Depression is the worst. Until it happens to a person I don't think non suffered get it. You " know, oh, you'll snap out of it, etc.". They all mean well. My gosh here is a list of all the meds I have tried (from memory so may forgetting some):
prestique-nightmare-suicidal thoughts big time
wellabutrin-made anxiety issues a lot worse
zolft -slept continuously, when waking had major anxiety
prozac-severe stomach problems requiring hospital visits
valoric acid-no effect other than hair loss and weight gain
trazadone-sort of worked but tons of weight gain-not worth it
st. johns wort-nothing really-sort of tweaked me out a bit though-in a bad way
5-htp-same as above
SAMe-same as above
paxil- slept all the time, lost complete interest in life
depakote-hair loss
effexor xr-worst of the bunch, gained a pound a day, slept all the time, had no interesest in family, sex or music (I'm a lifelong musician)
elavil- you wont poop for weeks. and migraines
I went through all of these in about a year. Granted, I didn't wait for that 4-6 week sh!t when I started having bad side effects, just kept telling my docs they weren't options. From reading around the we thhough, I know that some people are helped.
Ilke I said, the average Joe doesn't get depression, its a brain chemissty thing. Things can be going great on ther face but it stll doesn't matter. Also, thee is a lot of research to be done as to how diet impacts mental moods. Like it or not, everything you ingest sets of a chemical reaction in your brain, regardless if its an apple or an oxy. Obviously the differences are extreme. My poinnt is if someone suffers froma food allergy they are unaware off, that can greatly affect their mood (gluten is a big one). For me, benzos help when I don't abuse them because my probs are more anxiety based. One time I got into a big argument with my doc who warned me of the side effects of prolonged benzos (namely dependence, as wee all know). I said at least they help, but all of these other drugs not deemed as evil controlled side effects come with a litny of side effects and people who take them for years go through hell coming off and many can not. An this is all without at least having the "fun" that you get to have with a speedball habit.
I understand no one knows me here but my post is filled with jokes and sarcasm but I with everyone the best and if someone is interested I have lots of opened bottles of the crap listed above. One mans crap is another's, not so
Counseling and support groups help in my experience to see that you're not alone.
Also, as a former abuser of just about everything you can think of, there is good chance that I just sort of "broke" myself and it won't ever be like its used to.
By the way, that year when I went through ll those meds listed, I wend from a sexy (as can be for 44) hunk of a man around 160 ilbs to a 200 lb winded softy-took about 4 months. after I stopped the anti d's I lost 20 right off the ba in a little over a month with no exercise or dietary change. the remaining 20 still linger. Probably going to look on here for a med to help with that which wont hurt anxiety
any way, this post kinda rambles-sorry. I should have selected "Midnight Rambler" as my user name although I'm much nicer than the fellow depicted in the stones tune.
peace and love to all (unless you rip me off-the f you!!!--just kidding

sort of)
Tommy Roxx