Domestic seizure

@runnerlk @polygraph @aintnouse I had a package seized by the clowns in brown a few months ago.   They never contacted me about it, the package just never moved out of the originating state.  I have since received other packages from them, thus excluding the name in the database theory.

We should alll be careful, but there AIN'T NO USE in worrying!
Pretty sure this is a boneheaded questions, but are "clowns in brown" YOU-PEA-ESS, or the national service?  The national service has that extra hurdle they need to clear in order to open a magazine - warrant or subpoena.  Probable cause must be difficult, and I'd think they face high risk for taking a chance with a warrant - that's unwarranted.  One vendor who I've worked with uses only the public national service.  Thanks for answering the original question, tough.

Pretty sure this is a boneheaded questions, but are "clowns in brown" YOU-PEA-ESS, or the national service?  The national service has that extra hurdle they need to clear in order to open a magazine - warrant or subpoena.  Probable cause must be difficult, and I'd think they face high risk for taking a chance with a warrant - that's unwarranted.  One vendor who I've worked with uses only the public national service.  Thanks for answering the original question, tough.
you are

@melodyh    No not at all.....Just saying that they seem to be picking more packages out of line than normal.  I wouldnt worry about accepting a package from them unless something really wonky happens and it stops for like 7 days and then you get a delivery notice or something.   Other than that, I would not be concerned.

Good Luck! :)  


My first order ever on here, was from Jim at slrx. Both letters were stoped ln sanfran bpc while in customs. 3 weeks later i get the 2 letters empty some paper work asking if i want to file a dispute or apply for an import licence   from the dea like im some big pharm  company lol in a manila envelope with bcp stamps stickers , ugly green tape all over it and that ugly green tape on the empty envelopes to, they said with out a license to import 50 grams rivo to them  and 30 grams bupe lol, they would not give back the contents. And said my goods would labeled contraband and be incinerated in 30 days. 

I talked to jim he walked me through a way to get  a remailer with an address in the NYC tri state area, after doing so no LLS, He reshipped yea it took forever like 2 months but all came well and right. 

Yea you pay monthly and pay to ship/forward your letters home but they get through and they scan photograph the original pack so right away you see if its been messed with bcp stickers green tape. Those i have my remailer shred. 

Rumor is east coast customs is under maned has old machines xrays and the help they have is over worked plus they work hand in usoopsal service. Most things from non target country's make it, but they extra check stuff from India, Paki, Southeast Asia period. Maybe a terror thing thanks bush. 

If you're like me and reside in the pacnw getting a remailer in the NYC tri state area is good insurance against lls as all packs go via east coast bcp so chances are they wont bat a lash at a well packed item. As long as its not rattling  loose, torn exposing contents you'll be fine.

As for domestic lls that depends on what its in the box e.i CII, C1(worst case), whose names are on the sender side and received side. I always make a note to vendor to leave my bibles and encyclopedias in the mail box when no body is home.

When I rarely do order something lower on the c scale I watch tracking like a hawk once tracking said its done and in my mail box as per instruction I get home from work look around for any parked cars that dont belong. Go inside pop out grab my reg mail and any packs. Fly into my room check see are good and into my million hiddy holes go my goodies go.



Keep safe if its not as usual maybe let it slide take the loss your gut feeling is your best o shit detector.

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My understanding for US to US shipments, USPS first class is the best way. But regardless, under no circumstances will I ever sign, talk to someone, pick up  or ANYTHING a package. From ANYBODY. They better leave that sucker at the front desk or on my porch or in my mailbox. Period. And when I bring a package in, it will sit for at least several days before being opened. 

Over the span of about 10 years I've received both US domestic and international "LL"s. The phone call is the typical domestic way of receiving an "LL". As stated previously you'll receive a phone call asking about knowledge of the item and of course you deny. I never had a knock and talk for anything domestic. I've received two of these calls, not from my immediate area. After the phone call, I believe it is safe to assume the investigation is closed due to lack of evidence, but i suggest taking a break if possible. I still do domestic US-US, however, I've since changed several methods, increasing electronic security and how/where I get things sent. I provide the vendor with preferences on sending (but they don't always follow it). I haven't had any domestic problems recently, other than packs being totally empty with nothing inside.

International is a whole other story. I've received LLs, then received everything accounted for the very next day in my box. I've received an LL, then had someone knock on my door in plain clothes trying to get me to sign, then VERY strangely asking me if i wanted a "free check for insect/bug infestation" as if he was a freaking orkin man and courier combined (declined both and never answered my door to strangers again). If I see that special bpc stamp on anything, I don't open it, I shred it.

Also, I wait a few days before opening anything, regards of where it comes from.

Things have been relatively quiet the last year and a half. So many agencies have had their funding cut, they're likely under staffed.

I don't take any this lightly. I'm very cautious, especially more now than I was so many years ago, but I also know not to panic. I try to make fewer orders now, to stockpile for longer periods of time rather than several small orders frequently. I can say, if there was a list, I wouldn't receive anything.

Hypothetically speaking, if a priority letter (small letter) never arrives at its destination and tracking never updates after initial sender dropoff, could letter simply be lost/missorted or is it likely to have been seized. Assume one week has passed and no news whatsoever - no tracking update and no contact (letter, call, knock). If seizure, would something have happened within one week or would longer vigilance be required. Hypothetical recipient not looking for a reship or to make future orders. But how long should such a person be concerned. 

Hypothetically speaking, if a priority letter (small letter) never arrives at its destination and tracking never updates after initial sender dropoff, could letter simply be lost/missorted or is it likely to have been seized. Assume one week has passed and no news whatsoever - no tracking update and no contact (letter, call, knock). If seizure, would something have happened within one week or would longer vigilance be required. Hypothetical recipient not looking for a reship or to make future orders. But how long should such a person be concerned. 
I would like to know as well. It looks as though I had 2 shipments in one month possibly seized. One shows into customs and released but no movement and another after which was the replacement and then some that went into customs but it ends after that. No movements on either. It's been a month on the first and 2 weeks on the replacement. This was an international. I never received a LL or visit. I am almost looking forward to a letter because I need to have closure. Weird I know

Horror story had one confiscated  got the letter, had nothing sent for awhile, tried again the first one came through but the second didn't 2 months later the PO PO came knocking unannounced with a search warrant, cuffed, put in the car. They found nothing because I had nothing and explained it was for personal only. They gave me a ticket, I  went to court and nothing was on the docket. They stamped my ticket that I was there and never heard from them again.....Fucking scariest day of my life...

Horror story had one confiscated  got the letter, had nothing sent for awhile, tried again the first one came through but the second didn't 2 months later the PO PO came knocking unannounced with a search warrant, cuffed, put in the car. They found nothing because I had nothing and explained it was for personal only. They gave me a ticket, I  went to court and nothing was on the docket. They stamped my ticket that I was there and never heard from them again.....Fucking scariest day of my life...
thread says domestic my guy. letters imply international and doesnt sound like a domestic story.

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Horror story had one confiscated  got the letter, had nothing sent for awhile, tried again the first one came through but the second didn't 2 months later the PO PO came knocking unannounced with a search warrant, cuffed, put in the car. They found nothing because I had nothing and explained it was for personal only. They gave me a ticket, I  went to court and nothing was on the docket. They stamped my ticket that I was there and never heard from them again.....Fucking scariest day of my life...
Wow-thats nuts! What type of meds were they? Was is a large amount ir a small order?

@jackwade, you do get letters w/domestic. I did, and also others on here. So, you do still get a love letter and from my understanding (I don’t order internationally), they are a lot alike. 

Reading all this leads me to believe that international packages are taken less seriously. Has anyone had a knock or a phone call from an out of country order?

i know this was in november 2011, got greedy and instead of sticking with my regular 1 page magazine called "football" from eastern euro,  was 33 cents per magazine, i got greedy, had the opportunity to get a 2 page magazine called "bars" for 22 cents, from pakistan of all places...worked several times actually in amounts of 10k and 5k magazines at a time, and i'm talking like terrible packaging (hey, let's just dump 10k bars in a plastic grocery bag and it'll be fine smh)...then one day i realized i was being followed by black suburbans and escalade EXT's...feds outside the college classes i was attending at the time. i knew my time had come so i kinda winked at them here and there. rode the bus with 18 stops on the way to school instead of driving vehicle...18 stops later the same black suburban was still behind the bus. oh shit, then i get off bus and start the 3 block walk and look to my right and see another in a parking lot facing the road behind an iron type security fence...winked at them again and gave a slight wave (i knew it was over by this point)....went to class, guess they thought i had something in my backpack or something. got home from class for about 20 minutes, never opened package. crossed out my name and put "return to sender" on package and placed it outside my apartment door with a big "?" on it. they got tired of waiting for me to open it (they had gps tracker inside parcel they intercepted in Baltimore, i was snitched on, it cleared customs with no issue but they were able to track it down and nab it) so i heard the big boom downstairs of the door being rammed in to the house that was split into 4 i opened my door bc i did not want to have to pay for that in the end too...they ripped the pack open themselves and 5,041 bars go flying all over the hardwood floor while i was thrown down with a gun to my head. homeland security, DEA, ICE, FBI, about 26 or 27 guys total (ridiculous, i know) ripped my place to shreds, vents, ceiling fans came down, computers gone. took whatever they wanted. drove my cadillac away while i was still there and ICE transported me to the closest of two fed holding counties in the state, stayed locked up for about 6 days and signed a $50,000 security bond releasing me from custody and if i ghost on them i owe the feds $50k, so didn't want to run from it. thank god it is schedule IV narcotic and the equivalent of importing ibuprofen 800s so i did 5 years fed probation, pissed in a cup for 42 months straight and went unsupervised for the me, it was like fire fighters doing a "planned burn". it was just practice for them for the real thing, guess they were bored or slow on work or just didn't like the pakistan thing (tensions in 2011 were high between us then)....but to sum it up, don't get greedy, stick to the script, and don't order from the middle fucking east in the middle of a war. that's all i got for y' CAN happen to you as it did me. had those been opiates i would still be locked up! guess it was my unlucky day, paid 6 figures for attorney, which was split between the judge, prosecutor, etc....just don't be stupid like i was! it can happen to you if they feel like it i guess...

@willow111This story is pretty (and very specifically) identifying for a vendor to be sharing! a delete might be in order?!?!?! stay safe!!

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it's done and over with, people need to know the risk that is involved and that sometimes you don't get a LL. i served my shit out because i'm loyal and not a snitch so i hope someone would try to look me up....did i even mention the charges filed or any district in any state....NO! and i'm good, @DoomKitty you are a cool subscriber, but just like some1 else was telling you on his thread yesterday, you don't have to pick at every little thing on these topics like you do...what is someone going to do, look up old case files and try to match up things that could never be linked or proved??, NO! this happened far from where i am now and i'm not the type of girl to stay bottled up and not share an experience to help others....fuck, i never post on here and i finally try to branch out and decide to try to help some people and here you come again out of nowhere putting your negative 2 cents in. i mentioned nothing specific about the area or where it happened and this has happened so long ago that it would be impossible to get any info out of what i shared. every1 on here saying that they can't get caught up on international shit?!?!? NEWS FLASH! it CAN happen and DOES happen and i'm sharing my experience to try to HELP ppl saying they don't care about int'l packs....smh

i'll shoot you some free wisdom.... you should REALLY just keep your picky opinions to yourself more often and people that are making the real moves for you won't PM each other about how silly you act on here. i shared my experience to help the community, don't need your opinion on what i should and should not share...i know the magazine you reading is good though so just tone it down a notch or two, we cool, so stay cool, you don't want to be known as "that guy" and the past two days.....well.....u know....just be careful ;)

it's done and over with, people need to know the risk that is involved and that sometimes you don't get a LL. i served my shit out because i'm loyal and not a snitch so i hope someone would try to look me up....did i even mention the charges filed or any district in any state....NO! and i'm good, @DoomKitty you are a cool subscriber, but just like some1 else was telling you on his thread yesterday, you don't have to pick at every little thing on these topics like you do...what is someone going to do, look up old case files and try to match up things that could never be linked or proved??, NO! this happened far from where i am now and i'm not the type of girl to stay bottled up and not share an experience to help others....fuck, i never post on here and i finally try to branch out and decide to try to help some people and here you come again out of nowhere putting your negative 2 cents in. i mentioned nothing specific about the area or where it happened and this has happened so long ago that it would be impossible to get any info out of what i shared. every1 on here saying that they can't get caught up on international shit?!?!? NEWS FLASH! it CAN happen and DOES happen and i'm sharing my experience to try to HELP ppl saying they don't care about int'l packs....smh

i'll shoot you some free wisdom.... you should REALLY just keep your picky opinions to yourself more often and people that are making the real moves for you won't PM each other about how silly you act on here. i shared my experience to help the community, don't need your opinion on what i should and should not share...i know the magazine you reading is good though so just tone it down a notch or two, we cool, so stay cool, you don't want to be known as "that guy" and the past two days.....well.....u know....just be careful ;)
Not sure what magazine you are referring to as i haven't used your subscription services, but thank you for letting me know how you are feeling in private about my comments on this forum.   I wasn't criticizing you in any way.  I literally know three people doing serious federal time, and the beginning of the end for each of them was revealing just a bit too much (and only once) on a forum/irc/dnm etc.  Anyways, again, thank you for your input.....regards.....

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My apologies for confusion....must have been some1 else with similar name or something. Had a hard week and did not mean to vent it to you.  You don't deserve that and I'm sorry. Have a good one..

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  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone