I got on the ground floor with Henry, and never this pizza guy, for about five different orders totaling well over 10 g. Everything went extremely smooth and professional. I did a fair amount of research on Henry and what I found made me more confident in his vendor skills and abilities.
With that being said the prices were too high and I stopped purchasing from him. Since then I've heard multiple sources complain of inconsistent behavior and odd circumstances around shipping. I haven't reached out to him in a while on Wickr, so I can't comment on his availability or any kind of hardships he may be going through right now.
Yeah I do with the most popular products domestically and I can imagine being overwhelmed with orders coming and left and right. Not making excuses just trying to theorize on what could be the issue.
Hopefully he he is doing okay and taking a break from the hectic holiday season.
This pizza guy I've never dealt with so I can't speak about him at all.