You too? My doc gave me something in the antihistamine family for increasing my appetite but it isn't working. The part about missing mom I didn't anticipate was the meals. I guess it's true that the path to a mans heart is through his stomach.
high protein low carbs and absolutely no simple sugars.....walk in morning and takes 4 sugar particles to break down one long as you take daily chewable vitamin and calcium supplement you should have some success. dropped about 100 lbs over 4 years....hope this helps
Phent@rmine is the "Miracle Pill" and don't let anybody tell you it's not. Tried every med possible, even surgery, but nothing worked as well as Phen. And was not the least bit addictive for me either.
Phen/Phen gave it a bad name which still lingers on. Such a pity.
I have a good friend that swears by it as well. She crashes really bad when she doesnt have it though. I tried it once for energy ( i am more on the other side of the weight scale, which is also bad) and i was bouncing off of the walls. I am a nervous nelly naturally so it was a bad choice for me.
I was on on phentermine for 6 months and lost 75 pounds. HAd to stop when I doing out I was pregnant. Great pill to loose weight but you still have to watch what you eat, exercises drink that water or it won't come off!!
I tried a carb free diet once. It does work but like most diets you gain back the weight when you eat normally. It could be good to lose weight for an occasion as you mentioned.
I'm trying to lose 30lbs of baby weight, using a low carb diet and exercise. To help curb my appetite and take away chronic back pain, I take one tramadol a day. Down 12 pounds so far.