X 2People who eat with their mouth open
Because we luv u /default_tongue.png Hey thats all the stuff that I do.....LMAO You nailed it right on the head /default_biggrin.png My ears were ringing!Forum annoyances (on any forum):
- Excessive punctuation - !!!!!!!!! & ???????? especially
- Lack of paragraph breaks
Omg I hear you Sneazel butt!The all caps thing I just don't get and find very annoying too.
Adult bicycle riders who like to act as though they are cars and use the driving lane ( i give them room if the are near the speed limits) but will then zip through red lights and break other traffic laws. It's one or the other, I don't drive on the sidewalks when convenient.
A few years ago I was behind a bike riding in the road and the light turned red ahead and he went on thru, and a cop pulled out of a side street after seeing this and pulled the bike over for running a red, haha too funny.
Veronica I swear this is the WORST annoyance EVER! Good one!People who drive slow in the fast lane.
Cat,Omg I hear you Sneazel butt!
The bike riders will go 8 abreast around here and not let you pass. It makes me so CRAZY! (Sorry about the caps)
Something else that annoys me is housework!
Interesting. I also love cherry pie, always have, yet I don't recall anyone ever referring to me as "Mr. Shiny Face" after I've finished my desert. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, we seem to have left out that part of the story. Candidly, this selective amnesia regarding posts insults my intelligence, particularly since I've been the FIRST to try and diffuse the fallout from all of these past posts. I've done so because, as I've expressed to you, I felt that you had much to offer the community, despite the issues that have arisen from one specific type of post. Quoting my comments about "Match.com", etc, in this indignant response quite frankly offends me. Look, I don't want to lose ANY members who have positive contributions to offer our community, including you, and if you honestly feel your behavior is acceptable, and it's us that have the problem, then fine. I can live with that. However, that doesn't change the fact that others DO NOT find it acceptable. So, just like it's ultimately your decision to stay or go, it's also within your power to NOT be "misunderstood". Just dispense with the thinly veiled sexual reference posts to female members, and there's nothing to "misunderstand". And by the way, no double standard exists on this board in this regard, period. Purely due to this situation, and despite having never so much as flirted openly with a female member of this board, nor having had a single complaint logged regarding my personal conduct, I've personally chosen to refrain from ANY humor that is even remotely sexual in nature going forward, so that argument has no merit whatsoever."People who apparently actually believe someone in Dixie is really trying to manage a FTF meeting with someone in Montana. I mean, really?
And one who takes a true story regarding a love of cherry pie and turns it into something totally different. I admit part of that is my fault for past posts, but I was truly astounded to read that in My Back Hurts Truth is I buy at least 6 of them (cherry pies alone) every week eat them a la mode. Cherry, apple and peach altogether I get a dozen. I eat at least one every day. And I'm still 5' 10", 170, up from 163 since eating the pie a la mode and not going to the gym.
It makes me think of some songs from the Best of Eric Burden and the Animals album. Not Spill the Wine, as some will always think it's all I'm about, rather Don't let me be Misunderstood. Instead it seems like the best incarnation of what I feel right now is We (i.e., I) gotta get outta this place, because it seems like no matter what I do I seem to be misunderstood here.
That being said, no need to warn me or ban me, I request my account be closed and, believe it or not, I wish you guys the best. Something I'd like to say is thanks FG, you are the only one who has the respect and ability to say there is a double standard for some people here. I'll forever be indebted to you for being big and bold enough to speak the truth about that.
I hope the mods and admin will let this stay at least long enough for her to read this, then delete it along with all my other posts.
One last thing. http://imageshack.us/v_images.php. Those are ladies I know. Just friends with benefits, although only the two together are local. The other is one I met in a blue light district of Germany. I never did anything with her while she was at work except go out to dinner. She thought it was so odd, and I was such a gentleman, we began a relationship on her own time. We still talk very often, and she is now an office manager.
All of them gave me permission to share those pictures. Just thought I'd share that to show how laughable it is to think I need this place to get a one night stand with some stranger. Maybe it shows how the truth can be stranger than fiction. Draw your own conclusion, and believe it or not. At this point I'm so tired of being insulted by the one night stand, Match.com, and other suggestions I could not care less what people here believe about me.
Farewell people, nice to have met some of y'all. Except "D", who can kiss my ass.
Very well said FG...Since I am mentioned here, I want to state my peace: The post I made about "double standards" is still viewable in the "Marriage isn't what...." post, but for anyone who didn't read it, and only has the above post for reference, I feel the need to clarify:
My comment was made to make members understand that 2 members can say the exact same thing in a post, word for word, and one reader would think one was funny, the other disgusting or inappropriate. The difference being the past posts and contributions of the two posters.
We are all judged on what we post and how we post it. There isn't much more on an online forum to judge us by, yeah? Avatars are great and all, but it's our words that we are judged by. If a member continuously posts "nasty" or "distasteful" comments, human nature dictates that future posts will be judged by those past posts. There is really no way around this, if ANY member gets the reputation for distasteful or inappropriate comments, any future comment will be read with that reputation in mind, and even if the member didn't mean it THAT WAY, it's going to be taken THAT WAY.
Same thing happens if the reputation is that of being a jerk or a rally girl for a vendor or whatever!!
