Bupe Recriational?

If ya don't wanna take meth@d0ne, or M0rpheen, don't take this stuff to get "high" 3 yrs, it's SO potent it's 7-15x's that of 'Done more than 20x's that of Feen, and almost double as H, it's not a "fun" thing but iv users LOVE them ofcourse cuz then you can use w/ no worry of any w/drawls or consequences.. I dropped from 3mg and needed 45 of 'Done.. if that tells ya anything. I've taken opiates as long as Gyre, longer Tyl3nol #3s and v's when I was 8.. I thot my big sis was the end all be all and she took em.. And I'm 12-13yrs older.. This one was JUST like trams to me.. totally misleading and very well marketed to get Big Pharm a HUGE boost. Plus when they came out there was NO STRIPS and those tabs, the orange tastin ones.. had sacchrine in them.. I didn't know, I let several 2s dissolve daily.. And then boom all my bottom teeth had holes in them, right along the gum line.. most PAINFUL and last dentist visit I've been too, 4-5yrs ago.. I got some L3ndorim and Flormid@l(Dazzle) figure 5 of ea should get me through an appt.. DO not aspire to be a pro at drugs. It never works. 

Ya AC fell down the steps y.day RIGHT as I was on my way out the door to a funeral.. past 2 hrs 1st I've tried to move, feet went 1st, hands were full and I cracked the bottom of my spine. THE place I CAN'T mess up just went through 12 days of prednisone..for nothin'.. I will NOT be able to dance this month soo.. Take it how ya will but if you're good w/ Trams/cdn and Dhc.. don't press it.. please.

If you take it twice a day then maybe try .50 in the afternoon and .50 at night.  Because of the long half life you have to taper very slow but if you jump back up now and then it is really a set back for your body getting used to the lesser amount.  If you are used to 2mg. a day then I would cut one by 10% or 20 if you don't have discomfort until you are down to 1mg.  Once I was down to 1mg. I took it even slower and I made myself do it only once a day but I wasn't working so it was easier for me otherwise you can still do .50 twice a day.  I would cut a tiny corner (10%) on the first of every month and that's how I would remember.  Time for rent, time to taper, lol.  Once I got down to .125 a 2mg. strip cut into 32 pieces!!!  I was so proud of myself when I got to that amount because like you I went from 2mg. a day to 2mg. lasting a month and a day.  I stayed on .125 for a few months just to be sure that my body was used to that lesser amount and then I skipped a day and dosed the second day, then skipped two days and dosed a day then skipped 3 days and I was done.
Thanks for that great info Suzie. I went on subs at 24mg, then 16, then 8. Went down 1mg a month and when I got to 2mg my

dumba$$ doc says OK, you can do 1mg and quit without any WD's. I had been on some sub forums and knew then he didn't know

crap about how binding this stuff is. I got some from an SY and got an order from SL and have been on 1mg. Like Peanut I

feel like a fuzzy dog turd when I skip so I can vouch SL is real deal. I am going to plan your taper this week by 10%-20%

for about 2-3 weeks. Would really like to stop all subbie use. Good post

If you take it twice a day then maybe try .50 in the afternoon and .50 at night.  Because of the long half life you have to taper very slow but if you jump back up now and then it is really a set back for your body getting used to the lesser amount.  If you are used to 2mg. a day then I would cut one by 10% or 20 if you don't have discomfort until you are down to 1mg.  Once I was down to 1mg. I took it even slower and I made myself do it only once a day but I wasn't working so it was easier for me otherwise you can still do .50 twice a day.  I would cut a tiny corner (10%) on the first of every month and that's how I would remember.  Time for rent, time to taper, lol.  Once I got down to .125 a 2mg. strip cut into 32 pieces!!!  I was so proud of myself when I got to that amount because like you I went from 2mg. a day to 2mg. lasting a month and a day.  I stayed on .125 for a few months just to be sure that my body was used to that lesser amount and then I skipped a day and dosed the second day, then skipped two days and dosed a day then skipped 3 days and I was done.
Way to go Suzie! I really believe in slow tapers for all meds. Giving yourself plenty of time to get used to the lower amount is definitely the way to go. For me, it's not physical discomfort that derails me. It's just stress and life events that make my mind say "this will be easier with more meds". It's great you were able to draw that line in the sand and say the only direction you're going is down. Congratulations!

I tried to taper from bup, got to ~0.6mg/day and couldn't go lower without getting sick. I've withdrawn from DHC, oc's, dillies, DHC, H, and bup. (my history of being a "pro" sucks.) Bup was by far the worst. I finally went cold turkey from 0.5mg, and didn't sleep or eat for four days, kicking the whole time. Slowly got better, but I've failed again since. Kudos to all who can taper successfully.

My 2 cents: If you're not addicted, stop now.

I tried to taper from bup, got to ~0.6mg/day and couldn't go lower without getting sick. I've withdrawn from DHC, oc's, dillies, DHC, H, and bup. (my history of being a "pro" sucks.) Bup was by far the worst. I finally went cold turkey from 0.5mg, and didn't sleep or eat for four days, kicking the whole time. Slowly got better, but I've failed again since. Kudos to all who can taper successfully.

My 2 cents: If you're not addicted, stop now.
I would like to add my 2 cents to yours, so here goes our combined 4 cents: If you haven't used it, and don't have a medical need for it, DO NOT USE IT. It is great if you ACTUALLY need it to get off of opiates (of H). It has zero recreational value. Absolutely zero.

I would like to add my 2 cents to yours, so here goes our combined 4 cents: If you haven't used it, and don't have a medical need for it, DO NOT USE IT. It is great if you ACTUALLY need it to get off of opiates (of H). It has zero recreational value. Absolutely zero.
Totally agree with the above quote,I've been addicted to opiates (mostly H) for over 20yrs done rehab once and detox 3 times.Addiction to strong opiates is NO fun!!.

It robs you of any real self respect and effects EVERYONE that cares for you ie family and loads of failed relationships.

Some days I struggle so much as this addiction makes you feel so selfish and I do understand people who do not understand my addiction thinking that I am selfish.You basically end up using or justify your use to the smallest of issues that non addicts just shrug off easily.

Once again pleeeze do not get addicted to strong opiates unless they are for a major illness and not to "get high"...



Wow great info! The horrible thing about subs is LESS is better. They started me out on 24mg (3-8's) a day. Then dropped to 16mg a month later. I got booted from the program back in August due to not going to my 1 on 1 (mostly bc I was dirty, and personal issues at the time). I went from 8mg/day in Aug to about 1mg once or twice a day now. If I am super low its 1mg a day but get the tired feeling around 8pm when my day is only half over. Otherwise I take my other 1mg after lunch and am good til right before work (2pm). Sometimes I forget to take the early dose, and when I realize it my mind fucks me and tells my body that it is not performing correctly until I take it. Damn mind over matter.

Also would like to add that less is better. I feel a much stronger "buzz" from 1-4mg than I ever did from a whole 8mg at once. I have a few buddies that alsi swear by this. Not sure why.
The first time I ever read the packaging for these and it said how to take up to 3 at the same time I couldn't imagine having to take that many. That someone would prescribe that much is amazing.

That was my main problem when I got bellow 2mg a day and was (between jobs).

I found when trying to jump off I became extremely lethargic and quite a bit more depressed than normal which have resulted on

me going back on the dreaded green (m€thad0n£).

When I first was started on sub0%one I thought yeah this is a blessing,but in reality how many people have managed to become drug free after more than two years of being prescribed these.Imo many people find the bupe a hard med to kick after a long taper although I think that a quick detox is your best bet with this particular med.

Although many docs seem to prefer the long route?.

Of course I could divelge deeper but I think anyone with bube (maintenance) scripts know what I mean regarding the long taper process....

The first time I ever read the packaging for these and it said how to take up to 3 at the same time I couldn't imagine having to take that many. That someone would prescribe that much is amazing.
I was started on 4mg-2days, 6-2 days then 8 of Subut3x, so no nal@x0ne.. but was comin off 25 or 30mg of 'Done.. I couldn't take it after 3 days and went and got my "dose" from a clinic, then 3 days after that.. I was fine? I never had intense w/drawls changing they weren't fun hell everytime I've switched to reset it actually takes a month for my body to adjust, but I felt like I was trippin, and couldn't sleep.. then she put me on 10mg of the 'xone 2's, she was actually one of the good ones, cuz 24 is ridiculous. IDK if it was that or the 'Done that retrained my brain but I'm very thankful it did, and my docs all saw it did which gave them trust enough to write for me after my surgeries failed to bring any relief. And thankfully I never disappointed them! Clinic basically kicked me out when my dr told em I was there for pain, luckily I had a completely clean record there. 

I got fooled. It definitely has it's place, and now more is known you'd think it'd be more regulated(I remember clinics said it'd NEVER be given there, that lasted a whole 3 months smh) It pisses me off still I fell for it after I learned w/ the trams that they'll tell you ANYTHING to get that dolla.. Now, compared to 8yrs ago, they push that stuff more than anything. One reason too. It's class. It's NOT for people in pain yet, that's how it's being used now. I vented at my pain doc y.day about it, he was straight up "you're right, it's WORSE than 'Done. H, any of em, especially when given to people who have so many other choices, it's potency is higher than H, yet it's given to people dependent on 30-40mgs of hIdro a day, the medical field is a mess"

He's afraid after all the hard work I've put in cuttin my pain meds almost now down to 1/4th of what I WAS on 18mo's ago(I hit my goal 7 mo's early /default_smile.png that I'm gonna go right back up. But I have no desire to do that, BUT if I get hurt, I don't wanna be told "take your meds for your neck". He did the best he could for me, found out he's the one making sure none of my docs change my meds on me at ALL, cuz I coulda used a few diff kinda relaxants but he went off on that and being $0m@tosed.. but did way more than the ER would, but if I can't find alternatives or the ones I'm leaning on hard don't work a lil better.. I'm not sure I can keep going down, and expect to have a life? That part is scary, but it's more scary to think back at post op, and having the tolerance of a cancer patient.

I NEVER wanna be where I was as @Blissopifree said it steals a lot from you including your soul. And not one of my docs would let me even say I was an addict, but dependent cuz I never abused what they gave me(now from 14-22 I was INVINCIBLE, or so I thought, and DEF addicted but to everything) I wish everyone the best, and if they ever even just need an ear to vent at. I'm here.. know it's a lil off topic but.. Peanut's post was much better than mine, I'll blame it on the condition, my condition was in ha! I shouldn't post whilst in pain like that.

I would like to add my 2 cents to yours, so here goes our combined 4 cents: If you haven't used it, and don't have a medical need for it, DO NOT USE IT. It is great if you ACTUALLY need it to get off of opiates (of H). It has zero recreational value. Absolutely zero.

Totally agree with the above quote,I've been addicted to opiates (mostly H) for over 20yrs done rehab once and detox 3 times.

Addiction to strong opiates is NO fun!!.

It robs you of any real self respect and effects EVERYONE that cares for you ie family and loads of failed relationships.

Some days I struggle so much as this addiction makes you feel so selfish and I do understand people who do not understand my addiction thinking that I am selfish.You basically end up using or justify your use to the smallest of issues that non addicts just shrug off easily.

Once again pleeeze do not get addicted to strong opiates unless they are for a major illness and not to "get high"...



I tried to taper from bup, got to ~0.6mg/day and couldn't go lower without getting sick. I've withdrawn from DHC, oc's, dillies, DHC, H, and bup. (my history of being a "pro" sucks.) Bup was by far the worst. I finally went cold turkey from 0.5mg, and didn't sleep or eat for four days, kicking the whole time. Slowly got better, but I've failed again since. Kudos to all who can taper successfully.

My 2 cents: If you're not addicted, stop now.
Doc Jim, you did GOOD man, don't focus on just the negative.. be proud cuz 90% can't even get to .5, it's frustrating but hey, I think what you did was pretty special. Thanks for sharing. "Do the best you can and that won't go unseen- no, no, no!"- "Please pardon yourself" the Avett brothers.

I hate misinformation, and this med and 'Done are the two that all the info given should be pretty much be switched. I wonder how many realize no p/ks help fibro and those type of pain? BUT 'Done does a bit, it's the ONLY one that works on neurological pain. Thus why I asked to use it to ween thankfully I did so before things all went to sh!t.

Did anyone else find themselves getting more depressed than usual when nearing the end of a sub taper?.

My hands and feet were like ice (although I'm in the uk!).

I also was getting horrible headaches like my head was gonna explode, but hey when your jumping off a hard PK like sub what can you expect I suppose.

All the gps recomend being under 30ml of the m€th@d0n£ before the switch from it but the lower the easier for switch over.

Good luck to anyone trying to get clean it never is easy but I'd say 3yrs on the sub/one is too much Imo a quicker taper is better but the docs say a slow slow taper is the way it should be done.

Btw in the uk we don't have the strips we just have the lemon and lime flavoured tablets (discusting!!)



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This is very true. bupe can be good but it can actually be worse with higher doses. Nothing above 1mg for me. You can even get euphoria from the sublingual 0.2s if you've never tried them before.

I would like to add my 2 cents to yours, so here goes our combined 4 cents: If you haven't used it, and don't have a medical need for it, DO NOT USE IT. It is great if you ACTUALLY need it to get off of opiates (of H). It has zero recreational value. Absolutely zero.
Totally agree with the above quote,I've been addicted to opiates (mostly H) for over 20yrs done rehab once and detox 3 times.

Addiction to strong opiates is NO fun!!.

It robs you of any real self respect and effects EVERYONE that cares for you ie family and loads of failed relationships.

Some days I struggle so much as this addiction makes you feel so selfish and I do understand people who do not understand my addiction thinking that I am selfish.You basically end up using or justify your use to the smallest of issues that non addicts just shrug off easily.

Once again pleeeze do not get addicted to strong opiates unless they are for a major illness and not to "get high"...


You're not going to get high using the 0.2 stuff, the 0.2 stuff is made for animals for after surgery, chances are if you have a cat you already have some of that in the med cabinet. For humans they come up to 8mg in a tablet, but like said before on here, you don't want to do more then 2mgs in a day unless you want to be a daily user. Take 2mgs all at once (under the tongue or in the nose) and you will get very high, remember it takes about 2 hours to kick in though. If you puke you took to much, stay around 2mg's untill your body gets used to it...
To say bupe has absolutely know recreational value is subjective.. If you are novice to strong opites. Then rail 0.5-1mg for your first time you will have a pleasant experience. If you do more expect to spend the next 24hrs puking. First time experience; Split and 8 with someone, did multiple lines in short space of time (2/3hrs max)  both spent whole day puking, couldn't eat or drink. Still enjoyed itl ol. As long as you don't exceed the 3 day rule you won't suffer wd. Start doing it daily for weeks even months or years then you maybe  in trouble.

The thing with opie's. When you think you hit rock bottom, the bottom can drop from beneath you   

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This is a rocky road your on the potential for abuse is still there and kicking sub-bupe is harder than kicking dope or oksee since the half life is so long the withdrawals last 2 weeks to a month . I would rather kick dope than bupe any day good luck not catching a habbit you are better off smokin weed. But I'm sure what I say will make no difference. I don't know any opiate addict that does not wish they never picked up that first one iv been on dope for 17 years and still love it and hate it so much at the same time. It always starts off recreational and the addiction creeps up on You like a fuckin ninja .the only drug problem I have is when I run out....

I know this is a really old thread, but I'm hoping someone knows the answer to a question. 

I ordered the .2 mg bupe from Starlite and it doesn't seem like it could possibly be 2 mg's. Is that because it's not 2 mg but .2 of 1 mg? (Am I making sense? Lol)

Reading the comments above about it being the stuff they give to your animals I'm thinking maybe it is only .2 of 1 mg and that's why it doesn't seem very strong.


I know this is a really old thread, but I'm hoping someone knows the answer to a question. 

I ordered the .2 mg bupe from Starlite and it doesn't seem like it could possibly be 2 mg's. Is that because it's not 2 mg but .2 of 1 mg? (Am I making sense? Lol)

Reading the comments above about it being the stuff they give to your animals I'm thinking maybe it is only .2 of 1 mg and that's why it doesn't seem very strong.

You have answered yourvown query, it's. .2mg, therefore 0.2mg. 

It has been 15 years since I took any bupe. I got it from an Indian IOP that has been out of business for a while. I don't even remember what dosage I was taking, but 2 sublinguals would do me quite well. A very effective pk.

Sometimes he'd run out of the sublinguals and I'd go on and order the regular p!lls, which were a very VERY different experience. I don't know if I can describe those non-sublinguals. One p!ll was not terribly effective, but two of them would give one of the strangest trips I've ever taken...TOTALLY bizarre and not like a pk at all. The same med (supposedly) in both cases, but clearly different experiences indeed.

It's evil to get off if you've been taking it longer than a couple of months. I was on it 8 months to quit my doc but I liked the feeling of normality it gave me so stayed on it far longer than my dr wanted. I paid a big price for that and was fatigued to the point of not being able to move at all . 6 months passed and I was still in paws and it was hell on earth although I never craved drugs during this process. It definitely re wires the addict brain. Avoid!

@Requiem I agree after being on and off mostly on for 12 years the only way for me to kick the h the only way for me to quit was being locked up and observed urines for a year! Never again! I'm taking Chantix which is working great except the nightmare I had last night being locked up again and trying to figure how to take 90 in with me. They have those body scanners you stand on and they X-ray you. I must have been a mess because when I went to jail after almost two months there I was going to the bathroom and a pill bottle popped out full of soggy benzos don't know how it was missed or how I didn't know I had it inside me. Sorry gross story but true. Also agree for heroin users not recreational 

I always thought that the administration was annoying.  It is so much easier to just take a pill than to have to sit there with the meds under your tongue for like 10-15mins and not be able to talk.  Although, it is much better for your liver than swallowing pills.

 I'm so happy I'm almost off Suboxone! I went from being on methadone for 15 years  and then went on to subs for three years… And I'm down to a very low-dose finally! For whatever reason, I don't seem to have that hard of a time when it comes to dropping on this medication. It might get harder as I get lower, I've noticed it a little bit already.  But I think that I just want off so badly that I am going to get through it regardless of how uncomfortable it makes me. Benzos are a different story for me, I'm psychologically not ready to give them up and I think that's where my addiction lies most…  anxiety meds.  I did H  to start with ages ago and methadone for years, but for whatever reason over all that time I lost a taste for it completely. I have no desire to go back to any of those drugs and can't wait to be free of  opioid dependence.  I will say one positive thing for Suboxone, it does seem to help curb my cravings for all medications a little bit.  I do worry that it will all come flooding back  when I get off of Suboxone… The craving for opiates, the craving for everything! There's no question that I am an addict.  I've never taken straight Bupe… Only the   Subs.  I will read this entire thread when I have more time, and looks like an interesting read. 

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
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  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?