@LysergamideLandscapes1938 Yeah, my dad [not trying to brag] is like one of the best linguists in the world, so I've been exposed to this stuff my entire life. My mom even read me and my brother the Illiad and the Odyssey when I was 4 or 5... If I say much more about my dad, you'll be able to figure out exactly who he is, but one anecdote I'll mention is that I went on a date with a girl who was a linguistics student, and when I told her who my father was, she laughed, and her reply was some polite version of "you're full of shit!".
Also, to dip into the vernacular issues to which you alluded, there's a great line by The Dirty Heads that goes, "I know that you don't like us, but I know you like our flow/ I know that you don't like us 'cause I say 'dude' and 'bro'!"
Ignore the haters—I love you Dirty J <3
Also, to dip into the vernacular issues to which you alluded, there's a great line by The Dirty Heads that goes, "I know that you don't like us, but I know you like our flow/ I know that you don't like us 'cause I say 'dude' and 'bro'!"