depression discussion

Depression is like being forced to wear a cloak made of lead...

You don't get to choose when to put it on, or when to take it off. We just have to wear the fucker, regardless!

It's almost like a second skin which gradually seeps into your own, real skin and poisons everything that you used to be and more importantly 'want' to be! Once it appears, it will always be there in some form or other, waiting to attack you when you are at your most vulnerable..

Recognising depression is the easy part.. The hard part is trying every day, to fight your way through the unnecessarily sticky, awful, crappy swamp that it creates around everything in your life..

But, it doesn't have to rule your life, or even change the way you think. In fact, it can make you strong, resilient and a damn fine human being... Granted, it does make things harder, but at least it makes things interesting : )

So, as a very good friend of mine once said:

good luck, chin up and keep moving forward : )

Very Well put Phrenicz,I am not actually depressed in the "classic" sense but I can go for weeks feeling that a black cloud is hanging over me but  then I can feel fine for weeks/months?.

I personally pit it down to my addiction to "hard" drugs which of course can and does happen to many people with an addiction,my heart goes out to anyone that has depression through no fault of they're own!!.


Bliss. ....

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Yes Andrew depression and opiate addiction go hand in hand, before I had my addiction to opiates I was always a glass half full kind of a guy.After my usage got out of hand I found myself depressed most of the time which of course is quite obvious.

Even when I got off opiates for a year I found it SO hard to raise a smile and have a good outlook on  life .So apart from the physical pains of opiate addiction there is certainly mental issues to  overcome also.So I would say to get clean is the easy bit it's the staying clean that's the problem and a Hobby or a new pastime  is the key to living a drug free life as It's so easy to slip back through boredom.So keep on Keeping on and all the best to people fighting the fight!!!!


Bliss. ....

Thanks Andrew I hope your doing well at the moment?.When I was in rehab I heard someone mention they'd used now and again while in there,well I basically stuck them in as when your in rehab it's not (grassing) it's simply trying to make sure the house stays clean as 1or 2 people dabbling can end up with the whole house using!!.

Hope you made a good choice with detox/re-habs and it looks like a few of us would like to hear how your doing ?,btw keep up the work on yourself it's the only way to get there.In re-hab they allways said there was a reason for my addiction I always said cause I liked it but I've realised I don't really like myself very much and my usage hides any worries I have basically worry about things later attitude!,never a good thing as it deffo comes back and bites yer ass!!!!


Bliss. ...

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Good man PTFC good to hear you've beaten the awful opiates!!.

Btw Andrew might be in re-hab as when I was in they took my mobile phone away for the first few months and only let you make a supervised phone call once or if you were lucky twice a week!.Makes sense I suppose as the first month is the worst and god knows who you'd be calling if you had your mobile phone on hand??.


Bliss. ....

I have struggled with depression and anxiety as long as I can remember. Sadly, in addition to SSRI's, Benzo's and Opiates work the best in managing my symptoms. 

Good man PTFC good to hear you've beaten the awful opiates!!.

Btw Andrew might be in re-hab as when I was in they took my mobile phone away for the first few months and only let you make a supervised phone call once or if you were lucky twice a week!.Makes sense I suppose as the first month is the worst and god knows who you'd be calling if you had your mobile phone on hand??.


Bliss. ....
Thanks blissopifree!  I have to be honest though, I have probably picked up a mild bnzo dependence in the process. But working on that now , confident though. 

Good man PTFC good to hear you've beaten the awful opiates!!.

Btw Andrew might be in re-hab as when I was in they took my mobile phone away for the first few months and only let you make a supervised phone call once or if you were lucky twice a week!.Makes sense I suppose as the first month is the worst and god knows who you'd be calling if you had your mobile phone on hand??.


Bliss. ....
Thanks blissopifree!  I have to be honest though, I have probably picked up a mild bnzo dependence in the process. But working on that now , confident though. 
That's ok PTFC one thing at a time bud as usual you get off one med with the help of another then the new med becomes a little bit of a problem!!!.

But as you said you thought you'd picked up a "mild" bnz problem you'll manage that ok mukka just start a taper now bud and you'll be grand bro.Good to hear your in a confident mood and more power to ya my man!!!!.


Bliss. ...

I have struggled with depression and anxiety as long as I can remember. Sadly, in addition to SSRI's, Benzo's and Opiates work the best in managing my symptoms. 
Sorry to hear that @Broadway2282. If you need to talk about anything, you can see we have a lovely and understanding group of members that are always here to lend an ear and support each other.

I have struggled with depression and anxiety as long as I can remember. Sadly, in addition to SSRI's, Benzo's and Opiates work the best in managing my symptoms. 
This is usually the case Broadway just try and be careful with the bnzs.Isn,t it always the case the things that actually help are a sod to get off of?.

Keep up the good fight Broadway sending you best wishes!!!.


Bliss. ......

Pretty much in the same boat as yourself mschrissy in the sense I work and am a functioning addict.I have been clean a couple of times over an addiction Spanning over 20 yrs.I found the first four months to be the worst,then I was so bored as being an addict had taken up so much of my time I found my life boring?.Now I'm back on another m€th@done script after a longish relationship ended and I reverted back to what I know # opiates!!.However I intend to make this present prescription to be my last as I'm so tired of being sick and tired!!!.

Not to mention I'm getting on a bit?



 I am prescribed prozac. With regards to pain, I do think that depression can make you dwell on the already existing chronic pain, but, even after working in the medical profession for a long time, I'm not a firm believer that neuropathic pain being dealt with successfully using drugs like lyrica and so on. You can certainly sedate someone using seroquel and such, to the point that day stop complaining, but I would far rather deal with the consequences of withdrawing physically from pain medication rather than possibly committing suicide after a long term use a potentially unnecessary antidepressant. it always puzzles me that most have these black box warnings.. for any of you dealing with generalized anxiety disorder along with depression, I can tell you that Prozac has been successful for me for a few reasons. First, it is one of the few antidepressants that does not affect your libido. Second, it is also one of the few antidepressants that has the side effect of weight loss, rather than bloating like a drowning victim. Third, it exacerbates the effects of benzodiazepines. and finally, Unlike quite a few anti depressants, I can stop taking it if I am just simply too lazy to go to the pharmacy for a week without getting brains zaps or other strange side effects from going cold turkey.
Went off for too long. sometimes looking after yourself as your last priority. Anyway, daddy got my daughter up for school today and got her to school safely. I ended up sleeping till 5 in the afternoon and have been in tears all day. So, down the hatch the old prozac goes. I have put them out on my window sill so that I won't forget them anymore.

It doesn't feel right to "like" these posts, but I do like that we have somewhere to turn if we feel like shit. I think that you are all awesome to share about something so painful and debilitating.

Peace, love, and happier tomorrows            2earls

 I am prescribed prozac. With regards to pain, I do think that depression can make you dwell on the already existing chronic pain, but, even after working in the medical profession for a long time, I'm not a firm believer that neuropathic pain being dealt with successfully using drugs like lyrica and so on. You can certainly sedate someone using seroquel and such, to the point that day stop complaining, but I would far rather deal with the consequences of withdrawing physically from pain medication rather than possibly committing suicide after a long term use a potentially unnecessary antidepressant. it always puzzles me that most have these black box warnings.. for any of you dealing with generalized anxiety disorder along with depression, I can tell you that Prozac has been successful for me for a few reasons. First, it is one of the few antidepressants that does not affect your libido. Second, it is also one of the few antidepressants that has the side effect of weight loss, rather than bloating like a drowning victim. Third, it exacerbates the effects of benzodiazepines. and finally, Unlike quite a few anti depressants, I can stop taking it if I am just simply too lazy to go to the pharmacy for a week without getting brains zaps or other strange side effects from going cold turkey.
Went off for too long. sometimes looking after yourself as your last priority. Anyway, daddy got my daughter up for school today and got her to school safely. I ended up sleeping till 5 in the afternoon and have been in tears all day. So, down the hatch the old prozac goes. I have put them out on my window sill so that I won't forget them anymore.
Chin up hen. It's easy to forget. Let us know when you feel better. ☺

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Yeh. S/B everyone has off days some worse than others but we all get through them,I also try to learn from how I dealt with those bad days and take strength from that.I am sending you a cyber hug and keep up the good fight you know you can get there Xx


Bliss. ...

V errd/B everyone has off days some worse than others but we all get through them,I also try to learn from how I dealt with those bad days and take strength from that.I am sending you a cyber hug and keep up the good fight you know you can get there Xx


Bliss. ...
 I am prescribed prozac. With regards to pain, I do think that depression can make you dwell on the already existing chronic pain, but, even after working in the medical profession for a long time, I'm not a firm believer that neuropathic pain being dealt with successfully using drugs like lyrica and so on. You can certainly sedate someone using seroquel and such, to the point that day stop complaining, but I would far rather deal with the consequences of withdrawing physically from pain medication rather than possibly committing suicide after a long term use a potentially unnecessary antidepressant. it always puzzles me that most have these black box warnings.. for any of you dealing with generalized anxiety disorder along with depression, I can tell you that Prozac has been successful for me for a few reasons. First, it is one of the few antidepressants that does not affect your libido. Second, it is also one of the few antidepressants that has the side effect of weight loss, rather than bloating like a drowning victim. Third, it exacerbates the effects of benzodiazepines. and finally, Unlike quite a few anti depressants, I can stop taking it if I am just simply too lazy to go to the pharmacy for a week without getting brains zaps or other strange side effects from going cold turkey.
Went off for too long. sometimes looking after yourself as your last priority. Anyway, daddy got my daughter up for school today and got her to school safely. I ended up sleeping till 5 in the afternoon and have been in tears all day. So, down the hatch the old prozac goes. I have put them out on my window sill so that I won't forget them anymore.

dunno how this ended up in the same window as my last comment. But I wanted to thank you. Its nice to hear reassuring words from people and I think I got to the bottom of why after only 4 days off I experienced such a meltdown, when typically I can go up to a week and a half if I am too lazy to get to the pharmacy. within the last 3 weeks I have consumed approximately 900 milligrams of EmDma, of course flooding my brain with serotonin. I hear a lot of people speak about the afterglow after using that particular substance. But whenever I have used it, with the exception of taking tablets at festivals, as this was actual crystals wait out on digital scales, the next couple of days I have always felt Vacant

and a bit emotionless. I think it did a number on my serotonin reuptake and therefore this time around when I went off, albeit just for a few days, I really felt the backlash. Needless to say, even though this is something that we only indulge in, every 4 to 6 months, I will be avoiding it for quite some time. A few good things came out of it. I had a few people stop by that are difficult to get to leave. Upon seeing that I was a mess, I could not have chased them out the door quicker. Lol . I'm going to start following you and your posts, if you don't mind. I always find them to be insightful and pretty accurate as well is amusing. I did get some very encouraging news, however. my daughter was chosen out of three students total and her school to take an exam for the gifted and talented. So, I'm going to use this as an excuse, she and I are ganging up on daddy, to try to get him to allow her to get her ears pierced finally. And I would like to thank both you and @PTFC for your encouraging words. I know its the placebo Effect, but I am already up, out of the bed, cleaning and cooking and feeling about 75 percent of my usual self. ♥♥

Bliss...when I tried to quote prior to posts, they are coming up all VertIcal and funny. I am sorry if I butchere dyour original. I apologize profusely

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I think you more or less explained what happened yourself there. I understand that "emotionless " feeling. Keep up the good work and stay away from the mmmmmmddddddd for a while perhaps. I am on holiday at the moment myself some islands off the coast of Africa, Atlantic ocean. I'll be around ☺

No worries S/B I'm glad you feel better now,it's so true abt "friends" that are quite happy to be around you when things are good but you REALLY do find your true friends in times of struggle.

Jeez the molly used to do that to me for a few days after consumption,basically it was like (don't talk to me) kinda feeling as I really didn't have the energy or interest in replying!!.I don't really take the stuff any more due to the fact I can't take the comedowns (I dunno if it's an age thing?) as in my younger years the comedowns didn't bother me too much?.I also find that my other medications which I take daily doesn't mix too well with the molly.Im just glad to hear your good news as that's great!,we all think our kids are smart but yours really sounds like a girl who can go places.I all ways like to think that it's to do with the parents input as well as the child's intelligence so you and your husband must be doing something correctly.So give yourself a little pat on the back I think you are due one and just breath and try and enjoy the benefits of your child and husband.

Keep ? even if you don't feel like it, it does work (I keep telling myself).....

Btw I'm off on my holidays too like PTFC to the party island of ibiza,Can I refrain from the "party pills"?.Sure I can as i don't wanna waste a couple of days feeling crappy plus I've done the whole clubbing holiday in my younger years.Not to say I won't go to a club or two but I will stick to the San Miguel!!


Bliss. ....

Hi dear friends,

Hope to keep this a vibrant, dynamic forum. Depression is a very close cousin to chronic pain. Indeedy. Now, I cannot speak to mental chronic pain because well that I don't know. However, I have been treated with SSRI's for over 20 years; last 5 lexapro. It's pooping out I think big time. My concern, in wanting to switch, is there any feedback (this being a somewhat opiate-need-for-pain forum) that some SSRI's block the euphoria (however fleeting)  of narcotics? I was told Lex was not a blocker.....It's kind of a well-known statement on the web, that narcotics might be most if not all SSRI's.



Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!