
johnnog said:
you know what,i hate guns but there's so many freaks out there i don't blame some people for having them for protection,even though we don't have the right to bear arms thing in the uk i have had experience of seeing what those things do,if we melted down all guns then all someone has to do is go into the kitchen and get a big knife and cause as much damage,its a real sad state of affairs that this so called civilised world we live in is so totally fucked up that there's no way we  can all live together in some kind of harmony,where did it all go wrong,why can people not live a life free from the threat of harm?

Sometimes i just wish the grey men with a finger on 'the' button would just press it and nuke the whole place to dust,instantly vapourised,let them come up from their bunkers and inherit nothing.Humanity is totally fucked up.
wow dude you should probably just hang up your hat and head out to pasture.

society doesn't exist without the qualms you speak of . there is no possibility of harmony, and to believe that will leave you spinning in circles. You would never understand the good without the bad you know what I'm saying? It's an evil necessity. I look at it in a really dystopic existential type look. Things are neither good nor bad to me, they just are. everyones experience in this life is subjectively and you can only understand so much about how another person feels or does the things they do. Maybe a schitzophrenic person is really just seeing other realms which the rest of us can not.

It never went wrong because it was never right in the first place, we're just an advanced animal. 

and screw the trigger men, they want to kill off the working class. slowly, or go to another planet where they can send it through another capitalistic circus. since this ones half destroyed. the day will come when our work is complete and they'll merc us all with disease or something.

Look at GMOs, chemtrails, fracking byproduct and effects,flouride water, harm from NSA X-rays, and information control and propaganda. 

we mostly exist to serve the elite, and as government controls more and more through they're corporate ties and allegiances, 

our rights and freedoms will become less and less. step by step. so we don't worry too much. baby steps.

Humanity is totally fucked up, but it always has been. The Yin Yang is always necessary to see any good they're might be.

If you ask me the americas indians had it figured out. Or maybe the one TRUE democracy in Rome... but then again they were banging little boys on the side which turned into the catholic religious complex, so every society had they're plus and negative. 

I don't wanna start a problematic thread here...
Huh? With all due respect, Gyre, you must have had a clue as to how controversial the Second Amendment is in America.

This thread could go on forever, and still not give you an answer. Right now, we are an armed society, until someone takes our guns away from us. Period. 

Huh? With all due respect, Gyre, you must have had a clue as to how controversial the Second Amendment is in America.

This thread could go on forever, and still not give you an answer. Right now, we are an armed society, until someone takes our guns away from us. Period.
Yeah, I could guess this would be a nice topic to discuss /default_tongue.png There is no delete button though haha

I have a Super Soaker 5000 with a mod for 3 cartridges, and filed down the pin so now its an automatic.

If anybody should be banned from having firearms, buyer2015 is one of them. Mentally handicap people should not have firearms.

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Oh man, what have I started here.

Over the weekend, I will give my opinion about guns and your rights to bear arms. I have not yet said anything except for the gravely misunderstood first post. I am, once again, not laughing about the shootings. Thats terrible, but I am laughing about the - in OUR Perspective - absurdity of the gun policy over there.

Howver, as a law student, I have some arguments I want to put forward but ist bedtime for me now so I wil contribute in a DECENT way to this topic without starting a fight. My goal is NOT to convince the gun-guys and girls that they are stupid, but to bring the gigantic cultural gap between us a bit closer to echother and have a good and understandig discussion. So I will take everyones opinion, even if I realy dont conccur with it, with respect. Maybe in the end the pro gunners here will think over some things and maybe I and my European brothers will get a better understanding of your policy and the need for guns.

Will be continued after nap time :!

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It has been said for years, that the government will try to take our guns, but I simply don't buy into it. I don't think it will ever happen, where the government, or military will go door to door to take away firearms. I could be wrong, but I think if something like that happened, it would put the whole U.S. in a tailspin, and total Anarchy would break out..Everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinion, but if someone is going to take my guns, they're going to have to kill me first!! /default_ph34r.png

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Guns have been around, since long before America, became the United States, and It's Not surprising that people from Europe, and other parts of the world don't understand "Guns in America". For a lot of people including myself, we grew up with guns, and they are used for protection, as well as sport. They are simply a part of life in my neck of the woods, and most everyone owns a least one gun...This is true for many areas, especially rural areas of the U.S. Interesting enough, the crime rate where I am at is probably close to the lowest in the nation...AND WE ALL HAVE GUNS! Go figure..

However, as Noname said, this is a very controversial topic, but the 2nd Amendment still stands...(I'm not here to have a pissing match with anyone about guns, just trying to help a few people from across the pond understand, why it is, what it is) /default_cool.png

To be fair, if I was a British American colonist back in 17/18th century I would have liked some firearms to protect myself from hostile natives and the threat of the French trying to muscle in on our patch, not to mention hunting. The 7 years war brought the arming of local colonial militias by the UK to the fore, however, vast numbers of British troops had to be dispatched to defeat the French to protect what was then our valuable colonies.

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It has been said for years, that the government will try to take our guns, but I simply don't buy into it. I don't think it will ever happen, where the government, or military will go door to door to take away firearms.

I agree, YB, but they almost bought up all the ammo last year...Homeland Security, my ass. What are they going to do with all that ammo, anyway?  (Rhetorical Question)
Supply is better now, but the prices are still high.

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@ PTFC - This man knows his history. Thanks for those details.

The Empire never quite recovered from the loss of the Colonies...

@ PTFC - This man knows his history. Thanks for those details.

The Empire never quite recovered from the loss of the Colonies...
Thank you no name, I have a great interest in British colonial history, for better or worse it has shaped the world as it is today. In all seriousness though, the only parts of what became the US that were profitable colonies were the southern ones with the tobacco crops. The carribean sugar plantations were more important economically. Interesting period in history though, the thirteen were some of our oldest colonies, but we done pretty well out of the quarter of the world we had direct control over afterwards,not to mention another 10-15 countries whose foreign policy we controlled, "informal empire" we called it, though it had to end sometime. We share a lot of the same culture and ancestry of course. It's like the USA is the child we had that grew up and left home!
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I agree, YB, but they almost bought up all the ammo last year...Homeland Security, my ass. What are they going to do with all that ammo, anyway?  (Rhetorical Question)
Supply is better now, but the prices are still high.
Ammo is finally getting pretty close to the price that it was before Obama ordered billions of rounds of ammo for the U.S. Government, because he couldn't pass the "gun control" law through Congress after the Newtown, CT shootings..Prices are still about 25% higher than they were, but I  am proud to say that I have enough rounds to last me for several years.. /default_smile.png

I  am proud to say that I have enough rounds to last me for several years.. /default_smile.png
.38 special is still higher than it was before the government ran amok.

I just need enough for when the sheet hits the fan...knowhatImean?

Howver, as a law student, I have some arguments I want to put forward but ist bedtime for me now so I wil contribute in a DECENT way to this topic without starting a fight. 
Wow, you managed work 'law student' and 'decent' into the same sentence.  ( j/k, bad 'lawyer joke' humor)

I, for one, look forward to what you have to say. To be honest, I don't think EVERYONE should be armed, nor do I think NO ONE should be armed. Only women should be armed. Think about it. Makes sense

johnnog said:
if you think your living in a 'democracy' all that stuff in the constitution means little to the rulers of this planet.

These people are doing everything and anything,they don't abide by any laws that are supposed to protect you.
I understand what you are saying, johnnog. We aren't a Democracy anymore...haven't been for some time now. We are an Oligarchy, but no one is paying attention. When they wake up to reality, all hell will break loose, but it will probably be too late to save ourselves.

In the meantime, we get no REAL NEWS anymore, just bigger and better DIVERSIONS.

.38 special is still higher than it was before the government ran amok.

I just need enough for when the sheet hits the fan...knowhatImean?
I don't own a .38, but have a .40 Glock, and several other calibers. There are many large ammo dealers online that are Factory sized, that have good deals on ammo. Even Gunbroker has some pretty good deals...

Guys, keep in mind that I live on the South Side of Chicago now.....(south side IRISH! Baby! Woooohooooo)

I hate violence and crime. I hate hate. I hate racism. My heart is pretty much always on my sleeve. i hurt for anyone whois hurting. ANYONE. I am also a realist. You have to be SEVERELY retarded to NOT have a means of defense in this country anywhere. My significant otter (hehe) is the most LOVING person i have ever met. He hates guns. And violence. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING THOUGH! Guns do not equate violence. They just dont! You are really really stupid of you think that they do. I live in the city with the highest murder by gun rate in the COUNTRY (soon to b second tho). I am not allowed to have a gun in my house, only in my vehicle. I agreed to that because my otter felt SO strongly about it. I have my conceal n carry. I go NOWHERE without defense. It is my God given right to defend myself. Luckily, most of us willnever be victims of crime. But many of us will. To lose your life, or one of your loved ones, because you are unable to defend yourself is plain stupid. I pray that none of you will ever fo through this.

I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that schools should be able to defend. That is why there are so many school shootings. The problem is not the legal guns with responsible owners. The problem is lack of education and gun control laws. Period. There is nothing anyone can say or do to get me to change my mind.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is ignorant. Have fun while getting gunned down while singing "Crystal Blue Persuasion" and holding hands. Hope those flowers in your hair dont get blood on them.

I live in one of the lowest crime areas in America, but I still pack a piece in my rig...You only get one life to live...Better safe than sorry...Anything can happen these days, whether you are in Chicago, East LA, or Bumfuck USA!!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone