Is it dangerous to take DHC and Diazepam together?
How much vals were you taking?Jesus
I no my addiction is out of control now by reading this ..i always have known but at my worst i was taking 1500mg a day ..Maybe more , and then on top of that my vals .Pretty shocking after reading about 400mg etc ..Im prescribed 420mg per day .Hopefully now with taking therapeutic doses it has not mucked my liver up to much as i have a dvla medical soon ..
Even if you think it's not it's always doing something. It's only relevant when the incoherence kicks in to level 10. That's when I take a step back for a few weeks. I've been lucky enough to stick to small does of benz before bed. Once in a while the old after work before dinner dose.Can't believe I wrote the above and now have a blinking benzo dependence. Word of warning. Even if you think it's doing nothing it's changing your brain chemistry to almost irretrievable levels.
Benzos are the devil!
Still love my trams though.
Never underestimate a benzo .I thought the same , my mate would take 10x10mg and be falling all over the place ..And id be on 50x10mg by this time and totally fine , i never nodded on them .And im not trying to glorify the amounts but benzo tollerence has no limit ..IMO you could easily keep building it ..I wont mention the most id taken in-case people get the idea that there amounts are safe ..I may have just got lucky ,but what did make me find forums like this was by googling my benzo toleranceCan't believe I wrote the above and now have a blinking benzo dependence. Word of warning. Even if you think it's doing nothing it's changing your brain chemistry to almost irretrievable levels.
Benzos are the devil!
Still love my trams though.
How much vals were you taking?
At my worst I'm on 1200 of trams, 12mg of xan and 100mg+ of vals. That is on days I almost (just a tiny bit of me) wants to do something very silly. A usual day is 600 mg trams (still dangerous) and 80mg of Diaz. No xan unless I am really low. Intend to taper off trams down to 300 (although I enjoy them I do have chronic pain) and stamp out benzos. Will be a long road.