Due To A Legal Issue The Domain Name pharmacyreviewer Has Been Suspended.

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Jul 16, 2014
This is a worrisome matter for people on any boards of this type - according to their twitter account, pharmacy reviewer is down due to legal issues - the last thing any of us want to hear. Here is their twitter post:

Since there really isn't much difference in the type of things posted on there and here and other boards, in general, you hope the legal issue isn't THE legal issue.

Scary stuff.

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This is a worrisome matter for people on any boards of this type - according to their twitter account, pharmacy reviewer is down due to legal issues - the last thing any of us want to hear. Here is their twitter post:

Pharmacy Reviewer â€@pharmreviewer

is offline until further notice. Due to a legal issue the domain name has been suspended.

— Pharmacy Reviewer (@pharmreviewer) August 16, 2014
">Aug 15 http://PharmacyReviewer.com is offline until further notice. Due to a legal issue the domain name http://pharmacyreviewer.com has been suspended.

Since there really isn't much difference in the type of things posted on there and here and other boards, in general, you hope the legal issue isn't THE legal issue.

Scary stuff.
Definitely scary. I hope it doesn't result in people having to go back to the non-self-incriminating SWIM references, so annoying those days.

Well, if it's gone, I guess about 50k people are going to be looking for a new home. Yikes. Such a great community over there. It's nice to see some familiar names over here too.


@sciatic, this may shed some light. Read the blog entry on the easydns website entitled "here's why we took down a pharmacy's website without a court order. " Easydns is the (now former) host of AMC's com domain. This could all be related. In fact, the more I read it, I'm almost sure it's related.

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Its not that scary, look at it this way.. If the " LEGAL " issue was the feds. The domain would be seized not suspended...

A domain suspension is handed out by hosting companys and nameservice both of which you need or your domain name won't resolve to a numerical ip to which computers can understand and allocate addresses for.

However the chance of them getting that domain name registered with nameservice again is pretty slim to none if the FDA filed the complaint which is more then likey....Same with airmail sites.. They may come back but it won't be with the same domain names .. Once those are suspended 9/10 times your not getting it back.

Thanks BigBuffyBear, very helpful. If they change domain names is it pretty seamless and easy to migrate the old forum over?

I wouldn't say the move would be without pain as all the content would point to the old domain, it would take some work to transfer everything over to a new domain.

The question still remains as to who and why was behind the take down of PR.. if it was related to the Airmail shit or just a ripple effect from a much larger picture were not aware of yet...

It is a little concerning when the FDA can just send a letter to a domain service and ask them to suspend a domain name without a court order to do so and the company up and changes its TOS to include a " Pharmacy checking website " if your sites not on there OK check list then your site won't register with there service...

Someones pulling strings behind the curtain.. Thats what scares me..

If it is related to the AM / FDA matter, I'm sure there must be some domain registrars that won't bend so easily. Especially in this climate of resistance to "big brother" since the Edward Snowden stuff went down, and the fact that these forums should be protected free speech. If not, then it's only a matter of time before all these forums, including DBG get shut down, which would be an incredibly offensive exercise of censorship.

Well the thing that made PR so unique was there what i can only assume was revenue making front page reviewer with links and reviews to massive amounts of pharmacys..

Im not sure how the FDA looked @ that nor how the hosting company / domain company took to it neather.. Nor do i know what the FDA letter said.. But it was clearly enuff to send one of the BIGGEST dns servers to bend.. Thats a little scary...

And interesting how the domain server amended there TOS to include a very specific website... One im sure the FDA backs... So im sure theres some threats of law suits and a shit load of money changing hands to make all this happen..

Pr's biggest mistake from an outside perspective was there front page not there forum.. and perhaps there connections to pharmacys..but thats just suspicion i have no real idea.. 

Good points. I hadn't considered the affiliate aspect. Well, if this speculation is correct, hopefully they could set up shop in some offshore island country that doesn't give a sh*t about the FDA lol :)

Perhaps.. I just see this as part of a much larger picture going down.. Fedex/Ups Take down.. Prior to that we had what 5 6? operation pangias? *sp* 

EasyDNS has publicly stated they don't wanna become the Fedex of domain servers.. THAT says something with that statement.. I wish we had a copy of what the letter from the FDA said.. 

Also the owner of easyDNS mentions he was contacted by interpol the same day or week.. one of the two. Regardless They were expressing there wishes for the domain server to cut ties..

Theres pressure being mounted and there using all out war-fare tactics... Theres just soooooooooo much to this picture we DONT know.. but theres alot we can put together if ya just look @ whats posted out there right now.. Its pretty clear where the pressures coming from and thats the FDA and big Pharm.. and they have alot of dogs to unleash.. Interpol being one of them it would seem.. 

FDA has worked with cooperating countries in the past so it may not be that simple anymore...

The games changing that much i know for sure. 

This whole year has been a big warning sign to get out while you still can imho.. ive tapered off any meds that could leave me in withdraw so i guess in a way i saw this coming...

I wish all those who do relay on iop's tho luck..I do still need 1 for my meds but nothing too serious just cant find it in the us sadly.. boo!

I found this article online which seems to explain why PR domain was shut down: Here is the link http://www.redomains.com/easydns-changes-take-down-policy-after-man-dies/  with the article below

EasyDNS changes take-down policy after man dies


Canadian registrar EasyDNS has amended its take-down policy after a customer of one of its registrants died of an overdose.

In a frank blog post today, CEO Mark Jeftovic said that the man had died using a “controlled substance†ordered online. The web site in question used a domain registered via EasyDNS.

As a result of the death, and conversations with ICANN and the US Food and Drug Administration, EasyDNS has changed its policy.

It will now turn off any domain used for a pharmacy web site unless the registrant can produce a license permitting it to sell pharmaceuticals in the territories it sells to.

Previously, the company would only turn off a pharmacy-related domain with a court order.

It’s a notable U-turn for the company because Jeftovic is an outspoken critic of unilateral take-down notices.

In January, he referred to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy as a â€œbatch of clowns†for demanding that EasyDNS and other registrars take down unlicensed pharmacies without court orders.

He also has an ongoing beef with the UK police over its repeated requests for file-sharing and counterfeiting-related domains to be taken down without judicial review.

Jeftovic blogged today:

PR was not on EasyDNS ... They were hosted on BlackLotus... Different companys /default_biggrin.png

But yes thats the article i was talking about. Its all related in 1 big web of FDA Gotcha...

Can we ask what server hosts dbg? Hopefully something in the south Pacific!
Its public information who the NS is for every domain... /default_biggrin.png

but i'll give ya a hint.. the NS server for this website is in a lang. that uses some funky symbols that would take me decades to learn how to read /default_biggrin.png

I agree that the concerted effort to shut down iops and other sources has been pretty effective this year. But, the war is not yet won. Well, I guess at the end of the day there's always the darknet, bitcoins, and cash in the mail! At least those options require some serious hacking on the gov'ts part and lots of "feet on the ground" police work. (Controlled buys, executing search warrants etc., as opposed to FDA writing a nasty letter and shutting whole companies down)

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Yeah theres still email vendors and such... The game will NEVER be OVER but it will get alot harder for jimmy john and harry to order XY and Z Meds then OD on them...

Sadly all it ever takes is 1 apple to fuck the whole tree.. And if history is anything to learn from this its just gonna get much worse.

A lot of good supposition but we really still don't know what happened with PR, right? We don't know if the FDA or someone else filed a complaint, or if someone contacted the mods directly,. etc.

A lot of good supposition but we really still don't know what happened with PR, right? We don't know if the FDA or someone else filed a complaint, or if someone contacted the mods directly,. etc.
Yep, lots and lots of speculation. I haven't heard anything beyond what the pr twitter feed says. But, speculation based on some correlation. It's quite a coincidence that the airmail group gets completely shut down at the same time.
If it's indeed a legal issue, likely the lawyers are telling anyone with knowledge to keep their traps shut.

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Thank you all for the information, though it seems nobody is sure.  Never found anything  out about DB in 2011, and it will probably be the same with PR.

The scary part is what the government can do but not worried about any blowback. 

Good thread, thanks.


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  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
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