Don't get discouraged. It was a very upbeat thread until people began talking LE and now there are a few financial quirks that will work out. I love TT.
Here's an exerpt of personalized email TT just sent me:
The way that international transactions work is that a provisional
amount is debited to your account at the exchange rate when your bank
authorizes the transaction. This falls away when settlement between
banks takes place and your account is then debited with the actual
amount at the prevailing exchange rate.
Their site is up, functioning, customer service is promptly responding to customer emails, I was given personal info about my own order as well. Others that purchased couple days ahead of me have reported they received their order. If waiting makes you feel better, then wait. This is a chancy business. Ever gamble or play the horses? LOL I'll post as soon as I see it on account or receive.
But know that my daughter-in-law works in a bank, told me TT is rated "low risk" in the international bank ranking.
I've read entire thread more than once and no one has ever posted getting ripped off. This is top notch.
"Knocks" on the door you can worry about forever.
If you've ever done anything, and they want you, they will have you - for breakfast (as in about 3-4 am probably).
Nothing seems weird except it's taking a while to deduct the money from my account
(probably waiting on exchange rate to be in their favor. Just kidding.)
But if you have bad feeling, not from site - but overall have a bad feeling, sometimes you can feel it around you like it's looming over you, or on your skin, in your stomach or even taste it (metallic taste) then don't do it. Trust your instincts.
(unless you've been up, like, four days wired like a 100 watt bulb or something - then, just go to sleep!!!)