Watch Your Mail Carrier


Jun 14, 2012
I used to receive packages on a regular basis from an IOP for a very long time. Then they stopped arriving even though the TN showed the parcel had been delivered to unit. After speaking to the postal service and filing an investigation, it still yeilded nothing. I did find out that during that period a substitute mail carrier had taken my route for a month. Finally I changed my address to that of my apartments office and they started arriving.

I don't know if the mail man was shaking my package and then stealing it or they didn't change the mail box key, but it was a hassle I didn't need. Luckily the company reshipped the meds after a whole lot of trouble. Sometimes life throws curveballs at you that have nothing to do with customs.

I read that Fed Ex, UPS and USPS are well aware of the illegal stuff they transport but they turn a blind eye because they are all suffering in the revenue department and to take away the illegal traffic would really put them in trouble.

USPS workers are notoriously corrupt. If they start to notice similar packages that seem to have something worth stealing, there's a 90+ % chance they'll steal it. I hate the USPS and the workers in my area are liars and incompetent fools.

Yeah, and unfortunately the majority of IOP use USPS as well. They don't knock on your door and throw the orange card away while they punch in 'delivered.' What can you do? The Post Office is going to believe the carrier every time. "See, it's been delivered to the unit at 3:43am. I mean who's out delivering mail at that time?

USPS workers are notoriously corrupt. If they start to notice similar packages that seem to have something worth stealing, there's a 90+ % chance they'll steal it. I hate the USPS and the workers in my area are liars and incompetent fools.
do you like in a ghetto by any chance /default_biggrin.png (just joking) id imagine in such work its hard not to be corrupt,and as someone mentioned simmillar pacakges cooming in daily draws attention.

do you like in a ghetto by any chance /default_biggrin.png (just joking) id imagine in such work its hard not to be corrupt,and as someone mentioned simmillar pacakges cooming in daily draws attention.
Hah, no I live in a rural area now, but I used to live in SE FL. Same piss-poor service from the USPS in both places. I don't care if it's hard work, lots of people work hard and don't steal others' property; having a demanding job is no excuse for being a scumbag and stealing from peoples' packages.

In my area, I was expecting an insured, signature required priority mail package. It wasn't moving in the tracking system for over two weeks, and this was a domestic package that contained no illegal substances. I called the local postmaster and she lied to me saying they had it and it would be delivered the next day. When it wasn't I called her again and she didn't even apologize, just made up an excuse. The next day, I WATCHED as the letter carrier put the mail in the mailbox and left; no package. What there was in the mailbox was a little card saying "Sorry we missed you". It claimed they had tried to hand deliver it and get my signature, but I wasn't home. All this after I had WATCHED from my window as the woman delivered the mail, she did NOT try to deliver my package.

She must have filled the card out before leaving on her route that day knowing that she wasn't going to haul her lazy ass out of the car to get my signature. Well, I called again and told the postmaster that she had liars working for her and I demanded that the package be delivered that day. She said it was on the car (rural carrier in my area) and would have to wait until the next day, but I kept complaining and surprise, surprise, an hour later the package showed up and I signed for it.

In other words, never trust the USPS; they are liars, scumbags and thieves.

I am fortunate in that I've never had USPS steal from me. However, I've always just taken it as a fact of life that postal workers are lazy, and will lie 90% of the time about "attempting to deliver" a package. I work from home, and so most days I am home all day. Yet I never hear the doorbell or even a knock... I just find that card sitting in my mail slot.

The most recent time that this happened, I had an informative conversation with the woman who works behind the counter at my local post office. She told me they have a whole other office for packages that are scheduled for redelivery, and that those are the people who are responsible for a 1-day redelivery taking 3 days. From now on I've learned that it's far easier just to go get a package from the post office myself. They really don't care what's in it, in my experience.

Having a card delivered is better than getting nothing which was happening to me in May. At least you know where you package is. But watching it all the way to the Post Office (Unit) and then no sign of anything can be downright aggravating. Not many options to do after that. I had a substitute mail carrier at that time who had caught on. Once my regular woman came back things were normal again.

I remember watching the Fed Ex man back in Tucson walking up to my door shaking the envelope and he knew what was in it. Those guys don't care as much because they are needing money. FedEx is the safest in my opinion.

I was actually at the post office the other night mailing some old pilot gear I'd sold on Ebay, and noticed an employment posting that brought Vitalis' post to mind. It was a notice seeking applicants for rural mail carriers, who as I understand it aren't unionized and paid at the same rate as the "career carriers", or whatever they call them. (who by the way I find to be a bottom feeder demographic all their own in most cases, given personal experiences) Anyway, the notice said that you have to provide your own vehicle, and they reimburse at the princely rate of $.35 per mile. That's a losing proposition to say the least, particularly on rural routes and the damage they exact on one's vehicle. Add to that the incredible living wage of $11.00 an hour that they're offering, and it becomes pretty easy to see why these people would be scoping out packages for anything of value. I concur with YH, FedEx is the way to go if it's within your ability to choose.

I am fortunate in that I've never had USPS steal from me. However, I've always just taken it as a fact of life that postal workers are lazy, and will lie 90% of the time about "attempting to deliver" a package. I work from home, and so most days I am home all day. Yet I never hear the doorbell or even a knock... I just find that card sitting in my mail slot.

The most recent time that this happened, I had an informative conversation with the woman who works behind the counter at my local post office. She told me they have a whole other office for packages that are scheduled for redelivery, and that those are the people who are responsible for a 1-day redelivery taking 3 days. From now on I've learned that it's far easier just to go get a package from the post office myself. They really don't care what's in it, in my experience.
I used to get a card from the USPS saying the tried. I went in the next morning to pick up computer parts and they must know that is what it is. They just handed it to me and no questions were asked. I often wonder if "Its Just A Matter Of Time"

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I am fortunate in that I've never had USPS steal from me. However, I've always just taken it as a fact of life that postal workers are lazy, and will lie 90% of the time about "attempting to deliver" a package. I work from home, and so most days I am home all day. Yet I never hear the doorbell or even a knock... I just find that card sitting in my mail slot.

The most recent time that this happened, I had an informative conversation with the woman who works behind the counter at my local post office. She told me they have a whole other office for packages that are scheduled for redelivery, and that those are the people who are responsible for a 1-day redelivery taking 3 days. From now on I've learned that it's far easier just to go get a package from the post office myself. They really don't care what's in it, in my experience.
If you use the tracking number you will be able to tell when it arrives at your or is on its way that day to your post office for delivery. Depending if it arrives before 8:00 am at your PO it will go out that day however after 8:00- 8:30 usally theext day. Seeing that you are home you probalaly know what time of day your mails comes you would be able to go out to the mail carrier and get your package. They have the package in the truck even though they are quick to leave a pink slip.

My Post Man smokes weed with my neighbor while he is on duty. He also smokes weed in the Walgreen's parking lot right up the road from my house.

Stealing mail is a felony, correct? Hard to believe these carriers would take peoples packages/letters when they risk losing a good job and possibly going to jail for a few years for a few pills or a little MJ.

Stealing mail is a felony, correct? Hard to believe these carriers would take peoples packages/letters when they risk losing a good job and possibly going to jail for a few years for a few pills or a little MJ.
Indeed it is, and yes, it's pretty incredible, isn't it? I was just thinking something similar as I read an article about an Australian nurse and her boyfriend who are facing the mandatory death penalty in Kuala Lumpur for possessing 1 kilo of meth with intent to distribute. I mean, seriously, why would you go out of your way to try and peddle ice in a foreign country with a first strike mandatory death penalty for trafficking? Obviously not on the same crime and punishment level as the mail carrier example, but still, one of those "WTF" things. As the years go by, I'm often amazed at how the facts are even stranger than fiction.

My Post Man smokes weed with my neighbor while he is on duty. He also smokes weed in the Walgreen's parking lot right up the road from my house.
My postman listens to RUSH L, I rather he smoke weed.

Whats the deal with business's shipping UPS to your city, then giving package to local Post Office for delivery? This set up is a pain, the package never arrives when it should even if you paid for expedited shipping. Also most day's my post man doesn't show up until 6pm.

Have any of you seen the Youtube vid of a FedEx carrier delivering a big flat screen for a computer and the camera caught him walking up to the cast iron fence and just chucking over.

I be the new owners were irate. Google it, it's pretty funny but not if it was your mechandise.

Fedex also has trained k9's at random locations that run up and down the conveyor belts. The workers are not as closely watched as the USPS workers however. USPS workers don't give a rats ass about anything they probably play football with your "fragile" stamped package in the sorting room.

I have a buddy of mine that worked for USPS as a mail carrier on a temp. holiday contract. He did it for like 3 years in a row and he said the last year he did it, he found out some pretty interesting stuff. He said that when Customs opens up a package and seizes the contents, they leave some preprinted form in the empty package with a reference number and a phone number to call if you have questions. He said a bunch of carriers that knew that people were getting pills or what not through the mail, they would open the packages, take their stuff, leave one of these notes inside, re-tape the package and leave it on the persons doorstep. He said they did this because number 1, nobody in their right mind is going to call that number if they know what's in that box. And number 2, nobody's going to complain to USPS that their stuff was stolen!

I've only had bad experiences with the UPS when it comes to letters being sent to me. Once it was half open with newspaper inside Nd the other time was just an empty envelope. Luckily the sender is a stand up guy and replaced both times at his expense. Fuck you, UPS! Oh, USPS has messed up a few packages over the years and it was always as hassle getting them back. Now that I think of it, screw you too, USPS.

::hopes local USPS employee doesn't see this post and mess with his mail::

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!