Can we talk about TTM & Shipping issues?

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We might be careful what we post. It is a bad situation, and it appears not to be the fault of TTM.  They look like they are at least going to try to correct a bad situation.  Perhaps we should let it wait and plays out before we assume the worst, get frustrated and make things worse by posting.  That is the way I see it and I apologize if I said something out of line

We might be careful what we post. It is a bad situation, and it appears not to be the fault of TTM.  They look like they are at least going to try to correct a bad situation.  Perhaps we should let it wait and plays out before we assume the worst, get frustrated and make things worse by posting.  That is the way I see it and I apologize if I said something out of line
  I have a daughter!  Is she going to be accused of "being on the rag" everytime she complains about questionable service?  This is a political discussion.  Admin, feel free to delete or move.

I am sorry Polygragh  We all know nothing good has come out of this.  I think it is ok to post the situation to let others know, of course.  to warn others of problems.  I have seen some harassment that were uncalled for as well.  I don't think this is an intentional scam.  I think eventually this will all get worked out. Hopefully. 

It's nice to be able to read all the different posts. Especially when you can NOT even get a response. Now not sure why I can't get logged into & was able to before ? Have tried to get a response about the possibility the password is not working , then you try to reset & it says it doesn't recognize your e mail ! Sent message again to them , maybe hear something back Monday.since not having a problem with them before,then recommending them to My friend & we both put funds in to just have one order. So order out March 3- said mailed March 4 still is waiting also for any reply !! Keeping fingers & toes crossed for any info from them & no L L. Since I had seen a post they were to be looking into re shipping for also days in March. Hope this was ok to post ! It's all been so frustrating for everyone !! So who knows what reply if any I or I should say we might get. Thanks for posting here as now we feel left in the dark. My best to all.what a MASSIVE MESS. If you can't get even a reply... Now trying Moving on 

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I am effing fuming mad and I need to vent about it.  Another "forum" is suggesting that anybody complaining about the TTM situation needs "Midol and Butterfingers".  Did Trump make misogyny cool again?  I am sick of everything and everyone.  *end rant*
I had this taken down and the admin brought it back

bitch away

We might be careful what we post. It is a bad situation, and it appears not to be the fault of TTM.  They look like they are at least going to try to correct a bad situation.  Perhaps we should let it wait and plays out before we assume the worst, get frustrated and make things worse by posting.  That is the way I see it and I apologize if I said something out of line
Admin brought this thread back after I disclosed that a person from there told them about me and I worried about my reship

They banned me / called me a liar etc

Admin not mod - brought this back it's safe 

I have reopened this tread because what TTM said especially this

There is no strike on the go. The US government works hard at preventing you from getting the meds you need from offshore, sometimes reaching out to other countries to assist them, and the less said about this on any forum the better, including this one.

Is in my opinion pure

View attachment 1207

" There is no strike on the go. The US government works hard at preventing you from getting the meds you need from offshore, sometimes reaching out to other countries to assist them, and the less said about this on any forum the better, including this one. "

Er, great.  How do they explain all the missing orders for all the other countries in the world APART from the US?   Or is it every country in the worlds government stopping them as well?


My reship from the 9th March of course never made it, lol. Now apparently orders up to the 15th are being reshipped. Its whatever.

I did get a LL last week from a different company (?), same country, order was mailed out on the 27th Feb. and interdicted on the 6th of March. This place has supposedly sent me a 50% reship April 8. Lolllllll. I cant keep track of all these dates, LL's, reships, reships of reships etc, especially since its all just a bunch of bullshit. :)

They have said several things - but the most recent and likely honest is that it's their fault.  Everyone seems to be receiving reship dates either before, on or after my reship - here in the US so ....... I'm waiting.  It should be today or tomorrow.  Otherwise I don't think it was mailed

just got my Feb order in.  I think these guys are trying hard to fix things that are probably out of their control. :)

I placed a large order from 'the other vendor' down there just before the shipping situation started. Ordered on 2/19. Received 1 of 2 packs on 3/10. Given up hope on the second one, it probably made some post worker's day.

Could you guys post in the main thread where we track this? Also if you're US (area) or UK 

I sincerely hope everyone gets their orders or sadly an LL - so you at least know it was mailed. No one wants an LL but no one wants to be ripped off either.  If you get an LL, like I said "at least you know they kept their word".  LL's aren't in their control so that's not something to ever hold against a vender unless they are totally fn'g sloppy and I didn't see that with their packages

Now things to keep in mind:

How a lot of us were treated

How it was handled (they hid it and it's not our business why - but don't accept orders during a time your business can't fill them):

The ethics we had seen 

People get their goods and get amnesia - let this be a lesson or testament to their customer treatment.  

I hope you all get your orders. ☺

I use a variety of vendors now,  as I expect many of you have been doing.

I second that I hope everyone does recieved their orders. As far as I'm concerned I've washed my hands of them. I've not even recieved the two "re-ships" I don't expect to and I'll be recouping my money and placing an order with a more accurate vendor or two.

It sucks learning the hard way but a lesson learned indeed. And I hope those going forward tread with caution and not forget exactly how disappointing this episode has been and not to put all their eggs in one very shady basket. This is all I'll say on the matter and the last time I speak of them. They don't deserve the publicity if truth be told.

Let the positivey and the good times roll again! 

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The TTM site is closed so I'm not able to post there. I was one of the members that fell into the February/March issues. I did not pay for insurance but I did receive my reshipment on 4/9. My original request was to split my two orders, so I received the first one and yet to receive the second. Excellent 2 mg zannies.

The TTM site is closed so I'm not able to post there. I was one of the members that fell into the February/March issues. I did not pay for insurance but I did receive my reshipment on 4/9. My original request was to split my two orders, so I received the first one and yet to receive the second. Excellent 2 mg zannies.
There's no need to post TTM reviews now Kiki, but I'm pleased you finally got your reship.

Sorry PTFC! I know that they closed the TTM forum but I didn't realize we were no longer discussing them on DBG. As always, thanks for the heads up.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: deleted
  2. Robotanical @ Robotanical: That's a good rule to follow. Offline password manager, too.
  3. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  4. P @ psychedpsych: @xenxra oh ya someone is targeting me and it’s caused hell between me, my mom, and family. I got the message universe I’m, in the safest and healthiest way, distancing myself from places that people like that are more prevalent. 🫣😥 Worst part is I have had some things in my logs and such that after awhile I have a damn good idea where it’s coming from. I just want it to stop, like mentally I’m stressed to a scary point(other life bs too).
  5. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  6. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  8. J @ jsntwg:
  9. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  10. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  11. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so
  12. M @ Mammasboi123: Be careful out there fam! The idiots with the email address are sending out mass phishing emails again. If you get an email from them, just delete it and move along 🫡
  13. G @ GABAtastic: @knofflebon lmfao 🤣 @rockychoc good one lol
  14. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc I legit was thinking "Whoa, whatever it is I need to subscribe!" before I realized it was a freaking pun.
  15. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc 🤣
  16. Y @ Yaugae5121: lol seriously mammasboi! Ive been 5/5 finding vendors on here and have had nothing but positive experiences myself. Follow their advice nfrench!
  17. M @ Mammasboi123: @nfrenched92 you must be looking in the wrong places my friend. If I have any suggestion, it would be to ALWAYS check the first page of a vendor’s thread, and then check the last 5-6 most recent pages of their thread as well to get a sense of what’s been happening recently. If a vendor has multiple negative reviews that have not been addressed, I would probably look elsewhere unless it’s $$ I can afford to lose
  18. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It's impossible to put down!
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I’m currently reading a book about anti-gravity
  20. Gleezy @ Gleezy: Happy new years DBG fam! Finally the holidays are over phew! Time to get back to our regular scheduled program 🤣