Depression is a bitch. Looking back mine started at an early age - probably around the age of 10. However, I wasn't officially diagnosed until last year. I was once rx'd Zoloft which made me feel like an emotionless zombie so I stopped taking after 6 months. During a recent stint in rehab I was rx'd Remeron which made me feel like sticking my head in a bag of sugar. Unfortunately in doing so I gained a lot of weight which made me even more depressed. After doing some research and hearing positive things about Wellbutrin i started taking it. What a world of a difference it has made! I feel like this is the way I should have always felt. No longer does it feel like a huge chore to do the simplest task. Best part is it didn't cause weight gain. In fact, I lost weight! I believe it is sometimes referred to as the happy, horny skinny pill. Now I know why!
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