@ainouse. All these things you say are true and look how Trump put the fascism and greed for power that most politiicians have and put it on display in an undeniable way. Are we just trying to cover up in Congress who has the real power by concentrating on an impeachment proceeding? Well, it's been a few years and he hasn't started a war, so that's good. I thank him for mobilizing people and highlighting how corrupt these organizations are. He never really was a Republican, but knew he had to pick a side to be the president. They have gotten behind him very reluctantly, I myself believe that the presidency isn't a real position of power. They get in there and go WTF and start issuing executive orders. A good amount of power comes from picking judges. I know the Supreme Court ones were controversial. However, the local federal judges are a good mix. He reversed NAFTA. Too little, too late, but hey, a token nod to those of us that thought it would ruin the country, and it did. The wall is a few miles. Most immigrants come here because their children are DACA children and they want to see them. He has highlighted the plight of these immigration issues, environmental issues, trade issues like no other president and have gotten people worked up over it. Could this have been the plot all along? And now he commutes the sentence of Blago, a governor who was pretty corrupt himself. I think that all Blago did was do what everyone else was doing and "they" targeted him. He sure didn't know when to shut up. He got a very high sentence for what he did compared with other corrupt governors in illinois. There, again, highlighting the corruption, even in himself. I have to always ask myself what is the real agenda. I am sorry everyone, I have done my ra-ra days of getting behind a candidate. I don't do that anymore. Itruly believe that the elections are now an arrangement between the parties. Most elections are won by the incumbent. Unless they have a George Bush, Sr, "no new taxes" moment, I think Trump still has a good chance of winning. Just think of how the Republicans will drool over him getting elected again. Take a pharmaceutical executive to his place in Florida for a round of golf and they're bringing in millions, I'm sure. The whole living and existence of a congressperson depends on if they can raise enough money for the party and for their next campaign. It's kind of like a homeless person. Well, this round and round from Reagan to whoever the green party person was in the last election has solidified the fact that my vote does not count. Much more productive to get involved in your local politics, school board, mayor or "village manager" as they call them now. There is one thing I can't figure out. If he can bring in so much money, how come the impeachment? I can't help but think how far your political enemies can go and what kind of precedent this would have set if it had been successful. Please find Alan Dershowitz' speech in Congress regarding how the 2 charges are not crimes and his interpretation of what the consequences could be if charges are brought. He is as liberal as you can get Why would he decide to speak out for the person who is as opposite of his beliefs as you could get?. Again, this is highlighting corruption in government. It's saying "PAY ATTENTION." If Bernie and the Donald start styling their hair because of needing to look good on TV, we just might get a win as a nation. P.S.This message in no way endorses Donald Trump, but it was some things that made me go hmmm.