Krokodil is a horrific looking and on paper even worse drug. As PTFC states, you really are on deaths door when injecting industrial strength detergent and window cleaner.
It comes in both freeze dried and pe mixed. Either reconstitution is fine although liquid will degrade much quicker and be rendered useless if bacteriostatic water is not used after the 24hr period. We would also suggest looking into clomifene citrate for fertility as well as HMG.
As mentioned...
Steroids arent really your answer, we hate to break it to you. In fact steroids to lose weight are almost contradictory!
Losing weight and bodyfat would be your priority and there are other alternative paths to go down to help with this but plain old cardio and diet is king. Also blood sweat...
Use something non aromatising or something very low aromatising. A lot of it can be controlled via diet ie low sodium and low carbs.
HGH can cause odema in some ppl, quite pronounced.