I smoked cigs when I was 22, quit when I was 23, I’m 39 now. I smoked Newport 100s and would rip the filter off. I went to rehab for alcohol. In detox, they offered us free packs of cigarettes. 305 Brand I believe. I declined smokes but opted for the copious amounts of Lil Debbie pastries they made
available. Two of the fellow addicts I was housed with never smoked before, per their confession, but they were smoking like chimneys once we were moved to our recovery house. After rehab, I started smoking MJ off and on. To this day, I can’t smell cig smoke without crunching up my nose. But then again, the smell of hand sanitizer makes me wretch. My mother smokes 2-3 packs a day, doesn’t drink or do drugs of any sort. She’s been smoking since she was six! She’s 63 now. Got started when she her mother asked her to light her a cig on the stove. She had to puff so it would light.