The Attraction of Xanax

I was at a friends house once in college, and we had been up all night raging, so we popped a few bars and went to sleep on the couch. I had brand new shoes that I placed neatly next to the couch.

The next morning, I woke up in my friends Ford explorer, with it running, in the front yard. There was a meatball subway sandwhich all over EVERYTHING. The thing is, I didn't have any more money to buy subway, neither did my friend....we were broke college kids. On top of that...I don't even like meatball subs, I would have gotten a club melt or something.

My new shoes? Destroyed. It looked like I had climbed mt. vesuvius in them.

The last thing I remembered was untying my shoes and placing them neatly next to the couch. My friend had no memory of the night either.

I realized right then, x@n@x is a very powerful drug. Sadly, a few years later a different friend of mine had been doing blow all night and took some x@n@x to sleep. He threw up and was on his back but was too comatosed to roll over, and he asphyxiated. I also remember a bunch of people who were dying because of mixing it with other drugs like i've heard xan and dilaudid is a sure fire way to kill yourself. 

I just don't like benzo's at all anymore. They're terrible to try and kick and I just don't get much enjoyment out of them.

When I started taking xanax  my anxiety got worse and I took more . Because of the rebound anxiety. When I got to 6 mgs a day I would have to call my mom to come and get me cause i couldnt drive home from the dr, but didnt realize it was the xanax. The dr took me off cold turkey and  I couldnt sleep or stop shaking. It was supposed to be the new wonder drug to replace valium  and not be addicting. If you havent taken it dont start.

I was at a friends house once in college, and we had been up all night raging, so we popped a few bars and went to sleep on the couch. I had brand new shoes that I placed neatly next to the couch.

The next morning, I woke up in my friends Ford explorer, with it running, in the front yard. There was a meatball subway sandwhich all over EVERYTHING. The thing is, I didn't have any more money to buy subway, neither did my friend....we were broke college kids. On top of that...I don't even like meatball subs, I would have gotten a club melt or something.

My new shoes? Destroyed. It looked like I had climbed mt. vesuvius in them.

The last thing I remembered was untying my shoes and placing them neatly next to the couch. My friend had no memory of the night either.

I realized right then, x@n@x is a very powerful drug. Sadly, a few years later a different friend of mine had been doing blow all night and took some x@n@x to sleep. He threw up and was on his back but was too comatosed to roll over, and he asphyxiated. I also remember a bunch of people who were dying because of mixing it with other drugs like i've heard xan and dilaudid is a sure fire way to kill yourself. 

I just don't like benzo's at all anymore. They're terrible to try and kick and I just don't get much enjoyment out of them.
That is terrible about your friend dying but I had to laugh about the. Sub sandwich incident

I also had this other friend who came from a good family and was a good person, but for whatever reason, he loved xan and when he took them, he stole from everyone who cared about him. He stole anything he could get his hands on. Someone who under normal circumstances, sober, would never steal from anyone.

You want to see the real demons in a person, give them some xanax and sit back and wait.

Maybe i am in the minority, bit I prefer kpins they last longer and also have a mood stabalizing affect

I also had this other friend who came from a good family and was a good person, but for whatever reason, he loved xan and when he took them, he stole from everyone who cared about him. He stole anything he could get his hands on. Someone who under normal circumstances, sober, would never steal from anyone.

You want to see the real demons in a person, give them some xanax and sit back and wait.
Same with opiates, or alcohol addiction.

I did some awful things that nearly alienated me from my family forever. 

I try to not go crazy with benzo use - which I use for panic attacks. Nothing is worth losing your family/friends or life over.

Maybe i am in the minority, bit I prefer kpins they last longer and also have a mood stabalizing affect.
I agree. They seem more relaxing, personally.

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I have a confession to make I have never tried X@n€x. I suffer from anxiety and  a family history of poor sleepers. But I've found what works for you works and I try not to change it just have breaks so my tolerance doesn't become too high. I spent a week abroad and took no benzo's just to let my body detox. By far I'm no expert on the matter so I'm not even sure that is a long enough timeframe. My knowledge lies elsewhere when it comes to chemical manipulation. Vals have always worked for me when I hit a rough period and even nitr@z used for anxiety are great although they do knock me out. Maybe in the future there will come a point when I need to change my routine. But until then I'll monitor with  interest and try to make an informed decision.  

I ended up trying this the other night, and now I know why it doesn't tend to be one of my regulars. Empty lethargy. That's all it feels like to me. I was expecting at least some sort of 'happy bliss', but it just didn't happen. For short acting ones, Et!zolam does tend to be my go-to.

And then I wound up very low. Haven't felt so depressed for a long time, but the xan could have just been one of many factors to that.

The potency puts me off a bit too. 0.5mg = 10mg of Di@z? Just a psychological thing, but when the 10mg equivalent is below 1mg, I get put off for some reason.

I have a confession to make I have never tried X@n€x. I suffer from anxiety and  a family history of poor sleepers. But I've found what works for you works and I try not to change it just have breaks so my tolerance doesn't become too high. I spent a week abroad and took no benzo's just to let my body detox. By far I'm no expert on the matter so I'm not even sure that is a long enough timeframe. My knowledge lies elsewhere when it comes to chemical manipulation. Vals have always worked for me when I hit a rough period and even nitr@z used for anxiety are great although they do knock me out. Maybe in the future there will come a point when I need to change my routine. But until then I'll monitor with  interest and try to make an informed decision.  
Good Nitráz is my favourite benzo. It can cause euphoria, calmness and aid sleep. What's not to like?

Have heard of bad Nitráz hangovers though.

My experience with alprozolam has been rocky. Few years back i made a bad choice and mixed 16 mg bupe and 4mg apl. The result was od like non other i was unresponsive for 4 days. My perants had to kick my door in to find me in front of my computer sitting in my office chair head leaning back stareing up at the seiling. 

I still think back on the event from time to time, is there a pill for guilt? 

My experience with alprozolam has been rocky. Few years back i made a bad choice and mixed 16 mg bupe and 4mg apl. The result was od like non other i was unresponsive for 4 days. My perants had to kick my door in to find me in front of my computer sitting in my office chair head leaning back stareing up at the seiling. 

I still think back on the event from time to time, is there a pill for guilt? 
This just cracked me up. So much

I took 8x 1mg ksalols and 2x2mg bars last Saturday night and thought I was fine.Next day I drove my car into a parked lorry and totalled the front grill ect(no damage to the lorry).The thing is I should never have driven but I thought I was fine.Note to self don't overdo bnz and drive?!!!!.



I don't experience any kind of euphoria from Xan. I just get drowsy and experience a few hours of relief for M the constant anxiety I experience.  I don't take them everyday.  They make me hungry.
Spot on. Especially about the hungry part. I can munch through some crazy combinations of random things in my fridge before I go to bed. I try to only take as needed to avoid dependence.

I have a confession to make I have never tried X@n€x. I suffer from anxiety and  a family history of poor sleepers. But I've found what works for you works and I try not to change it just have breaks so my tolerance doesn't become too high. I spent a week abroad and took no benzo's just to let my body detox. By far I'm no expert on the matter so I'm not even sure that is a long enough timeframe. My knowledge lies elsewhere when it comes to chemical manipulation. Vals have always worked for me when I hit a rough period and even nitr@z used for anxiety are great although they do knock me out. Maybe in the future there will come a point when I need to change my routine. But until then I'll monitor with  interest and try to make an informed decision.  
Personally, with a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, I've used amitriptyline (not a controlled substance) with some degree of success. Down side of it is that it takes awhile to kick in and it can create a "hangover" in the morning. I have to take at least 1 hour before bedtime. The Xan in addition quiets the mind to allow the amitriptyline to work. You have to ensure that you can get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, but I still find it makes me lethargic the next morning. FWIW. Just thought I'd share my $.02

Seriously, dog Xanax? I've never heard of that before. 
Yep. In the US, there is an equivalent of tramadol that my vet gives for anxiety after she (the dog) had surgery to keep her calm and for fireworks displays in my area of town. My dog has an account at a large chain store. Cheaper than the vet. There are human equivalents of some medications that are ok to give your furry critter. Beware of things containing calcium. Animals (especially dogs) can get sick from too much calcium.

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Yep. In the US, there is an equivalent of tramadol that my vet gives for anxiety after she (the dog) had surgery to keep her calm and for fireworks displays in my area of town. My dog has an account at a large chain store. Cheaper than the vet. There are human equivalents of some medications that are ok to give your furry critter. Beware of things containing calcium. Animals (especially dogs) can get sick from too much calcium.
You can also give a dog alprazolam (generic Xanax), but be sure to discuss with your vet. It goes by the animal's weight.

There's  a good reason, why alprazolam is the most sought benzodiazepine of all, streets, drug-seekers/doctor shoppers...etc. In the majority of people with no tolerance, it usually causes moderate euphoria for 2-3 hours and they can go about their business, because of its short half-life. The rest of the benzos mostly have longer half-lives, and they don't hit as hard, they act on different GABA receptors and meant to treat different forms of anxiety. For example Ativan is mostly used for insomnia and alcohol WDs, and has minimal recreational value, unless administered IV. Valium is a smooth long ride, with also minimal recreational value, mainly used for GAD and alternatively the treatment of alcohol and other benzo WDs. It's not really effective for sudden panic attacks, which Xanax is for. Versed/Dormicum/midazolam isn't available in pill form in the US, (at least not in pharmacies, maybe in hospitals) but it's pretty highly abused in certain parts of Europe - it has even more shorter half-life than Xanax and it's meant for pre-surgery sedation, or used in Twilight Sedation with combination of Fentanyl for dental procedures, or minor procedures, like colonoscopy. Klonopin/Rivotril is somewhat in the middle, its recreational effects are milder than Xanax's, and the half-life is about 3 times longer, with about the same price. 

I think I summed it up pretty good why Xanax is "attractive" to recreational users. For non-recreational use, it's great for panic disorder, but it's very addictive, awful to WD from it, and even for a "beginner" the euphoria will fade after a couple days of usage.

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@trvling1 ive heard amatriptyline are being withdrawn here in the uk at least? .

I was prescribed these years ago and found they reduced my blood pressure quite drematicaly,to the point I almost fainted a few times=very scarey?.



I am on Xanax prescribed 90 2mg bars a month from my doctor, what I have noticed is that you build up a high tolerance and need more then what the doc is prescribing.., I want to find a reliable source and taper. I made a purchase via txt, I know I cannot give details, he seemed to be reliable and I will be receiving my package tomorrow. But the more I think abt it I'm get worried, did I just throw $300 down the drain? I did some research on the supplier and I hope that they are not going to scam me and send me fakes. I have had this happen before. I am very sorry if this is in the wrong section. This supplier is all over the web. Well his phone number is and he requests that you only text him. Did I just make a huge mistake? Again, I did a lot of research on this supplier but could not find reviews because he is very discrete. He is on voy, dailymotion and has his own site. I don't want to give further details b/c I do not want to break rules. If I have please let me know. Thanks.

If you want off Xanax (or any benzo for that matter), it is highly advisable NOT to taper and detox yourself. Like alcohol, benzo withdrawal can cause seizures and kill you. It is a rough WD syndrome that is best handled medically. Sounds like you have a pretty solid habit too - roughly 3 bars/6mg per day? I came off about 2-3mg/day and it was challenging but, properly done with a doctor and other meds (including anti-seizures) I got through it. Just be careful.

If you want off Xanax (or any benzo for that matter), it is highly advisable NOT to taper and detox yourself. Like alcohol, benzo withdrawal can cause seizures and kill you. It is a rough WD syndrome that is best handled medically. Sounds like you have a pretty solid habit too - roughly 3 bars/6mg per day? I came off about 2-3mg/day and it was challenging but, properly done with a doctor and other meds (including anti-seizures) I got through it. Just be careful.
Thank you, This information is very helpful and I really appreciate you taking the time to share what you went through. I am going to talk with my doctor, I know I will get there. I am motivated just need the help of a specialist it sounds. Thank you @rocketman

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  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected