Hi there. I have a little knowledge in this area. Maybe I can help.
There is at least 2 reasons that I know of why these 2 meds don’t mix. The first, being the most prevalent is Serotonin syndrome. Most anti-depressant meds like Wellbutrin cause an uptake of serotonin being created in the body. Serotonin is a chemical produced to regulate mood and to stabilize the mood.
Tramadol is one of the main pain meds (there are a few) that can also be used as mood stabilizers or as pain meds. It can change the way your brain receives pain. And can cause an uptake in serotonin. So these 2 together causes this risk to rise. Serotonin syndrome can be dangerous. Please google.
Second reason that these 2 meds don’t mix well is because they both can lower the seizure threshold. Wellbutrin alone has been known to cause seizures in people who have seizure disorders or even in those who don’t.
Since Tramodol has ssri properties to it among other things, it has also caused seizures. So these 2 together may be dangerous. Some people can and take them safely and successfully together but it doesn’t come without some risk.