Can we talk about TTM & Shipping issues?

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Mar 3, 2016
*mods - trying to drive the convo here and out of the other thread*

Current situation:

In Feb 18 - Feb 23 packages were seized and LL's were sent out.   The amount of seizures is debatable. TT has their own forum where members post these things and that's where most of this info is located.

The start of March a few EARLY Feb packages arrived suddenly for 4 days straight and then - nothing.

March 8th, 1 order was received in the US and stated to have been opened but "taped shut again with everything still there.".

At this time, TT has not formally addressed if there is a strike or issues with SAPO (their post office).  We all with orders have been told that it's "out of their hands".  Which, it tech is - if it was mailed. 

If you have insurance on a package you have either gotten an LL for or it's been 3 or 4 weeks; per their insurance policy (found on their front page of the website) 

you can file a reship.  As I understand it:

If it's lost or stolen in transit, there has to be a bulk of people with the same situation or else you are sol.

You must pay to reship it but they will cover the vitamins.  there is no insurance on reships.  If your reship doesn't reach you, game over. 

At this time they are still taking orders and nothing is coming to the UK or anywhere for that matter (not even LL)

Make sure you email them if you have an outstanding order in the manner they request, they are strict.  Also, if this thread stays up I believe it's okay to discuss the situation but on the other thread the mods just want what they are begging us to do: just follow the rules ;)

I copied from their website their insurance policy.  You can read this without logging in.  Personally I have a March 1st order missing and would like to speak to anyone who has had a successful reship or a March order out.


Insurance Terms & Conditions
[SIZE=8.5pt]The way that random customs stops, inspections and seizures work, result in us losing an entire day's mailing and not just one or two orders out of that mailing. We do not require a copy of the seizure notice you receive, as dishonest people have no difficulty in producing these themselves. As soon as we receive notification from several customers that they have received a seizure notification, the entire shipment is declared customs seized and the insurer will provide us with funds to cover the cost of a re-shipment.[/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Claiming a lost or stolen in transit shipments is worked on trust and therefore open to abuse by unscrupulous people. The Insurers make use of very sophisticated monitoring software to identify fraudulent claims and will not hesitate to exclude anyone found to be abusing or trying to take advantage of the system. An order is declared lost or stolen in transit if not received at the 4 week in transit mark.[/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]We ask that you give us a heads-up notification at the 3 week in transit mark if your order hasn’t been received, and then again at the 4 week mark if it remains undelivered, the insurer will then provide us with funds to cover the cost of a re-shipment."[/SIZE]

I have a Feb 23 and Mar 10 orders that haven't arrived. 

Like the mods said in the ttm forum, they only want posts about sent-received and quality of goods reviews, so I think this thread is a good idea.

I JUST noticed you have to pay for reshipment aka resending fees EVEN WITH bulk LL'S! I thought it was for lost or stolen but everyone has to pay shipment cost. The insurance statement is stern; as in "Don't try me", but it comes off as though - those of us without our packages are arseholes for bothering them and suspect for asking for reship.  If they are already putting that out there before you join their site (which isn't welcoming and if I had really took those words in, no orders would be placed).  It comes off like it's a burden - or is it just me with my feelings hurt?

Again I worded a lot wrong, I apologize: There is no insurance you can purchase on items reshipped.  So if it doesn't make it to you, you are out of money and more funds for reship costs.

I'm NOT trying to start a war here or stir the pot, but this has to be discussed openly because people are still placing orders and then they see this and it sets in "Shit! I've been possibly had!".

In the past they have informed their forum of strikes / seizures etc - they now erase and refuse answers.  That screams NO ERROR ON SAPO or CUSTOMS! 

For what we pay out and trust, and have to find backup - it costs 20x's what info and a "please wait to order" would save.  We aren't millionaires with healthy bodies, this strain adds to the suffering.  We already mistrust Dr's, shipping, our instincts (sometimes) - we don't need another worry and loss.

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They deleted ALL my questions about a strike and reshipment payments in the last 2 hours

i made a pretty big order with ttm at the beginning of march, still no package. Only had one issue before (when they had a strike) but never had to wait more than 14 days... this sucks :(

i made a pretty big order with ttm at the beginning of march, still no package. Only had one issue before (when they had a strike) but never had to wait more than 14 days... this sucks :(
There's something happening at a post office or offices in SA - I think some are funded and others understaffed.  However! TT should say this and all of us would go, "Oh! so it'll probably arrive at some point.".  Because reshipping (which I'm due to start next week) would be another money waste if NOTHING is able to dependably leave.  And things go to customs in batches, don't they? So why did 1 order arrive to the us and no others? It's like a pick n' choose.  I feel there's more to the story and they havent used the PO issue (yet), because that isn't their actual issue

Just an update (I'm working today so I won't be on here all day hahah as usual) -

I received a strange email (direct to my EMAIL not inbox) from someone I don't know, about a person I consider a friend.  

This person  * friend * also has the same outstanding date as myself.  While it's taboo to invite someone to another board, I did so anyway - privately.  I advised her how to go about donations and other things and the sections to read to get herself out of being ill.  Again, private.  We then did this through our private email.

Tell me how it is that someone I never spoke to on there, suddenly had my signup email on TT and emailed asking if the person I was talking to (the friend), was essentially selling? Or if they tried to with me? 

THEY DIDN'T DO THAT!  And if my friend has ONLY used TT, how the hell would she be a vender - unless she had a stockpile and if that's the case, why worry about missing shipments? 

I responded but probably shouldn't had to the unknown.  I said little except basically "uh no - we have same mailed / missing dates and talk about what isn't talked about (paraphrasing)".  They introduced their username in the followup  "thank you" email. They were very nice but it leaves me with more questions than answers and it is dragging a good persons name through the mud (or trying to get dirt on her).

Out of curiosity, I logged into their forum (TT) and ALL admin were online and so was this user -and just myself.  My speculation is that they are reading pm's. Hell, it's not speculation at this point.

I have to go through a huge process to send pm's to ANYONE there - because TT has had my inbox blocked to users and vice versa.  There is a way around that but how did this person get in a real email to me and not mention the PM or trying to send a PM? 

BE CAREFUL. I will happily share this with mods in private or forward the email to them. I am not the paranoid type, I'm the "one my toes.", type..


I am on only two forums .  All around the same start date as here *due to missing order and no answers from TT*.  If there is a Saint Alien, and it's me - it should have the same image I use. If someone is being weird, just ask me privately on here if I'm on that board/ email, so it's not read by them in a public thread.

  It also could be someone that just has the same name and it's nothing bad at all -- which I think is the case.  Please do not confuse us, that's all I ask.   I just get too many weird "omg happy to see you here too! and "I just spoke to you on iop forum" - THAT IS NOT ME.

And lastly, English is a secondary language for me in writing, so please take it easy on my mistakes.  I will clarify when pointed out or if I catch them, like now :)

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This was just posted in the TTM home thread here

"We have just become aware that orders mailed between 22/Feb & 29/Feb  went missing on our end and as this is totally out of the ordinary and  not part of the risk you should have to bear, we will be reshipping  all of these orders as soon as possible. With Friday 25th and Monday  28th being public holidays, we will start reshipping next week and  will notify you as soon as your reship is in the mail. If you took the  insurance option on your original order, the insurance will still  apply to the reship we are doing on all orders mailed between 22nd and  29th Feb."Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience"

via an email the poster @dmax  

I do hope he's okay with me quoting this here and will join in on the convo

*< @dmax if you'd like me to remove this I will.  I began this thread so we can talk about everything TT related and there are those that may need to see this too

We are still awaiting info regarding March

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You guys do know that they will be having shipping problems for quite awhile just because of where they ship from--the other site as well.

Not the fault of the vendor, just shipping will be delayed...for a long time.

The issue with the vender: 

They will not publicly announce (as they did with the strike etc) that something is wrong - they are ignoring it

If they did then we can all decide each what we want to do (reship or wait) - since we don't know from them - we are in limbo


It's a mess but it's obvious if you read sapo's facebook comments - so why wont TT say something?

What day? I'm March 1st. Same issue.  

Now I want to know the thoughts on the one package that arrived from there in 11 days to SE US  on March 13th / ordered March 8th

They will reship the Feb orders but notice that March is left out at almost 1 month? Does the LONE package that arrived screw our reships up for lost?

A lil' digging and found a facebook more recent  please read

dot7ser said:
Hi SA, what do you think/belive is their actual issue, if not the post office? I just like to know what is going on.
I want to know what's going on too!  I think there's a combo of things

TT won't just come out and state what they know (they live there)

They have so in the past but this time it's different

The mods have read some private things and understand why I do think it's a combo

I so badly want to tell you everything I've been sent privately - but I cannot and its because I only had permission to share with mods of this board.  I will just toss this out:

If let's say I am going to reship LL's from Feb via certain dates (there were LL's in early feb too) but cut off the day before March 1st - March were a LOT of large orders and I'm an order.  We aren't addressed (most if not all have insurance and are covered for reshipment) but suddenly March 13th an order arrives,11 days post order!  And to the US!! But people in that exact area with the exact order dates DID NOT RECEIVE. Mail goes in bundles, so why didn't it make it?

It could be LL 

It could be that TT will say "Early March order was received and won't be included with free reship, you'll need to pay the shipping cost not vit cost".  Or we aren't believed because this person who ONLY seems to post and order/ receive when the strike happened and all the LL's over the years - is fine.

If this was a normal us business, would you charge back by now after a month? More so after bad customer service, which myself and others have emails to prove. *that's the fire under my ass; bad customer service - with MY MONEY and not just a lil'.  They don't treat it as though they should - even if it's bullshit care "I know you work hard and this is substantial to you, we are doing our best to rectify the problem or find the root of the situation.". No, I get a really rude email that "well it's YOUR ISSUE - it's out of our hands".  You do not treat customers this way.

I don't know whether TT was sold off to younger people, they are pissed at the ratio of inboxes and questions of "what's happening over there?" or it's turned bad - but a REAL honest answer would be great.  So far they delete in the AM any actual question other than those blaming JUST sapo and a strike.


(I'm not being pissy with you - I am just exhausted from repeating).  I have linked info, provided info direct from their Gov and it's understaffed with low wages from bad politics. 

TT's fault is in honesty.  When you ignore my MONEY - you are stealing

Hi hon.  I gotta make a list so some of what I say makes sense (english speaker but born in a household where another language was taught / written first for me).  thank g-d for editors that help me.

1.  I am not doing a charge back, if it were something via ebay? Yes.

2.  Their emails I did not publish publicly - so I'm guessing you're referring to "it's out of their hands".

3.  My emails were longer and literally everything (right down to a bounced tech support) email was MY fault. 

*likely it was their website or email inbox hitting capacity* I had no issues elsewhere  Not a big deal at all but it adds to a larger picture of nothing being their issue*

4. I followed their instructions at the 3 week mark as lost/stolen (I HAVE INSURANCE) 

* I was told thank you and it was noted"

5. I only emailed them post order 4 times and it had to do with the order and business Its more like 2 emails, but if someone says thank-you / I respond with you're welcome.

6. Only ONE email was a bickering between a mod and myself, and that was me asking for them to explain what was happening.  It was met with "it's out of our hands once it's mailed".

(I may tattoo this phrase lol).

I have received emails from others who shared with me with the explicit instructions to share with the mods HERE via pm - that TTM is accepting monies and orders with these issues going one. 

This is my issue and many, if not hundred others issues.  Aside from that lone March order, no mail is even going within their city! TT should allow orders or sign-ups but state they'll get a warning email 24 hours prior to charging the card and processing/mailing - since there is a mail shortage of workers and income in their city - but they value us, our needs and our financial situation. 

There's so many great ways to handle this from a marking standpoint, to save their business and income - so why aren't they covering their bases? Surely after the strike, they had to have sad down for a "board meeting" lol and came up with how to handle shit hitting the fan again.

If product and property is missing with no one that's in the higher up talking about it,  I am told to order again (knowing nothing is going out except shipment fees and insurance in THEIR pockets)  - how is that not on the edge of stealing? I''l gladly eat crow if my items get here on Monday or during the time I wait for a reship.  I will however stand by everything else I've said.

Hi guys,

Glad to read this, as I placed an order that was mailed Fed 27th and it has not arrived yet and I was getting worried. Hope it arrived even if its late.

I think it also goes without saying, this isn't like going to a store, or as SaintAlien suggested, ebay and buying what you like with no risk. Caveat emptor applies here as with any vendor. As much as we do protect members here from scams/vendors of dubious reputation as much as possible. Lack of info has been the irritance up until recently. But the email that people have been sent gives me a bit of faith that ttm will try and make good on this, I've never seen such an admission by them. As I've said in the main thread, I very much hope to see positive reviews sooner rather than later. I don't think they would like to lose their substantial client base.

You are NOT understanding this email fiasco - so let's let it go because I will not explain it. My email response was and IS NO ISSUE- Please - you are wrong in your assumptions on what it's about or even who it was to and its going to make IT ALL worse if this continues on. okay?

I think the Feb issues being handled are great  - I do hope there's an alternative way to bypass the sapo craziness or nothing still will arrive. I know they don't want tracking but being greedy, I want my things lol so I want a different courier

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shipped 0/2 recieved???????????????

Only time I have used these guys was when timing was crucial, they are rude, they are expensive, and up until now they were reliable and great packaging (no doubt postal problems). They are off the map for me!!!!

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for