Would you mind helping me?

I feel like my age is starting to show... I purchased bitcoins (or tried to) back in 2011ish using Dwolla (don't think they're still around, they served as a "wallet," took 1-2 weeks do get your DL and everything registered with them, etc.-- everything was extremely time consuming at that time and I was just curious about all the SR talk I read about) but after that fiasco I never bothered again and stuck to my SY guy who I'm sure is still used here in the private subs. And can totally vouch for after giving him half my paycheck for 4-5 years, hah.
Just looking to try another vendor out that seems to be discussed semi-publicly. Whatever I have to do to make a donation
Hey! Sorry for the delay. I haven't been online too much lately. So....I'd be happy to help if I can, but I'm not sure what the question is. (Other than: Are we old farts? And the answer is: Yes. Yes, we are
Donating to the site is a good way to test-drive bitcoin, since it's a smaller amount to try it out with, and it gives you access to the member forums.
First, go to Electrum and download a personal wallet. (There are other wallets, but Electrum is widely recommended as secure and easy to use.) You'll be given a huge long password, called a key. Write that down and stash it someplace safe. Do not lose it.
Then you go to Coinbase, register an account, and buy your coin. You'll have to show them ID, but bitcoin isn't really anonymous anyway (unless you buy it from bitcoin ATMs, which are hard to find and super-expensive, but, hey, if you live in a location that has one, knock yourself out).
Otherwise, your bitcoin purchases are not anonymous. They can be traced through the online record, which is called blockchain. (I would argue bitcoin is still more anonymous than most other options, but I'll leave that debate to way bigger nerds than I am
You will probably have a purchasing limit and a waiting period for your first purchase. I think my first waiting period was 10 days, but then I never got another waiting period after that.
Important: Always download your bitcoin into your personal wallet first, before buying anything with it.
All bitcoin purchases are non-reversible. That's one reason more and more online businesses are using it. Unlike a credit card, where the customer can do a chargeback, once you've sent someone your bitcoin, you can't get it back.
Does that help? If you go to the thread I started, called "Explain Bitcoin Like I'm 5," I got a lot of helpful answers on that thread.
Mostly, you just have to jump in and do it. Even though it seems mind-boggling at first, it's surprising how quickly it becomes no more difficult than using an ATM machine. It just has unusual jargon, and those who are really into cryptocurrency
can make it more complicated. But it doesn't have to be.