What's The Best Benzo To Help Withdraw From Opiates.

I'm don't think I know unfortunately, I'm going to have to disagree strongly about your statement opiate and tramp withdrawal lasts around seven days, maybe a bit longer of acute withdrawal syndrome benzo withdrawal lasts for up to a year of symptoms such as Anxiety, mood swings, irritability, Brain zaps (shock-like sensations), tingling, Sweating, chills, goose bumps, shivering,Tremors, Headaches, Insomnia, sleeping difficulties, nightmares, Flu-like symptoms, Nausea, loss of appetite, Depression

Hallucinations, unusual thoughts, Aggresiveness not to mention feeling like your having a heart attack most the time, seizure risk and possible death FOR UP TO A YEAR maybe a bit longer... Anyone who's been through real benzo withdrawal like that will agree, I've been through it twice, opiates and a week of pain do honestly seem like a walk in the park after benzo withdrawal... Benzos are the worst drug around hence why I constantly remind people of this, I know people who stopped main lining smck and started benzos and will all agree benzos are far worse...

In saying this your brain may have started producing GABA very quickly after stopping benzos due to low dosage or just a very, very, very rare case even in studies the quickest I've heard of someone's gaba levels returning is around 3-4 weeks after serious long term benzo use, but most are 3-12 months...

Hey Billy how does this apply to zzzzdrugs???

That's how benzos work Dave they enhance the neurotransmitter GABA when you go into benzo withdrawal withdrawal its because your brain has stopped making gaba because it was getting it from benzos.... Gaba works like the brakes on the brain and without it your brain just goes haywire which is what causes benzo withdrawal...

Sorry Dave I read your question wrong.... I'm not sure what zzzzdrugs are maybe my brains just not working yet its early in the morning lol sorry again...

You know like Z@lopiclone, Z@lpidem,and Zalepl@n.

Of course sorry, I'm not as familiar with these I know they work on the same gaba receptors as benzos but in a very different way, I've read about people suffering withdrawals but not like benzos where everyone will get it, apparently some do, some don't. Some people its off and on for years, some people it's gone in a few days if they ever get it. I do know about a lot of the other dangers using these drugs such as doctors still finding out how they work and how they change brain activity ect... I personally stay away from anything I can't understand how it works or that doctors don't know the full story yet, but each to his own. It's a bit like doctors just using SSRI's to treat everything nowadays but you ask them why they work for conditions such as OCD not one can tell you "it just does"

Thanks, good info and I agree B3nz@'s can be really dangerous if you are unaware of how they work. 

I withdrew from approx 20-30 (i dont do anything halfway, ya know) mg of ativ@n per day for about a year. I had been at that dose for about 4 months. I withdrew cold turkey. I was in the hospital. The doctors practically begged me to take a taper but i refused. The wd symptoms were UNFUCKING REAL. I had vertigo, shaking, floating, was up for maybe three-four days. The vertigo was bad. BP was up to 205/110 at one point. The stroke team was hanging out close by. I had a mild seizure and was forced to have a little ativan. It hink i got 1mg. I got 5150d and went to rehab. During rehab i was offered ativan in case i needed it but did not take one. I was serious about quitting. Considering the shape I was in when i was brought to the hospital, it was time. I was bruised from head to toe, broken ankle, all kinds of stuff. It was hard, yes, but I was determined to quit. My head is pretty damn strong. That was four years ago.

I still would take those withdrawals ANY DAY before wding from tramp. ANY day.

I'm don't think I know unfortunately, I'm going to have to disagree strongly about your statement opiate and tramp withdrawal lasts around seven days, maybe a bit longer of acute withdrawal syndrome benzo withdrawal lasts for up to a year of symptoms such as Anxiety, mood swings, irritability, Brain zaps (shock-like sensations), tingling, Sweating, chills, goose bumps, shivering,Tremors, Headaches, Insomnia, sleeping difficulties, nightmares, Flu-like symptoms, Nausea, loss of appetite, Depression

Hallucinations, unusual thoughts, Aggresiveness not to mention feeling like your having a heart attack most the time, seizure risk and possible death FOR UP TO A YEAR maybe a bit longer... Anyone who's been through real benzo withdrawal like that will agree, I've been through it twice, opiates and a week of pain do honestly seem like a walk in the park after benzo withdrawal... Benzos are the worst drug around hence why I constantly remind people of this, I know people who stopped main lining smck and started benzos and will all agree benzos are far worse...
Wow you got the zaps from benzo WDs? Thats weird. Awful sorry you had to go through that. I never had those from bz wd. That is usually an ssri thing. Zaps are seratonin related. Huh.

Like i said for me, tramp wds are much worse. Those last much longer, the zaps are outta control, twitching, nausea, vomiting, MAJOR depression and hopelessness, anger, tremors and SEVERE muscle pain. For months. They suck much much worse for me.

Again sorry you had to go through all that.

Been a long time Benzo user, just because. Got in the habit, as like brushing my teeth, to take 3 or 4 of them per day. Sometimes, I don't even need one, but the instinctive habit of popping them like candy over the past 20 years has sadly turned into an addiction.

Tried tapering, the Ashton Method, slowly switching over to Valium, but to no avail.

How about Clonidine? It's widely used for opiate addiction and the withdrawal, but the amount of info I've seemed to gather doesn't really say "Yes" or "No" to kicking a a benzo addiction.

