of events. I I used to hate watching morning Joe but I have new found respect for the man. He's now an independent and not a republican so what does that say?

I have tried to like him but it's impossible everything that comes out of his lips are lies. Look at all the Russian ties with Trump. All of his promises have never come to fruition. @Jam1976 says everything she says is on point. It's really sad these days. Damn I turned off the news for awhile and just found out that Mika and Joe Scarborough are engaged what a turn of events. I I used to hate watching morning Joe but I have new found respect for the man. He's now an independent and not a republican so what does that say?
I think I am a right leaning moderate, I hated Clinton because she was above the law, and I liked Trump because he wasn't a politician. I think  we need more people in office that aren't politicians, people always argue against me on this and say no we need people who know politics. I disagree, we need managers and leaders not politicians who have been in office for decades and have gotten rich off of the people of this country. For example look at Obama's net worth before getting in to politics and then again after, its astounding. The Clintons were broke and now they are beyond rich. I would rather have somebody who knows nothing about anything but is a leader and knows how to put together a team with the answers and how to get the information that they need as well as bringing a whole new look instead of the usual political view of things. I read the art of the deal by Trump back when he first wrote it and had great respect for the man. I agree he needs to shut up sometimes although Obama won his presidency with social media. I think the bottom line is many people just don't like him as a man and I can see why but we don't have to like the man, we have to let him know how we feel about current events and let our congressman know how we feel and then go to bat for us. Well enough here I'm going to start a new topic called current events  so we can talk about politics and things going on around the world. :ph34r:

I'm not American, but .....
Sorry, I stopped reading the comment ...  What intrigues me about the subject "Trump or Clinton" is the appearance of dichotomy between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. If anyone is old enough or versed enough in American presidential history they will see (at least I do) many similarities between the former and current POTUS. From the slogan "Make American Great Again" (used in both Clinton and Trump campaign) to their position of illegal entry across the border into the US.  I could go on but suddenly my ADD kicked in and I'm bored :)  

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