pain management

Yeah, welcome to the world of pain management. Pain patients are the outcasts, pariahs, last-class non-citizens of the so-called medical "profession". Our lawmakers are too gd busy banning helpful things (like kratom and a million others) to consider allowing doctors to actually do their f'ing jobs. Nanny-state wetnurse busybodies.
I agree! 

There are some good pain management doctors out there but, they are few and far between.  The majority of them love to push steroid injections and personally I don't see how steroids are any safer than pain medications.  Personally, I get terrible side effects from steroids.

Hmm, it use to be pain managent, going with a hope and sometimes getting a little relief, but, today, well, if they can talk you into injections, which , they say, actually hurts more than helps, tho, that is dependent on who you ask ; is only helpful for the doc, and he doesnt have to worry about the big guy knocking on his door with several groups ready to take it all away, lol. Tha pd in cali, been reading alot about him, is still in biz, believes in actually helping folks. Wish there were a few more like him. Sucks that the gov is now in their business, and doesnt even have a degree, except in minding "our"biz, and pressing their beliefs on all. Be well! 

Pain management? A` oxymoron! ..  or a contaiction of the term. This old schooler was in pm , since 1999, till 6-14, with legit probs, like trigeminal neuralgia for one, had every available procedure, meds, and surgeries to no avail. Having been just 'dropped' by p~, for having my [nly ever panic attack including stroke level bp,was told to come back next day for rx, but, when i got there, he fired me,and left a parting gift, put in files to be seen forever, drug seeking behavior, and it was ME that broke contract! So, took me 2yrs, to get my ducks back in line, and finally saw a pain dr! Yea! Not so fast, lol, he wanted me to have injetions in my back! So, of course im dumb, i ask, will this help my facial or leg pain? Uh, no. Wtf? And why would i get them? Well, he insinuated id get pain meds! Oh, but, HE doesnt rx, he only sends recomendations to my pcp! So, he told her, give her 2 5mg hyd&ros@=, went back months later to ask, one more a day? Oh no, but, he pushed the injectios again, when i said no, so did he! Now this is todays pain management at its finest! Lol. Does anyone else have a pm story to share?   Id )ike to know im not alone in this. Peace.......
HEY!!! That is what I Oxy Moron....

My mom had breast cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, spinal stenosis, bulging and herniated discs, and now the cancer in her neck. Her pain doc says she's on .ore than what a cancer patient should be on. She gets 6 oxy 30mg and 2 OC80 a day. Wtf

And I thought that me and my wife are the only ones having this issue I suffer from severe plantar fasciitis that gets so bad that it makes my achilles tendons hurt so bad that it swells up in my calves and that swelling and pain resonates up into my knees I want to pass arthritis and I feel the same way I can't ask my doctor for something a little stronger because they look at me like I'm just a drug seeker and it's really scary because there's so many people out there who are legit needing pain meds but then on the other hand I get some stronger pain meds every once in awhile from a local guy he has tons of it available he has an endless supply of people who are actually on significantly stronger medicine and yet I can't find a doctor that will give me something a little bit stronger my quality of life has drug significantly and it said it's just really really hard to take sometimes because I can barely walk and I'm only 47
I feel you, I have plantar fasciitis and a long list of other painful things going on. Now some Dr's right from the first appointment say they won't prescribe any pain meds for chronic pain, then if you look for a different dr you are considered dr shopping. The only relief I get is occasional at best. It's funny if I actually had some steady relief I could exercise and greatly reduce my pain. Got to love corporate medicine. lol.

The last pain clinic I attended had a sign right when you walk in "we will not prescribe pain meds for longer than 3 months ".

I don't understand how a doctor who has not seen the patient can make a decision on how long they need pain meds. Having a "one size fits all" policy isn't medical care.

I had been unable to walk or function for 2 weeks before getting there by way of a walk in clinic . They were not willing to give me anything during the tests they asked for even though I had medical records supporting my history. It was very difficult to get to these appointments because I was not able to drive, but I did she'll out $800 for xrays, that once again, supported what I was telling them. 

By that time I had been on my couch for about a month and still nothing. Now I have to get an MRI. Mind you that if I had soldiered on that after all, I could only get 3 months of meds after working for 3 months to get them and spending  $5000.

What a joke. I am happy to be able to help anyone else who is going through this BS. I don't think anyone should feel like they are not worthy to be treated for their medical conditions, or that we have to somehow prove that we are not pill seekers. Surely that should be established AFTER they do their job and take care of you.

Yeah, I rant too. Still makes me mad as hell when I relive that experience and my heart goes out to everyone who has been there.
I went to my primary care physician a couple of weeks ago, first of all she will not give any narcotic pain relievers for chronic pain. So I went in because I have developed tendonitis in my shoulder, my physician is on maternity leave the Dr covering for her gave me 30 15mg Roxy but it was hard to talk her in to it. I really believe if I hadn't charmed her in to to it by being funny and making her laugh I wouldn't have gotten anything. Now I'm out of course and having a lot of pain, I'm thinking about poppin a few Gaba that I have just to see if it will help. This is on top of all the other Fibro and Arthritis issues that I have.

Sad state of affairs when people in pain have to beg , plead, or somehow coax drs into something that should be treated with compassion. Now the cdc is on campaign in 4 states to start, gee, where the money come from, to say how bad opioids are and how ppl are dying from them, having the parents of heroin addicts telling their kids died from opioids,minimizing the heroin aspect. Be warned, its coming to a tv or radio near you! Seems that one mom whose kid died from heroin, is a lead fundraiser, and ya never guess whose on That commitee? Koldny and Prop associates, surprise! Seems as always that $$$ talks, which leaves all us po slobs out. What we need is to raise some money for the cause and campaign a little truth to folks! Where i once had hope, now have little. As the saying goes, money is root etc....for sure.

@rosealso I would love to donate to the cause but unfortunately I spend all my money on "pain management". Between the expensive ordering and the concierge doctor I pay a hefty fee because she's the only doctor I have found that will prescribe anything, I feel like I need to rob a bank.

@mrreapr I would think the doctor would consider that if your mom has been on meds a long time, her tolerance would be way above someone who is just diagnosed with cancer and wasn't taking pain meds for years. Why must they try to shame us for something that we didn't ask for? 

My thoughts are that I would love for these doctors to live a week in my skin. Knowing as I do that they have already tried injections, surgeries, physical therapy and everything else besides pain meds and none of it worked.

Thanks 2earls,wasnt doing advert, but,it might be an idea anyways. Was just thinking, thats one way they get msg across, so why wouldnt it work to show the other side? So many dr pharms are getting fed up too, using videos n blogs etc. Makes one think tho. But, this is all just getting too much. No compassion at all. Would like to see one of them prop get our pain, and would they be told, suck it up, nobody died from pain. Ya, take some

Pain management is super difficult man, especially if you're younger. Even if you do end up lucky after years and get on a dose of a drug which works (generally opiates) you get a lecture with every new script about how you're going to become an addict and how it's super bad for you - despite you telling them that without the pills you'd be on disability instead of full time work. It's so stupid how fixated docs are on the medication itself rather than the functional effect it has on the patient's life. And then you see the patients who are addicts who somehow manage to weasel their way onto high doses of everything, frustrating as fu*k (not sure if we're allowed to swear here).

Sad state of affairs when people in pain have to beg , plead, or somehow coax drs into something that should be treated with compassion. Now the cdc is on campaign in 4 states to start, gee, where the money come from, to say how bad opioids are and how ppl are dying from them, having the parents of heroin addicts telling their kids died from opioids,minimizing the heroin aspect. Be warned, its coming to a tv or radio near you! Seems that one mom whose kid died from heroin, is a lead fundraiser, and ya never guess whose on That commitee? Koldny and Prop associates, surprise! Seems as always that $$$ talks, which leaves all us po slobs out. What we need is to raise some money for the cause and campaign a little truth to folks! Where i once had hope, now have little. As the saying goes, money is root etc....for sure.
I keep saying the same thing, If us chronic pain sufferers don't speak out we are going to get screwed. It's so bad here in Washington state that one of the local cities is suing the makers of oxy. @2earls I hear that sometimes I day dream about robbing the local pharmacy, lol. The fight against us has already started, not only with what you mentioned @rosealso but on the news this weekend I saw that CVS pharmacies will only prescribe opiates a week at a time form now on, so not only do you have to answer to your Dr now you have to answer to your pharmacist. This is dangerous territory because no we answer to the gov, the dr's, and the pharmacies. I see this as war on us, whats really funny is if you do some research and just google it just as many people die or are hospitalized each year from over the counter medications, aspirin is the worst. What we have to do is do is write our congressmen and women, write the president and anybody else you think will help. I think I will start a thread about this and help guide people in the right direction. If we don't do something and remain silent we aren't even going to have a chance.

Ugh that is just more bad news. No consideration given to the fact that people who are suffering from chronic pain often have a hard time getting out and about. Now they are going to need a caretaker just to get what they need. We already have to go to the doctor every 3 months because they have to keep seeing you to prescribe.

I have noticed that all chain pharmacies are not equal. I have several Walgreen's around town and the one closest to me will not fill a prescription for opiates without being able to call the doctor. I learned that the hard way coming from oral surgery with bloody gause in my mouth. I was the last appointment for the day so by the time I got there I was screwed. Went to a Walgreens by the hospital and no problems. They get all the emergency room business and are way more lax than others. Of course if CVS is issuing a company decree then all will have to abide.

Now in my mind, to deny someone who just had their gums cut and sewed pain relief is barbaric. What if there wasn't another pharmacy I could go to? It really doesn't seem like the kind of thing where they should be allowed to discriminate.

There has to be a better way to save us from ourselves than to make people suffer.

I keep saying the same thing, If us chronic pain sufferers don't speak out we are going to get screwed. It's so bad here in Washington state that one of the local cities is suing the makers of oxy. @2earls I hear that sometimes I day dream about robbing the local pharmacy, lol. The fight against us has already started, not only with what you mentioned @rosealso but on the news this weekend I saw that CVS pharmacies will only prescribe opiates a week at a time form now on, so not only do you have to answer to your Dr now you have to answer to your pharmacist. This is dangerous territory because no we answer to the gov, the dr's, and the pharmacies. I see this as war on us, whats really funny is if you do some research and just google it just as many people die or are hospitalized each year from over the counter medications, aspirin is the worst. What we have to do is do is write our congressmen and women, write the president and anybody else you think will help. I think I will start a thread about this and help guide people in the right direction. If we don't do something and remain silent we aren't even going to have a chance.
I just have to thank you all, listening to ya"ll stories, knowing that there are more like myself, is both sad and encouraging to me. Something about hurting makes ya feel like the last person on earth. Oh, cvs can suck my old socks! What right do they have to not follow rx that drs prescribe, knowing their issues , and what is the right treatment for That person. Also, been reading about prop"s leader, kolodny, thought it interesting to find out that in his treatment centers, uhhuh, he promotes suboxone, big time, and also sold it as miricle cure for addiction, yea, instead of norco, perc, etc, lets give them something way more powerful, so hard to get off, that the patients have to keep taking it! At the tune at apx 600 a month times, how many can he get on and make sure they stay on, by changing the laws to have drs be able to rx it to addicts legally! Wait, and how much do rehabs cost? We all know between 10 and 50,000, a month! All that gov funding! Wheeee! Plus get all those cpp"s off other opioids, put on subs, and into rehab. Make sense? Or is it my mind going conspiracy crazy? Oh well. It all smells to high heaven! We), i for one, am going to keep writing my congress, and whoever else i can think of. Maybe, just maybe, ill get more than , sorry, you should get meds, in nice letter from washington, and have the One that will actually hear me, and just listen . We all just want to have our voice heard. Hmm, might start callin these big whigs and give them the truth? I wont just give in , and let them win. Hey theres 100 million plus, of us, just gotta keep pluggin away. Sorry guys, this so long, just really pisses me off that heroin addicts are getting more consideration than, people in pain, screaming in silence? Hey, if ya"ll let them know, hey, we are citizens ! Tell them yer story! Thanks for listening guys! I realize this not focus of the group, but, in a way, it is. 

Btw, ive had the same dream, and was actually not in pain anymore! It wasnt a cvs btw lol!

I've been in severe chronic pain since 1897. I was 17. Back then getting 90 perc 5's was akin to getting 10 30mg ochessys. I've seen this situation  come full circle. Now that the Government & pharmacy's are making policy's & coming up w/ all these stats etc.  As every one has stated above more is coming, & the stats & facts are biased is very kind. The apap  & group of nsaid's cause more damage & deaths down the road then all these O.D's. Yes this was started as a $ making huge windfall for big Pharma & now they are making a killing on meds that deal w/ the withdrawl or maintenance drugs. CVS btw imo has the lowest quality generics (esp. C-4- C-2) medications then any other chain. Besides the Roxanne brand. I too have great anxiety & fear of the future.

Funny thing happened on the way here.......ran into some student docs talking about , what to do with cpp"s!  How to just say no......push alternatives...they know the deal also, sending patients to pd, is futile, as they know they will be told no also..s[ it seems they all on board with rxs dont help long term pain anymore, causes more pain studies say, lol, looks like we will keep on as long as we can find what helps us...future looks bleak for people hurting, told to just suck it up....hey, one can distract, suck it up, tough it out for so long b4 one loses their mind and bites the big one...maybe what i hear is true, passive genocide, order of the day?  Try telling someone hurting to just put it out of yer mind, well ok, but its gotta go somewhere until eventually, enuf is enuf. Thing is, everyone knows its happening, but, lookin the other way till we sheeple...

Sorry guys , just get so mad and frustrated, and ppl post woes by the hundreds, but, when asked to talk about it, its quiet. Amazing, so many hurting, but, afraid to say a word. Guess its gov  1million, people hurting , zero. As always They win.. sad. Just my .02, . The end.........+)

I'm able to talk about it. When a Pharmacy chain no less on how dictates how they will fill Doctors orders. Actually the Doctor will have to write 4-5 rxs a month for each C-2. How long do You think that M.D will be able to keep up w/ his patients calling in that they don't have this won't fill this etc. They are targeting the wrong people. They shouldn't even be treated that way. Only compassion educatiion & treatment will those WHO WANT IT. This goes way past the current "epidemic" it's always been like this it's just now every one has cell phones w/ pictures & stats galore. The changes they are proposing go beyond crazy. All this is going to do is cause further delays & more frustration between MD's insurance company's & pharmacy's. Of course this is the obvious intent. To make it so dammed hard to get your legit & needed medications It'll be an all day affair. The people among us who need these medications just to survive already jump thru hoop after hoop. I shudder to think what will it be like this time next year. I'm as fed up as @ rosealso. RXPRO

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!