Cl0nze was always the heavier of the the b3nz0 family to me. Had more psychological effects aswell. Or should I say mood altering. The effects last much longer than others for me personally. I've had a friend have really bad experiences with them though. I seen her turn into a complete different...
My doctor decided it was time to cut me off of my va1um. He said that the combination between my n0rc0 and b3nz could kill me! Lol.. I said to him well you have had my life in such treacherous danger for almost 10 years now? He didn't like my smart ass response. So I said ok well I am fine then...
What's everyone's experience with his m-domez 10 medium grill's? He finally got back to me yesterday. Shoot me a PM or a discreet board post with quality.
I an not sure but I lost my donation status? My last donation was February 2nd 2017. I thought the donation was good for a year? @PTFC @2earls can you help an old friend out.
I actually acted in a film a few years ago. I was casted by a friend who knew of special equipment and locations of where they wanted to shoot in the redwoods and the director thought I fit the part for the local law enforcement scenes. It was a blast. I am naturally outgoing and I can memorize...
I showed my wife this and she said it's more like "Waiting to Exhale". Guess I won't be asking for her to do that for a moment now. ?
Well now that I realized the thread is video game title not movie title.... lol oh well I still have to laugh at this one. :P
Oh I know it's not that special. Or so I've been told ;) . I have been around for a few minutes on the board and feel my contributions are great. I always think yo myself I should help more. Being that I work and have kids it's easier said then done. Lol. I wouldn't want to break my...