As part of offering SatoshiLabs Trezor Hardware Wallets, included with that will be VIP access to more information about Wallets(very specific ones), the best content I have produced about Bitcoin best practices, additional crypto services, all aimed at taking whoever might feel at the bottom of the food chain in terms of BTC EDUCATION, simply in terms of acquiring, storing, transacting, and safety to as high level of education as one desires in terms of best practices, minimal fees, maximum value, and videos and content which supports and serves as tutorials for which one can watch like a course.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, as promised to the DBG team..while the upfront cost of a trezor will be retail, half the proceeds with benefit DBG, and EuroMeds will be adding a coupon voucher which makes the expense charged for the wallet, which allows for equal value in services/products provided.
2020 is and will be a year of continued massive action..We hope to have your support. For those who keep asking for menus, please try asking a better question.. "Hello, as a service provider can you provide X or Y medicine/exotic/OTC medication which I need" - We are not a restaurant..we have had menus in the past, and others have menus, just to maximize efficiency and value..The better question is "EuroMeds I am from DBG what do you have as far as "this class of medicine offered in the US or UK or EU?" What kind of expense and options do you have?"
Please feel free to email me at to be added to the list..first 50 spots are filling up(regarding hardware wallets and exclusivity of content). This is not mandatory, and it's only a "IF interested" contact for more information. Otherwise, for any and all BTC related questions anyone might think we can provide assistance with, especially for existing clients, please reach out.
**This same message will be on EuroMeds E-Mail only Sources** as a means of offering service, not solicitation. We can refuse business, just as every community member has a choice for services provided.
Ciao, Du Rien