pain management

Howdy all, and hoping ya`ll had a super Christmas! I see this subject still active here. I do not know if this is place to post this, but, i havent seen topic , called what happens to untreated pain, lo,. So here ya might have read bout me, as many here , was treated and actually helped by pain management for years, but, suddenly , laws changed and because of my constant withdrawals every month of lets see how fast i can titrate patient without killing, lol. Had major panic attack, i think, bcuz never had one b4. Bp, sky hi, doc asks , but, uh why? Roflmao, do you really wanna know?  YOU! Tells me come back next day, only to uh, hmm, let me find a doc i could get along with, "better for both of us" , as you are so uncomfortable with me. So, fast forward almost 4 years, been used kratom,  got my ducks aligned, once again, sought pm loaded with documentation, thought ok, im ready, uh, no, laws tightened, wth? So, finally been about 2 years, seeing every doc to get said documents , was finally able to get 2 whole pills , 5mg, for each day, they are vikings.btw. But, of course , exctatic(sp?] But still in pain, so did what advised, ibuprophen, and lots of it of course, bcuz my 2xday, did help, for oh about an hour or 2, so, rest of day, still in pain. On bad days, pffft! So, kept taking advils. Guess what fellow warriors? Now im in stage 3 ckd, chronic kidney disease! Yup! So, now im even afraid to go to pd appt jan 8th. My silly brain thought, hmm, maybe now they give just a lil more? So, like any self respecting dummy, googled it, guess what? Yup, may be cut more? Any of you dealing with said prob with pain doc, please advise? In meantime, pain warriors, quit taking advil types for pain as suggested , bcuz the amount you need to lessen pain at all, will cause even bigger problems! And ive been taking only few years, can you imagine? I found out by buggin my pcp, cuz felt so exhausted, even more than usual chronic fatigue, yea, bad, felt like had bug of sorts, which btw, now had for well, b4 tanksgiving, so doc ordered blood tests, again, which each time got worse. So be warned all! It DOES and CAN happen! So now what? Suggestions? Thanks in advance all, sorry bout size of post, but, best way to explain. Hey! Wishes for a better new year than last year!  
Sorry to hear about your kidneys. Unfortunately years of taking pjs can cause problems w/ your kidneys. Or you may just have lab reading showing a GFR problem. Either way doc's will be LESS inclined to give you higher doses of opiates because of your kidney issues. Blood pressure with a high systolic (upper number) indicates pain. Both an increase in systolic& diastolic could indicate a couple of things but your pm doc should be telling you these things. This circus is typical unfortunately and very unnecessary. Hoping you find some relief.

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Thanks nitetrain for the kind words. Unfortunately the little i have learned about all this was from online, pd says little. Was just at kidney sp, again told little, except my ckd is prob from ibuprophen! Doin some testing to find out why blood in there. But, like that commercial for some drug, thats only one part of me n my issues, lol. One interesting thing he said, that my kidneys started acting hinky only after stop rx pain meds . Hmm. Took large doses, never a prob, but one year after , ckd! My my my. And yet they say opioids are not good for chronic pain? But drs say take advil! Wth? Bt×, nite, if you could steer me towards some better info, id be obliged! Funny, i think patients know more about their prob than drs. Why dont they listen to us when we have something new , cuz we know our bodies! Any changes, we know it, we listen to out bodies and pay attention. Thats how they found my cancer, i knew something bad was going on, not sure what at the time, but sure as hell felt bad. Nothing that screamed pain somewhere, just insidious fatigue unable one day to walk 10steps! Had to stop. Crazy! Sorry bout the novel here, cant help it, its just me sometimes. Yakkity yak. Btw, interesting about the bp, knew pain was related, but, not specifically how. Thanks again! 

Well , looks like they win as usual, just another reason to not give opioids. Sometimes when i wake up, feeling horrible , yet again, that i really wouldnt mind if i died while sleeping. Funny thing, each nite im hopeful that tomorow will be a better day. Im a living oxymoron, lol! 

Thanks nitetrain for the kind words. Unfortunately the little i have learned about all this was from online, pd says little. Was just at kidney sp, again told little, except my ckd is prob from ibuprophen! Doin some testing to find out why blood in there. But, like that commercial for some drug, thats only one part of me n my issues, lol. One interesting thing he said, that my kidneys started acting hinky only after stop rx pain meds . Hmm. Took large doses, never a prob, but one year after , ckd! My my my. And yet they say opioids are not good for chronic pain? But drs say take advil! Wth? Bt×, nite, if you could steer me towards some better info, id be obliged! Funny, i think patients know more about their prob than drs. Why dont they listen to us when we have something new , cuz we know our bodies! Any changes, we know it, we listen to out bodies and pay attention. Thats how they found my cancer, i knew something bad was going on, not sure what at the time, but sure as hell felt bad. Nothing that screamed pain somewhere, just insidious fatigue unable one day to walk 10steps! Had to stop. Crazy! Sorry bout the novel here, cant help it, its just me sometimes. Yakkity yak. Btw, interesting about the bp, knew pain was related, but, not specifically how. Thanks again! 
I'm not sure what your kidney issues are but I was sent to a nephrologist (kidney doc) because mine were working at 50%. Diagnosed with CKD. The doc said this was typical for my age and not to worry. I didn't have blood but you may have a kidney infection. There is a condition of the kidneys from heavy use of pjs...I think it's called analgesic nephthroposy.

Good Luck!

Well , looks like they win as usual, just another reason to not give opioids. Sometimes when i wake up, feeling horrible , yet again, that i really wouldnt mind if i died while sleeping. Funny thing, each nite im hopeful that tomorow will be a better day. Im a living oxymoron, lol! 
A single day can change your life! Hang onto the hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Persist! Easier said than done when you're in horrible pain but you will find relief and things to help physically & mentally. You are important to me! Take a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other. Peace and health!

                                            Well , looks like they win as usual, just another reason to not give opioids. Sometimes when i wake up, feeling horrible , yet again, that i really wouldnt mind if i died while sleeping. Funny thing, each nite im hopeful that tomorow will be a better day. Im a living oxymoron, lol! 

Lol, dont know what happened there. Oops. Just wanted to say thank u for encouragement. Its amazing what a few kind words can do to a persons mindset! Some days its hard to go on, knowing that each day in pain seems neverending. Im usually the optimistic one, glass half full person, but, it gets harder some days. I try to keep my "normal" facade on, which i admit, i have gotten extremely good at, so much so, people think im "better", saying, they so glad im better, lol. Its just normal for me to push pain down now, but, it gets exhausting, guess im just tired.  Bless u! And your kind heart , Nite!

Weird thought came to mind when reading these posts, just like the old tv show, millions of stories , but, the one we have is only one of many. Sad. 
The Naked   I've watched it on free TV.  Cool 1950's B&W noir style blues jazzy street scenes NYC. Love this stuff!!!

Iv've discovered "narcotic rotation" works. Switch your DOC ( drug of choice) every 6-7 months to keep your tolerance down and get maximum effect from your medicine. The equivalent analgesic charts are not very accurate so it's your discretion...just be careful.

@redmistmd so sorry about your health issues. You certainly are far from alone. There are countless members here who found this site searching the Internet in desperation, myself included.

It's not the perfect answer because of the high prices of pks, but at least it is an alternative to suffering in pain to the degree you can afford it . 

I am way too scared to ask for anything stronger and possibly lose what little bit I do receive so at least I can afford to supplement my prescription. If I had to get it all on my own, I could not do it.
Pain is subjective, meaning we all experience it differently.  The pain scale of #1 to #10 is a crude tool to attempt some kind of "set point" for staff to work with.  My point here is  I am also supplementing my PM scripts in order to make it through the month. At no time do I feel pain free. It's a misnomer that we are here to get " high", lol. I'd feel blessed to just sleep a couple of hours uninterrupted . 

Until the pendulum swings back again we are out here " twisting in the wind", except that I feel part of a healing  family through DBG... both medicinally and emotionally.

" There is a vast minority of people who never truly feel well without opioids". It's neurobiology. If you want to read more check into David Pearce, a British biochemist & philospher. Thanks for the time and hope you all have a fairly comfortable day.

I completely understand and just hate how doctors and pharmacist treat us with chronic pain. I went to 7 pharmacies between Fri and Sat trying to get my prescription for 90 Norcs filled.  Not only do pharmacies not keep a steady supply of psin medication.  They treated me like an addict because I didn't want to wait until they get more next week.  My migraines and back had me throwing up and in tears.  One crappy pharmacist at Rite Aid told me I don't take prescriptions from Drs I dont know within a 5mi radius.  Its a freaking Rite Aid.  Who cares where my dr is located. Fill the prescription. 

Lol, dont know what happened there. Oops. Just wanted to say thank u for encouragement. Its amazing what a few kind words can do to a persons mindset! Some days its hard to go on, knowing that each day in pain seems neverending. Im usually the optimistic one, glass half full person, but, it gets harder some days. I try to keep my "normal" facade on, which i admit, i have gotten extremely good at, so much so, people think im "better", saying, they so glad im better, lol. Its just normal for me to push pain down now, but, it gets exhausting, guess im just tired.  Bless u! And your kind heart , Nite!

Btw, for tolerance i read that a supplement might help, as well as being synergistic. Anyone.?

Happy Sarurday Rosealso,

I don't know how you woke up or if you slept at all. If I can "pass out for a few hours on crappy muscle relaxants" as another one of our pain warriors said, then the first few seconds of consciencnous isn't  pleasant. Trying to move body parts, assess if youre going to be able to crawl out of bed  w/out tears running down your face,, next  taking morning meds then waiting.....

But I know people in wheelchairs, colostemy bags, walkers, canes, braces who face that inevitable trip to yet one more physical therapy session.  I am not there...not yet & hopefully never will be.  Self talk is important. I try very hard to understand my situation could be worse...remembering pain meds help if they are the right kind ( still hunting for the right combo) and still can get out to do a few things.

So dear Rosealso, know Spring and summer are fast approaching. We have a few better days ahead. I want to let you know I care about you and wish you the best possible day!


Hiya Nite! Nice of you to say hello! Bad week, last, grr. Im trying to hang in there, but, as you know, when bad days run in a row, its truly hard to keep optimistic ,. Trying all the bag o tricks has to offer,. So want to explore d option , still gun shy after 600 flew out the window after dumbarse decision. Doc appt 15th, always a nail biter, lol. Want to take leap of faith and go for it. Got menu from mr. D. Decisions lol....want 10 =hydroplanes , but, genuine?  Sure would help the way bad days go by quicker.  Heyheyhey! Spring ahead, woohoo! Countdown, to being able to work outside! Throwing mulch down, clearing out the old, waiting for the new! Plus, flip flop time! Green grass, flowers, full trees, ah, color! Best thing, in the sun, doing whatever the mood and body willing to do. Sorry to go on, but, when a person out in boonies, my Taz , (yeller lab mix] and about to go mad hatter, when i get the chance to yakkity yak, i get lost. Hey! There are other folks in the universe lol! How are you holding up? Yup, got that , about being worse. On the rare "good" days, im almost normal, pushing the last bad days to the back, trying to just enjoy the moment. But, then like as of late, hurt so bad, that just for a moment , why me? Damn it, it hurts! Most times, i can put on my normal mask, and able to hide how i feel. I then get pissed when i see someone , normal, complain how much pain after working out , having to tell how much they hurt. Enuf whining.    Ahh, spring , warm weather, nothing better. Beats the colder days that just make u hurt, besides , being dark n gloomy on top of it. Me thinks warmer climate is the ticket.    Well, the countdown is on ! Nature is already sprining, lol, into action! Some lil purple flowers peaking out!   Heres hoping there are more good days than bad, we"ve had enuf of those. Heres to , having something to smile about!   Gotta get it wherever we can find it (smile). Hope u got one on! 

my mother who has breast cancer and it spread to C1 in her neck. her pain doc only gives her 7 r0xy 3o and 2 m0rphs 100s, and says thats way to much even for a cancer patient. its messed up

Mr Reaper, just a note to tell you im sorry for you, having to watch Mom deal with cancer! It must tear you up, seeing her in pain. I know everybody feels for the cancer patient, but, its not just them that suffer . Might not have to deal with the physical pain they do ,but not being able to take it away some way  causes unbelievable emotional suffering ? Prayers for your family in  dealing with this. If only pharma would share the secret of cures, so much suffering would end. Peace to you .

So sorry about your Mom. I’ll put her on my prayer 🙏🏽 list. BREAST CA is horrible .

my mum is a 2 x breast CA survivor. Bless both she and your family :-(

so sorry most of the peps read about here are suffering like they are.... It helped me to see, we are not alone, and the words of encouragement, are similar to our own support group. Faith and knowing there will be better days are the only things that help me continue,

the PM doc I see has compassion, and staff are great, they don't force injections on me, other than one time I went in so swollen from the neck down my arm and back, that my arm was immobile, and they stated they couldn't allow me to drive without informing the law, I was impaired, they required I take the injections, but as it was not scheduled or budgeted, they did it for free, then said I could go, ahead and drive, even though, the swelling would not subside for hours, but they had met the legal requirements.... 

they still write me O*y, f3nt@nyl, leeric@, 3$gic, ( for migraines ) and muscle rel@xers, always had to pay the PM doc out of pocket, since my Obummer ins would not cover it... well since Dec 31 ... the PM doc, is no longer in my network, so the M3DS have to come out of my pocket, on top of the $200 to see the clinic,  and the hour drive to another state.... even though the PM doc has a treatment in a close hospital, in my state, just 10 mins down the road,  but he himself told me, he can NOT write the level of M3DS, given, in our state, but can write them in the state below me.... so it is a grand to just see the doc, and just get the O*y, and F3nt@nyl... I can NOT afford the rest of the meds....

I used to pay $40 a month for Blue cross blue shield, but obummer said I could keep it.... and of course ... lost it ... to meet the ACA requirements... I checked into getting my BC/BS back , now that we are free(r) under Trump... and it would be over $800 ... so thanks Obummer for screwing up my insurance ...... 

Thank GOD , the doc does help me best he can.... many days I think of giving up, then think about all those that have it worse... and I can only thank GOD it is not worse .... so I am blessed , and can endure.. so again, Thank GOD for this group, and the knowledge it could be worse, is to know we are still blessed.. and pray we can find some relief somewhere... other than risking our health and freedom on the street...

I used to do well when the level, of O*y was almost double, what it is now, before the new law, in the state below me, limiting what the doc could write, so if I can find somewhere to get more O*y, I can keep doing odd jobs and working, as this being shut up in the winter makes it much worse ... keep hanging in there folks , and remember to thank GOD it is NOT worse, and pray we get some real help somewhere .... 

P.S. I have tried the M3D$ rotation method, but O*y only thing, that helps my situation.

peace and blessings 

The Professor 

@Professor_Dru, how long have you been on F€nT? I was on it for almost 3 years and it completely fucked my teeth up. I hope it doesn’t do the same for you. I envy you, with your dr. It def sucks the way you have to go about things, but it’s awesome you have such a great dr. Those are soooo few and far between. My current dr is so fucking scared of you know who that he gives me the lowest dose of mOrF. It doesn’t do shit. Hence why I’m on here. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for