Feedback greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

The best home detox I find is Diazepam 10mg 4xdaily for 10-15 days and on the last 4 days reduce it by way of missing dinner dose then evening dode then morning dosr and always leave evening dose till last. The best sleeper Nitrazepam it may not feel like either med is doing anything when you are peaking which is between day 3 and day 5 after that your on home straight. As been mentioned loperamide for toilet trobles is a god send but be careful as it is an opiate that does not cross blood brain barrier but can make you feel bad as it hits opiate receptors in your gut, as we have opiate receptors all over the body, and clonidine or lofexadine is excellent for lowering blood pressure and both cause drowsiness so that helps as well.

The most important thing is even using the meds you are still gonna be rough and plenty of hot baths a big pile of DVDs for sleepless nights and most of all stick to the correct dose of all meds as when in full blown withdrawal nothing will take it away just ease it so you may be tempted to take more but I find if you do you just feel worse the idea of the meds is to help you feel better quicker and alleviate the symptoms to bearable levels witout crawling the walls.

Any one doing this just remember it is temporary and life at the other side is better and you got nothing to lose in giving it a try!!!!.

Well my 2 cents is to ask your primary for help if you have a good relationship.

Otherwise I know everyone says the longer the half life the better but I would go with Serax which has a very short half life. Break the pills into pieces and take them when you can't take the WD's anymore. Try to set up a tapering schedule.

 Phenobarbital is really a non-benzo but that has a really long half life.

Tapering is the best way of course but the hardest to maintain.

Good luck and try to keep in contact with people, That should put your mind at ease a bit.

Please don't turn to bennies for ope withdrawals. I've been addicted for 6 years now after doing the same thing and they're the hardest thing on earth to get off. I'm finally down to a low dose of diaze but still finding it hard to get off completely. Just tough it out on the ope withdrawls, by all means take something for stomach issues and cramps but not bennies. It'll be horrible and painful but after a week you'll be good. Take time off work if you can - call in sick, whatever, just don't get addicted to benz. It really doesn't take long to hook you and it is a prison sentence.

This thread is full of great advice. I have been on and off pain meds my entire adult life. Oct sees were probably the worst, the good old ones. But I have quit Hydreaux many times. Just recently did a forced taper after suddenly losing my doc. Took some codeen and Diaz on the way down and it helped a lot. Unfortunately the pain I was taking it for came back. I was really starting to wonder if I even needed them or was just dependant. Well, I still decided to gut it out and at least reduce my tolerance. Only 1 week off and I had to have emergency oral surgery. So of course I am prescribed what I just spent 3 weeks getting off of!

Just wasn't meant to be right now but that's life sometimes.

And I did watch lots of dvds.

Also, suboxone can be a godsend, at least it has been for me. Best way to do it is with a good dr., but you can read up on it and do it yourself if need be. You don't want to trade one for another, but you can use it for a month by starting small, building up then tapering down. I have a pretty serious medical issue that unfortunately puts me in the hospital for weeks at times. When I get home and pain gets a bit more manageable, I trade the dilaudid dor suboxone. It takes away the bulk of withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings. It's no magic pill, however, and some people have trouble with it. Luckily, I never did and it's really helped me. Docs have actually started using it for chronic pain patients.

Also, suboxone can be a godsend, at least it has been for me. Best way to do it is with a good dr., but you can read up on it and do it yourself if need be. You don't want to trade one for another, but you can use it for a month by starting small, building up then tapering down. I have a pretty serious medical issue that unfortunately puts me in the hospital for weeks at times. When I get home and pain gets a bit more manageable, I trade the dilaudid dor suboxone. It takes away the bulk of withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings. It's no magic pill, however, and some people have trouble with it. Luckily, I never did and it's really helped me. Docs have actually started using it for chronic pain patients.
Yes, I am currently on the 12mg suboxone strips to help me avoid falling back into a horrendous H habit. My Doc also gives me Klons to help with anxiety and to sleep at night. However, Im thinking about asking him if he'll switch me over to V@lium because the K-pins seem to be loosing their effect but with Dr.s these days its ALL such a touchy subject and I dont want him to say no and also take away my K-pens. V's just have a much longer half life and I feel that switching your benzos up every once in awhile helps keep tollerance down. Does anyone else agree?
I personally switched from H to suboxone at 30ml of methadone.The switch was a bit unpleasant but not terrible I had to take 2days off work for the switch (im glad I did!).I personally think my cpn (drugworker) had me on them too long 2yrs),I tapered down to 2mg from 8mg then jumped off.I was given a week of diaz 10mg three times daily so 30mg,mebeverien for stomach aches/cramps and 7.5mg zopiclone at night for sleep.It still was a little unpleasant but manageable.Most stupidly I dabbled with the H once more to learn that once you eventually break free from the unpleasant H addiction you really never should go near it again.

Lesson WELL and TRULY learned!!!!

Recognizing this is an old thread but my experience is taper the op as much as I could, then start up with 4-8 gms Kratom every 6 hrs to help some (Kratom is a non opi but binds to the delta and mu opiod receceptors and can be habit forming over time) and after a few days of misery, start di@z3p@m at night when the crazy RLS kicks in. It's the best for RLS and will help u get some sleep. Hopefully you will be over the wd in a short enough time that u won't have to worry about building up a habit to the V@Iium or the Kratom. You should taper the Kratom along the way also. Have lots of loperamide around too, take 10-20 mg at a time. It's a mild opi too but doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier. Helps with the diarrhea too.

This is my experience only, I am not a doctor, but have used this formula several times. You may want to seek medical advice depending on how bad your habit is.

Pregabalin works for Ope withdrawall, in my experience, and is easy to come off too

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!