Thanks Matt, I don't get a "buzz/kick" from anything, if lucky a lil pain relief. I take too many, but ruined my brain chemicals growin up.. anyhow I guess it wouldn't work cuz I need that anti-seizure part too, right now Broma is helping alot, and di@z.. they make me lose more energy tho. And I have so little. I gotta take somethin after all the reading I just did whew, my neck's aching.
I am gonna try em I think.. No reason not to, cuz they might work but my body is very dependent.
I dont really get that kick much either, after 3 days of V@lium it goes but I know its still there.
Im the opposite when it comes to V@lium, I couldn't say it gives me energy like C0deine DID (Explain later) But im a very lazy person, I dont like doing things or working or nothing.. When I take V@lium however im VERY proactive, I want to work, I want to do things, I want to get off my ass and do something other than stare at a PC screen or watch TV.
For this reason I think im going to be taking V@lium everyday for the rest of my life. I know that's not good at all! But the pro's outweigh the con's as far as I know.. And from experience I'd be an idiot to not take V@lium (Which I am an idiot lol)
Im a smoker, so in my mind this justifies taking V@lium daily. Im just killing myself slowly for no reason whats so every, Tobacco is killing me! Im turning 28 this year and could very well be dead before I hit the age of 35 due to smoking.. I used to me a long distance runner when I was much younger, like aged 12 around that time of my life, I LOVED it! Working up a swear, competing in 5km runs against hundreds of people that consisted of uphill and downhill along side rocky terrain, not gravel thought I cant recall but yes gravel as well I would assume with road/tarmac, grass and what not..
A big mix of different obstacles to over come, the rocks where do big not many could lift them and all jiggered, pointy, very dangerous in my opinion! Yet I LOVED it, the hardest one I recall I came 132nd out of 300+ people, I was rather proud of that achievement, just ranking on the top half of the board felt great!
These days, I cant even run 200 meters without falling to my knee's, Given that I participated in both short sprinting and long distance running I discovered I was better at long distant and pacing myself yet pacing myself 200 meters now is a struggle! I used to play football (Not Soccer) and was pretty athletic spending my Saturday morning at football training. Now you'd have to pay me to kick a ball back and forth with a mate just for fun.. (V@lium MIGHT change that though)
So yeah I just want to take V@lium daily for the benefits I get from it, im so happy when I take it and actually do some work without it being a drag.. I just need to try and keep my dosage down pat and not climb up to higher dosages, that's the hard part for me and it might be impossible to stick to 10mg V@lium daily without climbing up to 40mg?? I really don't know, Would like to know but in all honesty wouldn't care because I smoke and know dam well I could be dead in 6 months im choosing to live on V@lium and be proactive and do things like advertise my PC business more, I own my own small PC/Laptop repair business but just been lazy, then started taking V@lium again over a month ago now and suddenly im getting more jobs, looking to advertise more and get more work, I was offered a advertisement opportunity at my local football ground a while back to have my own big business signs all around the oval (My family & I are very well known in our area) So having my name on these boards would have created great gossip from locals which would have carried over to visiting teams im sure, yet I passed it up!
If I was taking V@lium at the time im next to positive my signs would be everywhere now.. Im looking at buying some stickers for put on my car and other anyone else's car who's willing to help like family and friends to get the word out there as get me more business.
This post if probably long enough as it is without going into how C0deine USED to give me energy but does absolutely NOTHING now.. 900mg PURE C0deine is something I dont recommend ANYONE EVER DO! Yet I did and it did/does NOTHING at all. If you would like to know why PM me otherwise it will show up around the boards soon enough I think.
I think you will have better success with real Japanese Etiz0lam like the ones I have if you can seek out a source, Wish I could tell you because although the Japanese website selling Indian Generics MIGHT be just as good or real, theirs also that chance that they maybe not be all their cracked up to be.
I hate being negative but a Japanese IOP selling Indian Meds? I don't like that sound of that one bit. Best of luck! & stay safe! There ARE better sources for Etiz0lam then Indian ones, I might be wrong when I say they might contain a little more than just pure Etiz0lam, your choice on which road you take but I hope you can find the Etiz0lam that I have myself and I believe they are the equivalent to REAL Roche V@lium or Pfizer X@nax bricks.
Wish you well bud!