wow dude you should probably just hang up your hat and head out to pasture.johnnog said:you know what,i hate guns but there's so many freaks out there i don't blame some people for having them for protection,even though we don't have the right to bear arms thing in the uk i have had experience of seeing what those things do,if we melted down all guns then all someone has to do is go into the kitchen and get a big knife and cause as much damage,its a real sad state of affairs that this so called civilised world we live in is so totally fucked up that there's no way we can all live together in some kind of harmony,where did it all go wrong,why can people not live a life free from the threat of harm?
Sometimes i just wish the grey men with a finger on 'the' button would just press it and nuke the whole place to dust,instantly vapourised,let them come up from their bunkers and inherit nothing.Humanity is totally fucked up.
society doesn't exist without the qualms you speak of . there is no possibility of harmony, and to believe that will leave you spinning in circles. You would never understand the good without the bad you know what I'm saying? It's an evil necessity. I look at it in a really dystopic existential type look. Things are neither good nor bad to me, they just are. everyones experience in this life is subjectively and you can only understand so much about how another person feels or does the things they do. Maybe a schitzophrenic person is really just seeing other realms which the rest of us can not.
It never went wrong because it was never right in the first place, we're just an advanced animal.
and screw the trigger men, they want to kill off the working class. slowly, or go to another planet where they can send it through another capitalistic circus. since this ones half destroyed. the day will come when our work is complete and they'll merc us all with disease or something.
Look at GMOs, chemtrails, fracking byproduct and effects,flouride water, harm from NSA X-rays, and information control and propaganda.
we mostly exist to serve the elite, and as government controls more and more through they're corporate ties and allegiances,
our rights and freedoms will become less and less. step by step. so we don't worry too much. baby steps.
Humanity is totally fucked up, but it always has been. The Yin Yang is always necessary to see any good they're might be.