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A-PihP just cleared customs boys and girls. Orders will be capped at 3.5 grams per person for your own well being. I won’t give an exact date bc I don’t want mass chaos and carnage but let’s just say soon. Pretty darn soon.

On another note any open orders please email me right away. I think we are good just a few to drop tomorrow. 1 guy I’m unsure of though.

-A-PihP 2 days away (Asian batch already cleared customs, looks fantastic and reviews been great)

-A-PCYP citrate (new) lands tomorrow

-3.5 mg REAL ALPRAZOLAM👌👀 (with lab results)

-Clean amphetamine sulfate adderal(in stock) w lab results posted already

-4-ME-TMP arrives tomorrow

-Odsmt arrives tomorrow (Fire Batch-None of this is from jack or LF - nothing is cut👀

SR-17078- Arrives tomm

Avizafone- ill have powder and solutions available (water soluble - pro drug to Diazepam - Valium)

3MMC- In Stock \[ 95%\] labbed

2MMC- In Stock

4MMC- In Stock

And a couple othder items arriving tomm, i dont know what, he said he will surprise me


Menu will be updated later tonight/tommorow

Password: i.i.b…

New Email

Oh and here is my SR experience report , its copy/pasted from my server on elementso dont pay attention to some stuff

Quick background. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years, then i was sober for 10 years from opiates. A few months ago I relapsed in the worst way. Started on Fetty then straight to Zene in a month.

So I was on Etonitazepyne the majority of this run. It’s extremely powerful (20x as strong as fentanyl) but the good thing is it has legs for days. A dose could keep me good 36 hours. BC of the half life this makes it the best zene to taper with as well. So I got lucky in that aspect. At my height I was doing well over a gram a day IV use. That might sound crazy but it’s actually really easy with zenes. I’ve never seen a drug rapidly accumulate tolerance like that. I was doing .005 shots in the beginning. At the end I was doing everything I could to get a quarter gram to dissolve. And let me tell you - it takes ALOT. My life was bottling zene solutions and figuring out the formula to use them PG, citric acid, rapid heating is the only way u can IV the dosages i did. For those that dont know, zenes turn to a disgusting plasticky goo when added to water. You need to heat alot and then you have about 30 seconds to IV else its goo again. Disgusting fucking shit. Now back to tolrance- What gets u well at the beginning of the week will not suffice after 7 days of straight use. I was doubling my dose every week almost. They really are the devil in every way.

So anyways I started about a 3 month taper. That was fucking tough, but I was done. These zenes had ravaged me. So by the end I took my last 6-7 grams and I added 32 grams of cut to it. (Just to “fool” my mind, ya know - but really I needed to be able to dose it as well. At my final day I was doing a quarter gram a day of eto that had been cut 6 times over. So from let’s say 1.5 gram per day of extremely pure product to a quarter gram a day of like 15% purity product. At that point I jumped off and started SR-17018. I started at 300 mg a day but I would have been more comfortable at 400. Still I was fine, I had comfort meds as well so a little discomfort on day 2-3 but that’s about it.


Days 1-6 - 100 mg x 3 per day

Days 7-11 - 100 mg 2x per day

Days 12-14 - 75 mg 2x per day

Days 15-16 - 50 mg 2x per day

Day 17 - 25 mg 2 x per day,

I was still on zene so if your on fetty, heroin, oxy, suboxone, Odsmt , kratom. Your going to need much less.

If your on say 4 mg suboxone a day…I would start w allergy test. Then try 25 mg. See if that works for you and go from there.

If your on lower dose kratom or Odsmt I would start at 10 mg.

Id like to stress that their is still a lot of unknown factors and research that has to be done on this drug. Would it be useful getting off the minor opiates/opioids - Well, I don't see why not. If your going to use this you need to research every possible aspect you can so you can make an informed decision. Your body. Your choice.

After cessation .. not much withdrawal. It is really pretty miraculous to me. I used benzodiazepines only the 1st 4 days of this taper. After that my other comfort meds were tapentadol, clonidine , pregablin, soma. I kept O-DSMT on hand. Soma to me were the best since I can’t have benzos. They really took away any residual WD symptoms and allowed sleep and relaxation.

I did not experience any negative side effects.

So SR never got me high at all. So unlike suboxone (Same class of drug), which always gave me a slight buzz or mood lift. SR did nothing but take away WD. It does not dissolve in water so it’s very anti abusable. Your not IVing or snorting this stuff. Can u get high off of it? I don't know. Not at my dosages at least. So to me- it’s almost the perfect drug for getting off opiates. When you throw in the factor that it has studies that shows it reverses tolerance to morphine as well, well its a winner in my book.


To make a solution you would need DMSO and PEG300 for accurate dosing. PG and Citric acid may work. Unfortunately i only had PG on hand so i resorted to painstakingly weighing capsules.

Another FYI:

Most people would start taking SR with their drug of choice. And taper down. So hypothetically I would have used SR in conjunction with Etonitazepyne to lower my tolerance faster. That’s not the route I chose. More like this is just kind of how it worked out for me. So I stopped zene completely and started SR alone the next day and this way worked out well for me.

Last FYI - I do have a source I just found that I am vetting - that sells it 40 a g. (Domestic) If that turns out good, I’ll share with you guys of course.

I’m finalizing an order to Asia tonight. So if u want to add any amount of SR-17018 onto my order I will do that at cost.

Ive changed my stance. Zenes will no longer be tolerated here as far as being sold. Zenes/Tranq are the only items prohibited from being sold. The only exception is if someone is already addicted to zenes, we will help. But has to be a plan to get off. These are the worst drugs on earth and they really do ravage your body and soul in a matter of weeks.

Fuck em.
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I did not receive a refund and highly doubt I will. It was my fault so I too understand why I was banned and respect the rules put in place as they have a purpose, however I do feel that he could have just said no and refunded my money. Honestly was really hoping to subscribe with PHX as he seems to be well regarded. I hope things go better for you.
I forgot about the refund, of course you will receive. That is NOT how we roll we do not steal from anyone. anyone that knows us would never say "i hioghly doubt i will" . We are not thieves. Honestly sometimes we give so much away that some weeks we turn no profit. Once you learn proper opsec we can try again. For now, Im sorry but i wont take orders from you. Its nothing personal. Please understand its for my safety and YOURS. Please send email right away to with info for refund and you will be refunded right away. I apologize i forgot. Its all love though man. I had to study up and learn the game before i started ordering. It took a while.

Speaking of, i have pre loaded TAILS OS Jump drives for about $45 if anyone needs. They are 128 G SANDISK usb C/A. All you have to do is insert and boot your computer through the jump drive. Ill add this info on the menu. Whonix available as well.

Oh and here is my SR experience report , its copy/pasted from my server on elementso dont pay attention to some stuff

Quick background. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years, then i was sober for 10 years from opiates. A few months ago I relapsed in the worst way. Started on Fetty then straight to Zene in a month.

So I was on Etonitazepyne the majority of this run. It’s extremely powerful (20x as strong as fentanyl) but the good thing is it has legs for days. A dose could keep me good 36 hours. BC of the half life this makes it the best zene to taper with as well. So I got lucky in that aspect. At my height I was doing well over a gram a day IV use. That might sound crazy but it’s actually really easy with zenes. I’ve never seen a drug rapidly accumulate tolerance like that. I was doing .005 shots in the beginning. At the end I was doing everything I could to get a quarter gram to dissolve. And let me tell you - it takes ALOT. My life was bottling zene solutions and figuring out the formula to use them PG, citric acid, rapid heating is the only way u can IV the dosages i did. For those that dont know, zenes turn to a disgusting plasticky goo when added to water. You need to heat alot and then you have about 30 seconds to IV else its goo again. Disgusting fucking shit. Now back to tolrance- What gets u well at the beginning of the week will not suffice after 7 days of straight use. I was doubling my dose every week almost. They really are the devil in every way.

So anyways I started about a 3 month taper. That was fucking tough, but I was done. These zenes had ravaged me. So by the end I took my last 6-7 grams and I added 32 grams of cut to it. (Just to “fool” my mind, ya know - but really I needed to be able to dose it as well. At my final day I was doing a quarter gram a day of eto that had been cut 6 times over. So from let’s say 1.5 gram per day of extremely pure product to a quarter gram a day of like 15% purity product. At that point I jumped off and started SR-17018. I started at 300 mg a day but I would have been more comfortable at 400. Still I was fine, I had comfort meds as well so a little discomfort on day 2-3 but that’s about it.


Days 1-6 - 100 mg x 3 per day

Days 7-11 - 100 mg 2x per day

Days 12-14 - 75 mg 2x per day

Days 15-16 - 50 mg 2x per day

Day 17 - 25 mg 2 x per day,

I was still on zene so if your on fetty, heroin, oxy, suboxone, Odsmt , kratom. Your going to need much less.

If your on say 4 mg suboxone a day…I would start w allergy test. Then try 25 mg. See if that works for you and go from there.

If your on lower dose kratom or Odsmt I would start at 10 mg.

Id like to stress that their is still a lot of unknown factors and research that has to be done on this drug. Would it be useful getting off the minor opiates/opioids - Well, I don't see why not. If your going to use this you need to research every possible aspect you can so you can make an informed decision. Your body. Your choice.

After cessation .. not much withdrawal. It is really pretty miraculous to me. I used benzodiazepines only the 1st 4 days of this taper. After that my other comfort meds were tapentadol, clonidine , pregablin, soma. I kept O-DSMT on hand. Soma to me were the best since I can’t have benzos. They really took away any residual WD symptoms and allowed sleep and relaxation.

I did not experience any negative side effects.

So SR never got me high at all. So unlike suboxone (Same class of drug), which always gave me a slight buzz or mood lift. SR did nothing but take away WD. It does not dissolve in water so it’s very anti abusable. Your not IVing or snorting this stuff. Can u get high off of it? I don't know. Not at my dosages at least. So to me- it’s almost the perfect drug for getting off opiates. When you throw in the factor that it has studies that shows it reverses tolerance to morphine as well, well its a winner in my book.


To make a solution you would need DMSO and PEG300 for accurate dosing. PG and Citric acid may work. Unfortunately i only had PG on hand so i resorted to painstakingly weighing capsules.

Another FYI:

Most people would start taking SR with their drug of choice. And taper down. So hypothetically I would have used SR in conjunction with Etonitazepyne to lower my tolerance faster. That’s not the route I chose. More like this is just kind of how it worked out for me. So I stopped zene completely and started SR alone the next day and this way worked out well for me.

Last FYI - I do have a source I just found that I am vetting - that sells it 40 a g. (Domestic) If that turns out good, I’ll share with you guys of course.

I’m finalizing an order to Asia tonight. So if u want to add any amount of SR-17018 onto my order I will do that at cost.

Ive changed my stance. Zenes will no longer be tolerated here as far as being sold. Zenes/Tranq are the only items prohibited from being sold. The only exception is if someone is already addicted to zenes, we will help. But has to be a plan to get off. These are the worst drugs on earth and they really do ravage your body and soul in a matter of weeks.

Fuck em.
man this shit is crazy to read, glad you are ok
I wonder if SR17018 would help someone get off Suboxone? Like taper down to 2mg and then switch to it. 40 a g and you only need 25mg that's crazy
I’m not taking orders right now but we can do something special. Or if anyone is interested I’ll take a couple people for both. I need feedback, is it good, above average etc. I especially need feedback on the clean Addies so I need someone with reagents that can make sure there is not meth in them,
I know this is old, but if you want honest reviews I'll do them for you
I have regularly used previous tenants at addresses. These people still regularly had mail delivered at their old address which was my new address. In the eyes of the post office there is nothing suspicious happening. You are acting like a dick, honestly.
No, what you are doing is idiotic and all it’s doing is resulting in larger risk for you and the vendor. 🤦🏻
No, what you are doing is idiotic and all it’s doing is resulting in larger risk for you and the vendor. 🤦🏻
Like I said, he’s gotta learn the basics of the USPIS scoring and flagging system. Terribly wrong and your address will get flagged soon sir if you keep it up.
Those were odsmt and 4-me-tmp. Here’s the pyros the NEW A-PCYP Citrate and a second one I was given for free, not sure what it is yet lol. Will get back to you guys after my supplier replies. APCYP vapes beautifully, got some real fuckin power .
Check session.

Fuck my phone, but PHX is the man. If anyone have qs, DM me and I can give you my proton to talk.

Lots of love brother, from me and my little brother. No one can touch this man in any category
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very nice I’m on a few as your probably the most professional vendor I have since DC dies
I had a great experience with PHX. Friendly person - pleasant communications. Love the variety of magazines available and the extremely fair prices of them. Subscription sent very soon after donation and arrived swiftly. High quality reads - OD mag was 🔥 Highly recommend this vendor.
Finally trying them out. Seems like PHX is earning a good rep and they were very quick to respond in our previous comms.
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  3. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  5. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  6. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  7. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  8. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  10. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  14. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  17. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  18. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong