Ordering From Vendors Because Your Doctor Won't Prescribe What You Need

I agree 100%, everyone is made very welcome, a great mix of members, lots of wisdom, sage advice, and opinion. Not forgetting our excellent mods, and of course admin! Myself, and I know many others in this forum, take great pleasure in hearing of/seeing and even feeling someone's progress for the better. You are heading for a better place Bmarie!

Have you looked around for another GP, or are you limited in scope? It's a horrible situation where you are judged and marked for life, even when you have turned things around.
Absolutely! big up to the mods, I appreciate you all and big love & respect to the lovely Cat in the hat (mwah x)It's been lovely to make friends with you too PTFC /default_smile.pngRe the doctors situ, I'm currently looking around for one but at the same time, I have to say yes I'm v limited in scope as well. My last docs I'd been with for many years but I just felt so uncomfortable going there & was getting to the stage where I dreaded going, even for general health matters. I couldn't take it anymore, but I also know the grass isn't always greener, so I'm praying I find a nice doctor asap.

I shall defo keep you posted, & thank you again for your kind words and support, it means the world to me ~ BM ~

You shouldn't feel bad. The doctor can't give you as much as you need because of the fucking dea breathing down their necks. That's why iops are such a very necessary evil. You obviously know if you need more. But at the docs office, their hands are tied. Its all such bullshit. The whole system. Its not about helping people anymore. Its about making sure NO ONE gets high. Quite a sad state

I agree 100%, everyone is made very welcome, a great mix of members, lots of wisdom, sage advice, and opinion. Not forgetting our excellent mods, and of course admin! Myself, and I know many others in this forum, take great pleasure in hearing of/seeing and even feeling someone's progress for the better. You are heading for a better place Bmarie!

Have you looked around for another GP, or are you limited in scope? It's a horrible situation where you are judged and marked for life, even when you have turned things around.
Absolutely! big up to the mods, I appreciate you all and big love & respect to the lovely Cat in the hat (mwah x)It's been lovely to make friends with you too PTFC /default_smile.pngRe the doctors situ, I'm currently looking around for one but at the same time, I have to say yes I'm v limited in scope as well. My last docs I'd been with for many years but I just felt so uncomfortable going there & was getting to the stage where I dreaded going, even for general health matters. I couldn't take it anymore, but I also know the grass isn't always greener, so I'm praying I find a nice doctor asap.

I shall defo keep you posted, & thank you again for your kind words and support, it means the world to me ~ BM ~
​Bmarie, I have found that asking everyone one you know can work too... word of mouth.  I kept asking everyone and asked them to ask people they knew to recommend a doctor that wasn't afraid to prescribe and finally someone came through.  I haven't made an appointment yet but will soon so just wanted to let you know that word of mouth can work.

I'm not an expert on these types of meds. I'm sure other members will have more knowledgeable advice. If you know Ativ@n does the trick, why not go with that? You know how they always say what works for one, may not for another.

Thanks guys. I use my meds as needed wich is pretty much every day. ... but don't take more then I should. Like I've said I've always obeyed the rules. But it feels good to know that I'm not alone in this. Buying meds from other then my dr, isn't my favorite thing to do but it gives me my quality of life. And because I have children. ... quality of life is all I care about ♡
I can totally relate to this.  I have 3 teenagers, and then a 4 year old who is very difficult. He is causing me so much stress and anxiety that I have constant headaches.  I have a history of occasional migraines anyway, but my child's behavior has increased the intensity of pain.  I feel overwhelmed on a regular basis.  I have tried everything I know about correct parenting and nothing works. I'm trying to be supermom but I'm failing.  I have a sinking feeling.  Recently my doctor prescribed Ativ@n for a long trip in which we were all in a vehicle for many hours.  It was a low dose taken every four hours.  It was so helpful, I was surprised that it worked at all.  I won't ask him for another prescription, but will look for an online vendor I can trust to help me through this difficult time.  I love my children and just want to be the best mom I can be for them.  They deserve the best.

What is your opinion, Ativ@n or X@n@x?  Which is better?  I prefer small doses a few times a day if needed.  Which is more effective?  Just need your thoughts.
I would say ativ@n or kl0nipin would be the lesser of the evils vs xan@x

Thanks guys. I use my meds as needed wich is pretty much every day. ... but don't take more then I should. Like I've said I've always obeyed the rules. But it feels good to know that I'm not alone in this. Buying meds from other then my dr, isn't my favorite thing to do but it gives me my quality of life. And because I have children. ... quality of life is all I care about ♡
I can totally relate to this.  I have 3 teenagers, and then a 4 year old who is very difficult. He is causing me so much stress and anxiety that I have constant headaches.  I have a history of occasional migraines anyway, but my child's behavior has increased the intensity of pain.  I feel overwhelmed on a regular basis.  I have tried everything I know about correct parenting and nothing works. I'm trying to be supermom but I'm failing.  I have a sinking feeling.  Recently my doctor prescribed Ativ@n for a long trip in which we were all in a vehicle for many hours.  It was a low dose taken every four hours.  It was so helpful, I was surprised that it worked at all.  I won't ask him for another prescription, but will look for an online vendor I can trust to help me through this difficult time.  I love my children and just want to be the best mom I can be for them.  They deserve the best.

What is your opinion, Ativ@n or X@n@x?  Which is better?  I prefer small doses a few times a day if needed.  Which is more effective?  Just need your thoughts.
I would say ativ@n or kl0nipin would be the lesser of the evils vs xan@x
I have to agree if ativ@n even at 1mg dose works stick to that.Part of the reason I say that is I find x@n@x very moreish too moreish really for me anyway.Good luck friend look at the email only thread is all i,m gonna say....



also talk with ur doc maybe he can prescribe you a few  a month...which would mean you wouldnt have to deal with the stuff of ordering really..

Since he gave a few and it worked...i would let him know....a small dose a month i dont think would be a problem..

Usually its when people as for a major dose where the doc will draw the line...

good luck hun and feel better..

Personally, I take klonnies -- bad part is, I have been taking them for 15 years so I have built a very high tolerance and take way, way too many and spending too much to get what I need. In a couple of weeks, I am going to "do something about it."

If you know what I mean. - In other words, you can't quit this stuff cold turkey especially at home so.....   Also, I know this is for anxiety but I use it to sleep!

I really like this topic. I would say that in my opinion X is better to take than K or A just because it is a little more potent and a lot of times less side effects on my end atleast. The only catch is X does not have a long half-life.

I am glad you have been able to make your life better, many suffer from misdiagnosis and multisymptom scripts received from doctors. You know yourself best.

Personally, I can connect for sure I am a young female who began taking tr@ms on a daily basis from an online source. I was suffering great fatigue and depression. I went to my doctor because an iop stopped supplying and I went into withdrawals. She helped my wean off of the Tr@ams. 2 years later, my symptoms got worse, anxiety also kicked in. So even after I told my doctor of my online business, I still continue to use it for it is the only thing that can help me to physically and mentally complete everyday tasks. It is not easy, I am wondering should I ask another doctor for a prescription or continue what I am doing. I am just scared of running out and going through withdrawals. Any advice?

It's only natural to be scared of coming off your anxiety meds.I think when you've been through withdrawals from opiates you become scared of the effects of coming off any medication as all you remember is the horrible wds!!?


Bliss. .....

I found that klonz are the easiest to ween down off of...i would cut the pill in four...so I took 6 mg, i would cut one pill in 4 and remove a quarter from it..

it took a while but now im down to 1 mg an  can at will come down from that super easy....

my anxiety is on guard alot more but coming off the meds wasnt to hard..

the med i have problems even thinking about coming down on is traz@done...holy shit..

it makes me feel sooo depressed and  then i cannot sleep at all...and when i screw with the dose i end up awake for sometimes a week...

it for me is the hardest of any med I have ever been on...

so I feel everyones pain when trying to taper :/  not fun!!

I don't tell my doctor either.  They don't know need know about MY personal medical choices.  Granted, I'm not 100% sure i'm getting what I'm ordering lol but....more likely than not you will be safe.  These are our lives and if these so called docs are won't help us, we'll help ourselves!   And being on this board helps tremendously in getting the real deal. 

Happy Trails!

I have found psychiatrist's to be almost worthless. In my experience, they overmedicate you with the wrong stuff. The worst thing I ever did was therapy too. Just my personal experience. Going it on your own with what you know works for you is a better plan of action. 

I am lucky to have a really good psychiatrist who has me on a myriad of medications, several of which are controlled.  I am maxed out on my X@nax taking 2 mg 4 times a day, also Bu$par, & Doxep!n.  I take Addys also for my depression, then have to take Amb!en CR to be able to sleep.  So I don't feel like I can ask him for anything more that is scheduled, the physicians are so closely monitored, they can't just reach for that prescription pad anymore like they did years ago.  I've done therapy, I've had shock treatments, I've been on an ever-changing soup of meds consisting of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, insomnia meds, & muscle relaxers.  But once in a while, I'll get a panic attack, or be completely unable to sleep, or my neck will lock up so that I can't even turn my head, so I do like to keep a stash of a few goodies to get me through the bad times.  Not in a habit of taking a lot of unprescribed meds, and I don't use hard-core stuff, but I feel better having something on hand for when things get out of control.  So I completely understand why people are on this forum trying to get meds to make themselves feel better, and maybe save some money at the doctor's office or the pharmacy.  I don't see many on here that look like they are just looking to get high--everyone just wants to be a little bit better, and sometimes it takes some self-help.  It's good to be able to discuss these topics on this forum--my best friend said I am funding terrorists, wasting money, and that I might as well go downtown to the crackhouse--it's the same difference to her.  She just doesn't understand, so I appreciate this outlet.  Good thread--enjoyed reading what you all had to say.  Leigh Anne

Leigh Ann have you ever tried taking Kratom?  If not I highly rcommend..it could get you off of some of those meds, it is legal and natural.  Read the Kratom section.  It really helps most people.xo

I have degenerative disk disease.  I am in so much pain.  I have started to need more pills to get any relief.  I have to supplement my supply.

if someone could give me a company name where I could get painmeds, it would be apprciated

Leigh Ann have you ever tried taking Kratom?  If not I highly rcommend..it could get you off of some of those meds, it is legal and natural.  Read the Kratom section.  It really helps most people.xo
I have seen people mention Kratom in posts, but had never heard of it before.  I will do some research about it now--I just jotted it down so I won't forget to do a little homework later.  Thank you for the information, I am on so many meds, if I could find one that would be multi-purpose it would be terrific!  And if it's natural, I won't have to worry as much about interactions with all my other meds (but of course, I'll take a look at that as well).  And something legal would also be a relief--don't like feeling that I'm breaking any laws, and I also would like to be able to have full disclosure with my physician as I have had for some time--I will miss that if I'm taking things, even mild ones, that I feel I can't tell him about....Maybe my best friend would get off my back as well and quit accusing me of funding terrorism....I appreciate the advice so much!  I will look at those forums now.  Thanks again!  Leigh Anne

If your doc is not prescribing what you really need & helps you - THIS is the main reason why I buy my meds online! - And i know many people that would criticise me for doing that. But because of my health conditions, background & work i do for living i really know what i need - and than going to a doc thinking he knows everything better and having no time to really make all the needed check ups a normal talks - that is humiliating my self - I know what i need & so i get it myself!

Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!

Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
If your doc is not prescribing what you really need & helps you - THIS is the main reason why I buy my meds online! - And i know many people that would criticise me for doing that. But because of my health conditions, background & work i do for living i really know what i need - and than going to a doc thinking he knows everything better and having no time to really make all the needed check ups a normal talks - that is humiliating my self - I know what i need & so i get it myself!
I feel like I'm maxed out on what my doctor can give me as far as controlled prescriptions and I just don't want to ask for anything else.  He's giving me 4 scheduled medications as it is.  And my GP doesn't even want to give me an aspirin because of all the other meds I take--I asked him for S0Ma to take at night instead of my Z@naflex or Flexer!l, & he acted like I'd asked for MS contin or something.  And as for something for weight loss, I'm just not heavy enough to meet the criteria for those scripts and all the OTC stuff I've been taking just doesn't work.  I do hate to self-medicate, but it seems to be a necessary evil in these days of all the regulations on the doctors.  Thank you for your feedback.  Leigh Anne

Leigh Anne said:
Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
If your doc is not prescribing what you really need & helps you - THIS is the main reason why I buy my meds online! - And i know many people that would criticise me for doing that. But because of my health conditions, background & work i do for living i really know what i need - and than going to a doc thinking he knows everything better and having no time to really make all the needed check ups a normal talks - that is humiliating my self - I know what i need & so i get it myself!
I feel like I'm maxed out on what my doctor can give me as far as controlled prescriptions and I just don't want to ask for anything else.  He's giving me 4 scheduled medications as it is.  And my GP doesn't even want to give me an aspirin because of all the other meds I take--I asked him for S0Ma to take at night instead of my Z@naflex or Flexer!l, & he acted like I'd asked for MS contin or something.  And as for something for weight loss, I'm just not heavy enough to meet the criteria for those scripts and all the OTC stuff I've been taking just doesn't work.  I do hate to self-medicate, but it seems to be a necessary evil in these days of all the regulations on the doctors.  Thank you for your feedback.  Leigh Anne

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?