@Def_Starr I will pm you but hell I the same I was a straight up heroin addict and looked down on crack or coke users. Never messed with it until I hit a bump in my marriage. So I learned a lot about myself, never say never. I turned into a crackhead but when I got through 3 months my life got better and better and I actually had self confidence again that I've always lacked and it just kept getting better and better now the thought of ever going back is like a memory but I know I'm one more pill away from a relapse so I take it seriously after my hernia operation I was clean for a year from my weed bust I thought I had it made but I took those stupid pills that I didn't need I could have used ibuprofen and it put me in months of hell. I was up in vip and I am so embarrassed looking at my older posts all whacked out I sounded crazy it's been a great year every freaking day I have gratitude. Please remember just stick to it and the rewards are so wonderful I'm crying now compared to where I was a year ago. I know you well and I'm close by now I'll pm you where. I'd love to see you. Please stick it out you'll be amazed how much life is bettering and beautiful even during bad times! Love ya! I will always be here if you need someone to talk to!