The Attraction of Xanax


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Feb 8, 2015
X@n@x is incredibly popular and "barz" flies around like casino advertising. Whenever I take them I just pass out, whether 1 me or 2azing feeling.  I don't.get a euphoric feeling or anything amazing. It's a pity but I won't lose sleep over it, lol.

It must work differently for other people. I prefer the older hypnotic staples personally. That said, I like clonaz and bromaz - currently working through a bag of lexilium. ?

What are other people's experience with the Infamous 'X@n@x?'

I found a very quick feeling of tiredness and anxiety release for a few days, after that, not much though I still got the anxiety relief. Tolerance builds fast with it for sure, and I found that out to my detriment, with a Di@z taper schedule implemented a few months later, which I'm now near the end of. 

I will like this later. ?

I guess there is some anxiety relief, but usually too zonked out to notice. 

Tapers are hard. Done a couple. Sensible though. Apparently, Diaz is best for tapers,  but I think you already know that. ?

Good luck. xx

Oh and forgive the typos in the first post.

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I don't experience any kind of euphoria from Xan. I just get drowsy and experience a few hours of relief for M the constant anxiety I experience.  I don't take them everyday.  They make me hungry.

I'm not a fan, although I've only used prescribed doses, but a standard dose of loraz or diaz gives me a happy feeling. Considering that the dependence potential is high I generally leave it alone. There are still a couple that were prescribed for our dog sitting in the medicine cabinet. 

Seriously, dog Xanax? I've never heard of that before.  I don't suppose vets would prescribe that in the UK, given the medical profession's ludicrous aversion to any kind of benzodiazepine and to Xanax and Flunitrazepam in particular.  Having said all that, Xanax doesn't really work on me anymore.  It used to zap my panic almost immediately but now it just makes me drowsy, even though I don't think I've overused them.  I'm going to have to leave them alone for a while so that they work as they should.

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I've actually only ever taken it once, and that was 1mg (I think it was 'Tr@n@x - an Indian brand. Worst brand name ever, me thinks). It was very enjoyable, I thought. Full anxiety relief, with a vague, dreamy feeling of mood lift that was tickling the idea of euphoria.

One reason I don't take them regularly is that Et!zolam is just so much easier to obtain, so that tends to be my go to for fast acting, short lasting bennies. Also, my usual once a week routine is N1tr@z, quite honestly, no other bennie I've taken comes close to that.

I have to be quite disciplined with bennies, and, for me, there's more appeal in taking ones that lasts longer... I can't re-dose and re-dose, so the longer acting ones usualy win me over.

But if et!z didn't exist, I'm sure I'd have it more often.

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Harry was the 1st dog I ever saw who had panic attacks. He'd actually start hyperventilating in some situations--like going to the vet--the vet saw him and wrote a script.

Poor Harry! That's how I used to act at the dentists office. They started prescribing me Valium so I could show up for my appointments.

I don't have a lot of anxiety on a regular basis, but if I am feeling more stress than usual, 1mg of Xanax at bedtime seems to be quite calming and I can fall asleep vs laying there with racing thoughts. Very handy to keep on hand and good for help with sleeping when having pk withdrawals. Oh, and when I'm visiting the inlaws!

X@n@x is incredibly popular and "barz" flies around like casino advertising. Whenever I take them I just pass out, whether 1 me or 2azing feeling.  I don't.get a euphoric feeling or anything amazing. It's a pity but I won't lose sleep over it, lol.

It must work differently for other people. I prefer the older hypnotic staples personally. That said, I like clonaz and bromaz - currently working through a bag of lexilium. ?

What are other people's experience with the Infamous 'X@n@x?'
Interesting that you brought this subject up and nobody else has...apparently.

I've been on Xan for over ten years and I can give you some advice on the medication overall including what you're trying to achieve even though I'm against such things, I made a vow to help others even if I disagree with the purpose behind it.

These come in 0.5, 1, 2, and 5mg's, rarely higher. I'm assuming you're talking about the 2's which are above average of what the average consumer takes for anxiety treatment. You won't get an euphoric feeling from Xan, I can tell you that much. It's a strong tranq that's used as a fast acting drug to calm the nerve system to reduce panic. The reason you feel sleepy is due to the fact it's potency is much higher than most benz out there.

You'd get more of a feeling from the smaller ones like Val which generally provides a euphoric feeling after 30-45 minutes (roughly) after taking the medication (10-20mg for the average consumer which is the dosage for high-grade panic disorders). The rule of thumb is if you start to get drowsy, you took too much. If you don't feel anything at all that's actually the right dosage for you seeing that's what people with anxiety disorders want apposed from getting any further feelings from it.

However, everybody reacts to medications differently and benz might not be right for you for this particular objective you're aiming for seeing benz changes your brains GABAA receptors - read: for more details about how this class of medication effects the way your brain works while you're on it. So be careful, do your research and be aware of what it's doing to your body besides giving you an euphoric feeling.

KP does the trick for most, same with Val. So long story short Val or KP will be your best bet from personal experience (10+ years). 

Please be safe with these medications, a simple withdrawal can send you to the hospital in a blink of an eye. Just please make sure you do your research on all the drugs you're consuming even if it's prescribed by a doctor so you know what to expect.



We have a rescue dog and the vet prescribed him 1 mg x@n@x years ago and it didn't phase him. He is only 40 pounds! He ate through 3 metal crates (the ppl in the pet store didn't believe us) so I finally started to take him running with me. Eventually I got him up 6 miles and that cured his anxiety. When he was younger, he even kept up with me for a 14 mile run! Have had anxiety issues for years myself and it took a rescue dog with anxiety problems to find the perfect cure - endurance running for both us. Been taking x's for years but I prefer diaz unless I am having a panic attack or I am injured and cannot exercise. Dont really associate euphoria with it though.

Still cannot believe my dog wasn't phased by 1mg that the vet prescribed....someone really did a number on him! 

We have a rescue dog and the vet prescribed him 1 mg x@n@x years ago and it didn't phase him. He is only 40 pounds! He ate through 3 metal crates (the ppl in the pet store didn't believe us) so I finally started to take him running with me. Eventually I got him up 6 miles and that cured his anxiety. When he was younger, he even kept up with me for a 14 mile run! Have had anxiety issues for years myself and it took a rescue dog with anxiety problems to find the perfect cure - endurance running for both us. Been taking x's for years but I prefer diaz unless I am having a panic attack or I am injured and cannot exercise. Dont really associate euphoria with it though.

Still cannot believe my dog wasn't phased by 1mg that the vet prescribed....someone really did a number on him! 
That's unbelievable! 1MG would knock anything over 80-100 pounds out with a zero tolerance. I can see why people didn't believe you at the pet store, that's absolutely crazy. I assume just like humans some dogs or various other animals can react different ways to medications. I haven't really looked into animal consumption at all so I wouldn't know but still, WOW.

Just a question out of curiosity, were any research chemicals used on the dog previously? There's a handful of RC's that have benz substances in them which could build up a tolerance to the medication. Also, was the dog on any other medication besides that? It might explain why, but still I can't say this enough but WOW. 

I know, the vet was astonished and I am 4x his size and 1mg does the trick! We went through three types of medication and finally settled on proz@c which seemed to work the best. It has been over 7 years and he still has anxiety issues especially when I injure myself and cannot run him (his anxiety occurs when he is left alone). He doesnt run as much as he used to but can still run a 20 minute 5k when the weather is cool! He will always be my coach :). Never would have started to run marathons (and quit booze) if my wife and i didnt adopt him years ago.

@Vll Thanks for your input. I don't take benzos strictly for "euphoria". I have continual daily panic attacks and Borderline Personality Disorder. I can also go a a day  or two without taking more than a couple. 

I too have 12 years of experience with benzos and numerous drugs, prescribed medications etc. Personally, I think a good psychotherapist can help greatly. Of course, it doesn't suit everyone, but an old friend of mine had a huge amount of baggage, and it helped her massively. 

I have tapered several times and would never go too far down the benzo bar road. I was just curious as to why this particular drug is so popular, as I don't find it enjoyable myself. I didn't mean "Woo! Let's all stuff Xanax down our throats."

I'm planning a taper soon, as I have uni to sort out.

EN x

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@Vll Thanks for your input. I don't take benzos strictly for "euphoria". I have continual daily panic attacks and Borderline Personality Disorder. I can also go a a day  or two without taking more than a couple. 

I too have 12 years of experience with benzos and numerous drugs, prescribed medications etc. Personally, I think a good psychotherapist can help greatly. Of course, it doesn't suit everyone, but an old friend of mine had a huge amount of baggage, and it helped her massively. 

I have tapered several times and would never go too far down the benzo bar road. I was just curious as to why this particular drug is so popular, as I don't find it enjoyable myself. I didn't mean "Woo! Let's all stuff Xanax down our throats."

I'm planning a taper soon, as I have uni to sort out.

EN x
Ah, I was under the impression you were new to the substances. My apologies for this huge misunderstanding, no disrespect intended. 

With that said it sounds like your body has a very high tolerance to the medication so to reach the euphoric state you'd most likely as you've said taper off to a lower amount and remain at a low dosage for awhile and take a stronger version of the benzo class to achieve the euphoric state. I can't say Xan will do it for you but Val and KP will. As long as you're not on a daily dose of KP or Val you should be able to obtain the euphoric feeling you've mentioned due to the specific brain receptors that are effected by the medication. If you have a tolerance to it your brain will maintain those particular receptors and you won't feel a thing even with larger doses so I'd highly advise not going overboard with the dosages here.

Then again, there's some people that have a zero tolerance to this class of medication yet they cannot reach that euphoric state of mind, it just makes them drowsy no matter what the dosage is which is expected. I'd assume based on assumption you'd need to take the medication for a certain amount of time to start feeling that euphoric feeling so the receptors in your brain will start to reform - it's not an instant process, it takes time. 

I wasn't calling you out or anything, generally users who create such threads have the intention of abusing it but after seeing your reply it makes more sense. From what I've read you're trying to have the effects of the medication to prevent panic attacks and feel euphoric at the same time to maintain content or happy while you're calm. That's understandable and not really abusing the meds at all for the most part.

I fully understand that your studies are very stressful and I'd say keep taking your meds until you graduate and consult with a doctor to taper you off the meds. If you'd like to taper by yourself you have to be extremely careful. There's many method out there, some involving using benzos as substitutes while you're tapered off let's say Xan for instance and slowly lowering your dose of the tapering meds. There's bound to be a list of decent benzos that are good for tapering, will have to find it seeing I'm looking to taper off myself after all these years. 

Just know I care about this community and everyone in it, I just want you to be safe. That's all, nothing more and I don't ask for anything in return besides actually being safe and informing yourself about what you're taking and what it can do to your body. Seeing you've been on them as long as I have there's some somewhat semi-perm effects...if not 100% perm effects that will stick with you forever. That's one thing you need to look into before tapering, what you should expect and hope for the best. It's similar to being addicted to nicotine (cigarettes, etc) once you are addicted, even if you quit you will always crave them. Read some stories about this and it does ease up over time.

Now if you do have an anxiety disorder don't fully taper yourself off fully, just to a lower, safer dose with some emergency fast acting benz as backups like Xan, take when needed. That's something that can be discussed with your doctor or psychiatrist. The chances of such a thing happening are very high for you compared to somebody who hasn't been on this class of medication. That way your body won't be fully dependent on the medications to fully function. 

I can't say it's easy dealing with lower doses, but if you feel that's right for you then I'll be by your side along the way. It all depends on how you want to approach this, not how others want you to. It's your body, you own it, nobody else does. That means you make the rules for your own body, however make sure no rules that you do make will put you in danger like going CT. That's the last thing you want and most likely already know what would happen if you did go CT. 

Anywho, if you have any specific questions feel free to ask. I can sit here and write a book about this but I have a feeling you'd like answers to very specific questions. So, from here on out in this particular thread if you have specific questions I'll answer them with the best of my ability.

Best wishes,


Thank you. I am very defensive! Overly so... 

I will use your advice, as in the past it was just me learning the hard way. That's why these forums are so useful - sharing and learning from others. I can't see why other forums criticise DBG, it's been very supportive to me. This is the only one I use now.

I do have a high tolerance - it's a bugger! It's the same situation with alcohol, weed etc. Escapism is nice once in a while, but do it too much and you're trying to catch that elusive dragon. 

Don't worry about getting our wires crossed, you said some lovely things. ?

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I will like this later. ?

I guess there is some anxiety relief, but usually too zonked out to notice. 

Tapers are hard. Done a couple. Sensible though. Apparently, Diaz is best for tapers,  but I think you already know that. ?

Good luck. xx

Oh and forgive the typos in the first post.
I did a diazepam taper years ago and I'd been on the stuff for longer than my doctor's surgery had digital records.  For me, it was harder than coming off heroin and also harder than coming off methadone, which is a bitch to get off.  Having said that, I got through it at a  slow and steady pace, decreasing by very small amounts.  My doctor wanted to give me liquid diazepam, so I could reduce the dose by even smaller amounts but, in the state I was in then, I didn't trust myself with injectable diazepam.  Anyway, good luck to anyone who's going to do a benzo taper, including me.  That reminds me, I've got to get some diazepam for when I start my taper.

That sounds dreadful. Certainly a sobering thought. Mine was pretty horrible,  especially seeing a room full of dead people and slugs.

I expect yours was worse from what you said. They just dished them out years ago in the UK.

I'd like to jump in here if I me. I am one of those unfortunate people that take X@n@x and Val while also taking both Oxsee's. I could list the other medications but they are in line for nerve damage and depression. I've had several back surgeries that led to extensive pain along the right side of my body. Ive built up an extremely high tolerance to all the scary meds. The interesting part is that my pain doctor rxs the Roxie's and Oxsee's monthly and then I add the Zani's and Val's. My heart tells me to stop but my brain doesn't want to.  :(

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