Helpful Quoted Info For New Members

Hi guys, I just wanted to post a couple of things:

MOD QUEUE (when your posts need to be reviewed by staff before they show up on the forum)

Newbies are automatically on mod queue in the very beginning. It will usually fall off after a couple of days, depending on your posts. Also, it is possible to be placed on mod queue randomly. This is just a means to monitor the forum and its members posts. It does not always mean you have done something wrong! Lastly, mod queue is used to monitor people that have broken the rules or who have questionable posts. If this is the case, you will usually receive a message from staff letting you know why. If you do break the rules, disciplinary action could be a verbal warning, mod queue, warning "points", suspension and/or banning...or any combination of same.


If you see someone flaming on the forum, instead of flaming back at them, hit the "report" button. I have a lot of people PM me about someone flaming or breaking some other rule. I then have to track down the post which can be very time consuming, delete it and then speak to the member. If you hit the "report" button on the subject post, I am immediately directed to the post and can delete/edit, it, leave a message for the member and message staff all in one action. Much much easier. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO USE THE REPORT BUTTON. Also, if you report a will remain anonymous. Please never EVER flame back at someone. That causes so many problems. You are more than welcome to correct said member politely, but if you cannot...please just report the post.


This has been somewhat covered in this thread but I would like to reiterate.....if a thread is locked, that means we are not to discuss this matter any further. There are many reasons for the locked threads. IF A THREAD IS LOCKED DO NOT START ANOTHER THREAD TO DISCUSS THE SAME SUBJECT. If you want to know why a thead is locked, feel free to ask mods but it is possibile that we may not remember why it is locked.


As I mentioned above, there are several actions we may take if you have broken the rules. If you do receive warning points, please do not say "well so and so said the same thing in this thread, and you did not discipline them, you are picking on me!" We cannot possibly view every single post. There are THOUSANDS of posts every day. Do not take it personally! If you are disciplined for something, and you see someone else has broken the same rule without discipline, just report their post. Keep in mind there is a HUGE difference between a long term member breaking a rule and a newb breaking the same rule. We may tend to be more lenient with the long term member, because they have built up a history with us. It is all situational.


Before you start a thread, PLEASE PLEASE make certain that there is not already a thread discussing the same thing. This is extremely difficult to fix, and causes confusion and a generally sloppy forum. Use the search function to look for a thread name PRIOR to starting a thread.

Please remember forum monitoring is not an exact science. Each and every situation if different and we do our best to fairly correct and administer action based on each situation. Admin pays for and monitors this forum to his standards. His standards are very fair and admirable. If you have a suggestion for the forum, we do have the "feedback" section of the forum in which to post your suggestions. All reasonable suggestions are taken into consideration. I am here to monitor the forum but I am also here to serve the members. It is truly my pleasure to do so. If you have any questions or comments for me, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you would like to donate to the forum management, please see the donation thread. Currently, we can accept donations via Bitcoin. Admin is looking into other payment options at this time, and we will advise you if any further options are abailable.

Thank you guys, as always, at your service,


Hi cat thank you for this info. It was really helpful for me. I do have a question tho that has been asked concerning double posting between vendor threads and the quality thread. Does the same rule apply. Like basically a's thread someone posts on quality and then goes to the quality thread and posts the same. Both being important info and pertaining to both threads. How would you suggest we go about it. Thank you much..:)

The above post describes the exact lack of understanding i am trying to do away with. Subsequently, please see the painstaking explanation below. I repeat, forum moderating is not an exact science.

There are no double standards here Jimmy. A longer term member is a more trusted member, period. Double standard implies that you treat two like people differently, based on no logic. A long term member and a short term member are not two "like" members. Actually there are very few "like" situations here on the forum. There can be many factors which contribute to each instance.

That being said, keep in mind that I do not mean senior members can get away scot free with breaking all of the rules. That is not the case. Certain rules are broken much more by newbs than by older members, usually ending in a PM from me. Also certain rules are punishable by death no matter who commits them.

THAT being said, the answer "because Admin said so" is a perfectly acceptable answer on a private forum that is owned, paid for and

operated by a single person. Think of it as Admin's living room. What he says, goes. It dosn't need to be fair. This is not union labor.

I hope that clears things up in your mind Jimmy. Do feel free to PM me with any questions.

Hi I just want to add that if you follow the rules posted and take the time to read through the threads and just through this thread, you'll be fine. Alot of newbies dont take the time to read and thats where they get a slap on the hand but as far as ive seen its been very fair and noone has been banned that didnt deserve it. This is a awesome board and the recources and the way it runs is phenomenal. As a wise person told me. Youll never find another like it nor another admin like ours.

Point being if you're doing what you are supposed to be doing than you wont have to worry about other members and whats fair or not..

jimmy said:
Keep in mind there is a HUGE difference between a long term member breaking a rule and a newb breaking the same rule. We may tend to be more lenient with the long term member, because they have built up a history with us. It is all situational.

The mods here do a good job, but do you not think that you should maybe be more lenient with us newbs? Surely a long term member should know better??

By doing this You could avoid having double standards.

Just making a point.

Again, newbs are more likely than not to get a PM or verbal warning. However, if said newb comes in and starts breaking certain rules, like the ones set up to prevent scamming, we are all over that immediately. Sometimes innocent people get sacrificed in the efforts to prevent our members, even ONE member, frombeing scammed. That is the way Admin (and mods) run the board. You'll not find another Admin so protective of his members. That is definitely what sets us apart from all of the rest. Now that I have picked up an additional mod (congrats 2Earls) you will see me once again in the introduction thread encouraging people to read the rules. An ounce of prevention............

To add to what Cat is saying, there is also a list of unspoken rules, also known as common sense. Just because they have not been listed as "official" rules, doesn't mean that they don't apply...Just like in real life, I think a lot of people speak before they think...Try doing it the opposite way, it tends to work out better...


Hi guys, one more little informative post. We had a situation come up yesterday that reminded me it was a good idea to post some information about shilling/percieved shilling. Very important stuff!


Shilling is the practice of talking up a vendor with a ton of good and overblown and inflated feedback. Vendors have been known to pick up a membership here solely in order to "talk up" their products and services. Also, real customers have been known to practice shilling for kickbacks or to somehow gain favor with their vendor. Shilling is an immeditely bannable offense. We had a close call yesteday, where a couple of members were suspcted of shilling, even though they weren't. I shall explain....

When posting feedback for a vendor it is very important that you post concise and timely feedback. One review per order is perfect. In fact, the ONLY thing you should be posting in the vendor threads is a review (which should be posted when your order is received) or a serious question and/or answer. Now, we have people that are very excited to have a great vendor, and this prompts them to want to GUSH over how great the vendor is and how happy they are, over and over again. DO NOT DO THIS OR YOU COULD BE PERCIEVED AS A SHILL. A simple good review per order is all that you need to post. We are looking for the most accurate feedback possible on our threads. The most accurate feedback is so important because it directly influences a member's decision whether or not to use a certain vendor. When you post numerous good reviews for one order, you are swaying the thread to read as if there is more good feedback than there actually is. Numerous reviews for a single order, and comments other than reviews or Q&A, clutter up the threads as well, making the threads much much longer than they need to be and much more time-consuming to read. The same thing goes for bad reviews......if you have an unsuccessful order and after giving the vendor a chance to make it right, one bad review is sufficient. There is no need to stalk the thread and continuously post how bad the vendor is. Again, you would be swaying the thread to read as worse than it actually is.

It is SO important to the management of the forum AND especially the members of the forum to have the most accurate information available. Our vendors must go through an approval process prior to being presented on the forum. We don't just allow anyone to post a vendor thread for whatever vendor they want. We take pride in having good vendors, and true and accurate feedback on the vendors, on the forum. That is our No. 1 goal here. Is someone is jeopardizing our goal, we will deal with it swiftly and accordingly.

Once again, feel free to contact me with any questions. If you think it is a dumb question, ask it anyway. It is better to ask than to chance breaking the rules.



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I'm glad I read this. I was going to ask Cat here, because I've seen her the most since joining if I should share an experience I'm currently going thru, but from reading this I know now that it isn't a good idea. If I had done more reading on here sooner, I wouldn't have ran into these problems. So, there's only one way to avoid it and that's by doing your homework!

I'm glad I read this. I was going to ask Cat here, because I've seen her the most since joining if I should share an experience I'm currently going thru, but from reading this I know now that it isn't a good idea. If I had done more reading on here sooner, I wouldn't have ran into these problems. So, there's only one way to avoid it and that's by doing your homework!
There is a thread called Quality where you can share experiences that are more than leaving a regular review.

Suzie, on 09 Feb 2015 - 12:49 PM, said:

There is a thread called Quality where you can share experiences that are more than leaving a regular review.
Oh cool. I'll check that out and see how it relates to what has happened to me. I just don't want to see it happen to anyone else if I can help it. I doubt it would to anyone who is experienced, but for people like myself taking their first dip in the pool, best to have a life jacket on if you can find one.

To add to what Cat is saying, there is also a list of unspoken rules, also known as common sense. Just because they have not been listed as "official" rules, doesn't mean that they don't apply...Just like in real life, I think a lot of people speak before they think...Try doing it the opposite way, it tends to work out better...

You taught me that! LOL, hope you are well man. Cheers

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A little help from friends said:
A special thanks to Cat, Silver Shadow and headbanger.  This is only my second post as I've been trying to take it all in first.  Cat directed me over to this section and it's been a great help!  If I may quote Shadow, "The answers were right in front of my face but I was stuck."  Well, this would be me.  Sometimes I need a 2 x 4 to hit me upside the head before I say, "Ohhhhhhhh!"  I'm not asking for help yet as I want to make a go of it on my own first, but it's good to know there are some great people, patient people, I can go to if the situation calls for it. 

Sorry about not using the quote button, I should have done so when quoting you, Shadow. 

Again, just another /default_smile.png for everyone because just to be here is such a great relief, you have no idea!  Or...maybe you do.  Okay, I'll end it here.  I have a tendency to be wordy, gotta reign myself in!
Nice post. I ♡ wolves too. Used to "adopt" them.

A little help from friends said:
A special thanks to Cat, Silver Shadow and headbanger.  This is only my second post as I've been trying to take it all in first.  Cat directed me over to this section and it's been a great help!  If I may quote Shadow, "The answers were right in front of my face but I was stuck."  Well, this would be me.  Sometimes I need a 2 x 4 to hit me upside the head before I say, "Ohhhhhhhh!"  I'm not asking for help yet as I want to make a go of it on my own first, but it's good to know there are some great people, patient people, I can go to if the situation calls for it. 

Sorry about not using the quote button, I should have done so when quoting you, Shadow. 

Again, just another /default_smile.png for everyone because just to be here is such a great relief, you have no idea!  Or...maybe you do.  Okay, I'll end it here.  I have a tendency to be wordy, gotta reign myself in!
Hello 'a little help' i'll tell you what i told natedogg:

I'm still pretty new here, so feel free to PM me with stuff that might annoy the longer-termers /default_smile.png I know that is how i felt when I first damn i wish there was someone who hasn't been asked *this* question 200 times, but still might know the answer.


Oh but for the record---READ your ass off !! ! the answers are almost always found in the depths of hte forum. read read read <3

@cat, that post is soooo great. When I first got on here I kept seeing the word shilling and after reading a bit I kind of got the jist of what it meant but your explanation really spelled it out for me perfectly. I think explanations of these terms is really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to do that for all of us. @ a lil help..youre very welcome and absolutely my pm doors are always open. :)

If someone doesnt start demanding stuff and act like an asshole, I have all of the patience in the world! Ask away a little help! And anyone else!

Lol has someone been acting like an asshole and demanding? Heres a hug comin your way..

Thanks to everyone for their input!  Thincin here.  I don't want to come out of the block and upset anyone.   /default_smile.png

Thanks for all this.. things that just saved my neck a lotta pain reading, or even doing whilst in an altered state. 

Thanks to everyone for their input! Thincin here. I don't want to come out of the block and upset anyone. /default_smile.png
Welcome Thin! Don't be afraid! We don't bite! (Hard anyway!). Just take some time to read the Helpful Quoted thread first off. Read a lot and use the search function. You will be just fine!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  2. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  4. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  5. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  9. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  10. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected