Whatever. I've had enough of all of this. It seems as though it isn't enough to donate damn near 100% of my free time, and then some, to this forum. It appears, for the 20th time this month, that being a personal secretary is also required. Maybe I'm old fashioned, and it's a generational thing, but why is it that no one seems to get how it might piss someone off to post a request for information that one acknowledges is contained in a thread that they just can't be bothered to spend time reading? Forums and communities are shared, collaborative efforts and resource tools, not a fucking concierge service. I've seen quite enough of this crap, and no, I will not relax and be patient with a "learning process" that should be done through personal study and research, not through posting activity that marginalizes the time consuming efforts of forum contributors and potentially puts good vendors at risk, should someone actually be foolish enough to indulge the lines of questioning.
You and anyone else who wants to be in and out in 10 minutes with vendor contact information or referrals for cheap opiates can have at it. I'm going to go do something productive. Knock yourselves out, and enjoy getting scammed by Topix vendors when every quality vendor goes underground because of indiscreet, immature behavior on this and other forums. Good luck.....