- Joined
- May 8, 2011
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- 411
Good deal! Glad to hear you received on time! Thanks for letting us know!rec. TN last night around 2am, rec letter this morning around 8:30. <24 hr turnaround
Good deal! Glad to hear you received on time! Thanks for letting us know!rec. TN last night around 2am, rec letter this morning around 8:30. <24 hr turnaround
Wow! Simply amazing......I fukin help put those 2 on the fukin map
I was wondering how long it would take for you to comment on that one, LOL!Wow! Simply amazing......
Speechless too, which is quite unusual for me.
I read you're mind too, my dear Sunny1.You just read my mind.
Abba, if dyslexia is causing a misinterpretation of your message please clarifyAbbaZabba666 said:Nevermind I must be dyslexic I kept typing it in wrong. Sheesh tough crowd........
So, this is the respect you and your new buddy show to long time members who contribute dozens of hours of their time to thoroughly research and post the valuable information that people like you can't be bothered to spend time reading? Ever consider that when a vendor takes down their website that there might be a good reason, and maybe they don't want their email address posted because they take new customers on a referral basis?AbbaZabba666 said:Thanks Carnie! I clicked the link on the first page of this thread and it takes you to this page this is where the confusion came into play. I then manually entered the site and it came up just fine. Thanks for the email addy, nice to know there are some friendly people here not trying to stir the pot I know I am new and stupid to this whole thing just appreciate the help.
Quick correction and much respect to my new friend Carnie for the solid humor that I was too slow in noticing in the earlier post. "Ass Clown", that's strong! And thanks again for your PM Carnie, it's all good in the hood!Abba, pay no attention to these folks. The e-mail addy for this vendor is This is the dyslexic form and hopefully you'll be able to place your order soon.
Be safe! And if you drink,don't park.Accidents cause people!
What pot is being stirred here by anyone other than this comment? For being someone new and just looking for help this is a strange way to go about it. Everyone here was new once and most people go through the threads to educate themselves which is all you'd have to do to get answers to your questions. People who spend a lot of their time accommodating new folks - members who approach this as a job & spend a lot of time & energy making sure this board is legitimate and offers helpful information to the vendors and the customers - get rightfully frustrated when they have to repeat over and over information that is easily accessible. If you did read the threads, as Jewy said, you would have learned that some of these vendors prefer not to make their new email public. It is not a matter of being friendly, it is a matter of vendors doing business & utilizing this board the way that is most beneficial for everyone. When the integrity of the information is threatened, everyone is negatively affected, vendors have to keep changing their emails and regular customers whom the vendors actually want to have that information end up with delays & all kinds of other issues due to those changes. There is a reason that this board is set up this way.AbbaZabba666 said:Thanks Carnie! I clicked the link on the first page of this thread and it takes you to this page this is where the confusion came into play. I then manually entered the site and it came up just fine. Thanks for the email addy, nice to know there are some friendly people here not trying to stir the pot I know I am new and stupid to this whole thing just appreciate the help.
I didn't do it Slammy!Why does everybody fight and argue around here all the time?
All I am saying, is give peace a chance.
Play safe everyone!
Whatever. I've had enough of all of this. It seems as though it isn't enough to donate damn near 100% of my free time, and then some, to this forum. It appears, for the 20th time this month, that being a personal secretary is also required. Maybe I'm old fashioned, and it's a generational thing, but why is it that no one seems to get how it might piss someone off to post a request for information that one acknowledges is contained in a thread that they just can't be bothered to spend time reading? Forums and communities are shared, collaborative efforts and resource tools, not a fucking concierge service. I've seen quite enough of this crap, and no, I will not relax and be patient with a "learning process" that should be done through personal study and research, not through posting activity that marginalizes the time consuming efforts of forum contributors and potentially puts good vendors at risk, should someone actually be foolish enough to indulge the lines of questioning.AbbaZabba666 said:I will take care relax! I am not disrespecting you or anyone else or am I trying to cause any problems or trouble on this board. I can't figure out how you read my messages or if they come off as being a prick but I am not. I am just a squirel looking for a nut. I have no problems with anyone and I am not trying to post anything against this websites policies so please if you wouldn't mind be patient with my learning process. I am sure it's annoying having noobs like me to look after on a site that you have put good time into which I definately appreciate trust me, So if I disrespected you or anyone else I am sorry about that still trying to get used to things here which are different then the other boards. These boards have much more valuable info then any others I have found to date.
Why does everybody fight and argue around here all the time?
All I am saying, is give peace a chance.
Play safe everyone!