HT: I believe you are a very nice person, and that you have brought a great deal to this forum in your time here, and I've enjoyed reading many of your contributions. That said, I also believe that you have earned a reputation for "these" types of posts. Please don't think, or insinuate, that I enjoy reading or that I condone posts about sex, oral or otherwise; I do not! You should know that I have often skipped entire threads (regardless of the number of new posts) once I've seen comments that you posted, comments that I won't repeat here, but that Jewy mentions above. Please hear me: You have simply posted too many of them, IMO.
Perhaps you should re-read my comment in the "marriage" thread with this clarification in mind, it is a "dual edged comment" so to speak...and if it was interpreted as condoning ANY comments that are off color, it was interpreted incorrectly. It was simply the kindest way I could post it to make members - you included - understand that their reputation, unfortunately, often precedes them.
I laugh at a sexual joke or comment when it's a one off, even a two-off, but when it's the norm, I no longer laugh.
I didn't see the "pie" comments before they were removed, but I assume they were removed not only because of your words but your reputation. Whatever was said, I'm sorry if you didn't mean it "that way" ... but I hope you'll hear me here, and that you'll also take to heart Jewy's words in the above post. I hope you'll stick around and change that reputation.
Sorry for the LONG post but I didn't want to leave this without clarifying my position... given my thoughts on reputations and all...
That is a very nice thing you are forthat little girl AuBree....Funny how shit happens. I didn't know about the posts in between mine and Jewys, but I typed a long winded reply/apology and analogy that my trying to meet ftf with someone in Montana would be like Jewy traveling to the space station to do the same. In terms of finances and actual possibility of it happening to either of us is about the same. H-man told me about the posts in between that I didn't get to see, so only knowing the beginning and end hopefully you can see why I found the suggestion so ludicrous.
I appreciate the fact some of you think I have much more to offer than what I've been feeling for the last month or so. I tried to help some people, and hopefully I did in some small part. But I did say the shiny face was an inside joke, and if others had left it alone I really don't think Montana girl would have thought anything dirty was being inferred, because it wasn't.
As I said before, even when I try I seem to find a way to cross a line. All my off color ribbing is probably due to the fact that abused women find me such a deeply caring person they can feel free to talk with me about anything. A lot of it ends up being crude, but only because they feel so comfortable wiith me.
In my apology for the pictures, that no ladies replied to btw, (though recent revelations lead me to think of someone as the "crazy cat lady" from The Simpsons) I told how I picked up a nice looking young lady carrying all her belongings walking away from a BIG church that said they couldn't help. After the one night I paid for her to stay at a motel I brought her home so she could try to find a place to stay. She did, but begged me to let her stay at my house one night. She asked if I would hold and comfort her, which she then tried to use to come on to me. She asked why I wouldn't and I told her I didn't take advantage of women who were vulnerable.
One of my "friends with benefits" happen to drop by that night and they turned out to know each other from jail. The new one told my friend she had never met such a kind and caring man, my friend told her that she had never known anyone close to being as much of a friend as a gentleman who would never take advantage of a lady. I make the ladies who know me feel so comfortable that when it comes to us talking to each other anything goes.
We might watch comedies, tell crude jokes, cry in each others arms, make love, or my biggest benefit that I do ask for, we might clean house. She's in a program that has made her stay sober since April and she still likes to do all those things when she can, so I know it isn't her convincing or manipulating me in the way an addict can.
I guess the reason I'm telling all this is to explain that I don't need to meet women here. I also don't intentionally cross any lines because with the ladies that are my friends there are no lines, they know I'm just kidding and wouldn't hurt someone on purpose or take advantage of a lady in need.
Seeing that I AM hurting some people, however unintentional it may be, I'd rather not take the chance it might happen again. Instead I'd rather my last post be an offer for a group hug, let everyone know it's been a pleasure to meet them, and hope they forgive me if I did hurt their feelings or offend them. There isn't anyone in the real world who would say they knew me and didn't like me. I kind of wish I could have met a lady or two here who could vouch for me. But things are what they are, I can't change what has happened I can only say hurting anyone is the last thing I have ever tried to do. Hopefully people believe that. So it's best I bid everyone farewell so the last thing they heard from me was wishing them and those they love all the best.
BTW, for those ladies who remember, and all those who haven't been told, heres an article that tells a little about my niece and the fund raising event we've been working on a lot lately. If you guys want to see who my time is better spent with look at this link. I know y'all will all want her, but she's mine and I'm not sharing with anyone but family. Just please edit this out after 24 hours or so, to keep too many from knowing my general location. Those likely to see it in that time I think are trustworthy, but if you think I may be wrong remove it whenever you feel is appropriate. I'm sure we can all agree my time is better spent with this fund raiser that being on here anyway. http://mountaineagle.com/view/full_story/24006539/article--Glory-Days--football-tourney-set-to-benefit-AuBree-Mincey?
If someone wants to do me a favor, a nice picture of someone riding into the sunset would be cool. I've tried and couldn't get it to work no matter what I did. Close my account and I'll change my IP and lurk now and then sometime later. Sorry for the long post, thanks to those who took the time to read it all. Also apologize for any misunderstanding and wish all the best.
.Also, although the article is credited to a staff member, for the most part it was drafted by me. Search the Bleacher Reort for Legendary Alabama Players and you'll find 2 others I've written. Don't worry, they are shown as written by my nom de plume. /default_wink.png Heres the link to part two so if you are interested you don't have to search http://bleacherreport.com/articles/159949-legendary-alabama-football-players-contd