I will indeed be using your service after testing all the samples if the results are positive. If that's the case I'll be coming to you for all my Kratom needs. I also appreciate the letter you sent along with it, to top it off you even wrote my name and thank you by hand with a pen which shows you actually care apposed from mass-copying some form to send with each order and that's it. 

I hope to do business with you soon, just give me time to test the substances and I'll e-mail you regarding the service.

Thanks again,

My Pleasure, thanks for you kind words. And sorry, I know my handwriting is garbage, and the bags need some work. But I think youll find I pinched pennies there to make sure the stuff INSIDE the bags more than makes up for it. Looking forward to your feedback, positive or negative :)

Hi DBG! Hope you are all well. In celebration of moving up to a bigger office and working space I am having a limited time blowout sale on some of the finest Bali I have come across.   $3.50/oz, $55/lb or $115/Kg for this infamous Bali, it sold it in two days last time I had it in inventory. All feedback was 10's across the board. Due to importation issues it's taken quite awhile to get it back in stock. I am happy to report I have plenty for now, and it's just as good , if not better than the first batch. Come get it before It's gone. You can contact me through the site, or email me at A PM here might take a bit longer to get answered as I am not on the site that much. Have a great day and hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks!

Memorial day sale in full effet, from ounces to kilos its all up for grabs cheap. Email me at and I will get you a more than generous quote for large quantities of the words finest hand picked kratom. Thanks DBG!!

Good Evening D and All, 

Apologies D for the late reply. It took a bit for me to try one of the strains . So I tried the Yellow Gold today it was very good. Not sure what it is supposed to do however I was hyper as shit! ha! :)



Can anyone recommend a good strain/blend for anxiety? So many to choose from :D
Crimson Java, Crimson MDR, Red Kapuas, Red Bali, Red Papua Red Horn, should all handle that. So does magnolia bark extract, like a charm. :)

Good Evening D and All, 

Apologies D for the late reply. It took a bit for me to try one of the strains . So I tried the Yellow Gold today it was very good. Not sure what it is supposed to do however I was hyper as shit! ha! :)


Hi P,

 Long time no talk, hope all is well. You should contact me, not only do I have an incredible amount of great new strains maxing out at 4-6 dollars/oz  I finally moved to a real office and I am am ready to really push advertising now.. In the interest of word of mouth sales I will give anyone who gets my a new sale 2 ounces extra their choice added to order or shipped separate. The last leg is packaging and Im tackling that now (least importance by far and highly overrated) just to be in the same league with some of them fancy schmancy bags :)

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Hi D and All, 

Going to try D's Red Bali today will be back to review. D I sent you an email. :)



I would hope people are more interested in top quality product than fancy bags! I think you have your priorities straight.
You'd be very surprised. The bag TO ME could say "Go F yourself Loser" and I'd be fine with it as long at the products were good, but many customers make comments, not so much complaints, because my system now is admittedly very sophomoric. The labels I'm using I have found out are not sticking properly so I found myself having to clear tape them, which looks even sloppier. I also do everything on the fly, so you guys have to put up with my horrendous handwriting as I rush trying to get packages out. I am still a firm believer it's what's on the inside that counts so I am looking to offer the customer an option. Spend what it costs me for a nice stand up, factory sealed bag with STICKY labels and you can get that packaging if so desired. If you'd rather have more quality products for the same price come take a walk with me to the dollar store and I will make the bags extra heavy :). Ultimately it's just me trying to attain a bit more professionalism. It's always nice to hear someone who shares my opinion though :)  

Hi D and All, 

Going to try D's Red Bali today will be back to review. D I sent you an email. :)


Hi P, Got your email bud, thanks. I sent you out a reply. 

Hope the rest of the DBG gang is doing well, appreciate all your support, thanks guys!

Crimson Java, Crimson MDR, Red Kapuas, Red Bali, Red Papua Red Horn, should all handle that. So does magnolia bark extract, like a charm. :)

Hi P,

 Long time no talk, hope all is well. You should contact me, not only do I have an incredible amount of great new strains maxing out at 4-6 dollars/oz I think I might finally be over my fear of twitter and maybe you can show me the ropes , for some extra kratom of course :)  I finally moved to a real office and I am am ready to really push advertising now.. In thee interest of word of mouth sales I will give anyone who gets my a new sale 2 ounces extra their choice added to order or shipped separate. The last leg is packaging and Im tackling that now (least importance by far and highly overrated) just to be in the same league with some of them fancy schmancy bags :)
Hi Dan, 

Got your email of course waiting on another! Talk soon! :)



AlwaysWaiting said:
Hey there! 

I was getting ready to send more info and order etc with a new question since I'm looking into this, new for me, from a few different thoughts. You've already responded to an email I sent so my turn. 

BUT! Have to chime in on packaging dilemma you're tackling. So my thought process on this has always been consistent. Today I had a discussion with my teen daughter about this thought process. Holy shit. First of all how the hell did I end up with a teenage daughter. We were listening to music and I was pulling up youtube classic live performances of some of my favorite punk rock bands from the 70s and 80s. Classic old school , she knew alot of the music but we never really looked at video. I was laughing at some of the hair and pointed out one of the guys from, I think this one was socialD. Times were different. She thought I was nuts. It was a bowl cut on a punk rock band member. Even tho it was one of the mellower bands. Really I have a point here. !!! Back then punk.rock was not a style. It was an energy. A support team. It was finally being ok with yourself. Originally it was so rough around the edges because we were street kids. Style was not affordable. First priority was each other and finding food. Really. And we were ok on the inside, safe. Equivalent to rebuilding a classic truck. You don't start the paint job til the motor purrs. Nowadays priorities are backwards sometimes. They think if they look the part they will be accepted. But only once you find whats right on the inside will you fit the outside. 

If you filled a pretty basket with shit it's not gonna make it to the point of finding a better filler. But you know this. One thing at a time and cutting the wrong corners will never bring success. This can be applied to all aspects of life worth working towards. 

Shit. I think maybe I should just journal this time of night. You can all tell me, respectfully please tho, to shut up already! 

Review...  I like this guy. 
I agree 100% and your not so bad yourself. Rant on my friend, :)  its why we come here...

Hi DBG family! Just wanted to give you all a heads up I've got overstock on two of my best strains, Crimson Java and Blazin' Bali. Both are easy 8 or 9/10 for mood elevation and pain relief. The Java is more sedating, the bali more energetic. Both are top shelf. I'm trying to push these out the door ASAP. So before I offer my Facebook group or Twitter followers this opportunity. I figured you all deserved first dibs as you are the reason for my success and I am truly grateful for that. $4/oz, $55 dollar pounds and $99/kilos. I've been doing this along time, and can honestly tell you that you will not find better kratom anywhere near this price. I'll run the sale for a week here before  I unleash it on social media. As usual all orders include plenty of nice samples and will be shipped same day. Email me at (I don't have the time to be here very often to catch PM's unfortunately) if your interested  or have any questions. If your interested in reviews or feedback check out the site or join us on Facebook and hear what others have to say. Thanks guys, stay safe!

Hello Everyone!

Just another stellar review!

Types of review - Crimson J-ava, Red Bali, Red-son, R-ed B@rneo, Gold & Yellow b@li

Communication - A++ off the charts this seller speaks perfectly clear and you can ask any question!~ Believe me I do lol..

Delivery - Fast and inexpensive big time! BIG TIME 

Quality - A++ At this point I have tried many other vendors and I can say with absolute confidence seller has the BEST KR@TOM!




Hello Everyone!

Just another stellar review!

Types of review - Crimson J-ava, Red Bali, Red-son, R-ed B@rneo, Gold & Yellow b@li

Communication - A++ off the charts this seller speaks perfectly clear and you can ask any question!~ Believe me I do lol..

Delivery - Fast and inexpensive big time! BIG TIME 

Quality - A++ At this point I have tried many other vendors and I can say with absolute confidence seller has the BEST KR@TOM!



Thanks P, for everything. I finally had to step up on bags, so they are gloss black 4 mil thick heat sealed, stand up and tamper proof mylar bags. Something I should have done long ago but glad that checkbox is over with. 

Just wanted to add another positive review. Excellent communication and service (product arrived in 4 days with the cheaper shipping option). Haven't tried any of the strains yet & in fact don't need them but the deals are so good (e.g., on the Blazin Bali) that I had to stock up. As usual, he sent some nice samples. I just wish I knew what the yellow herbal was good for, but I can always try it and find out. Thanks again.

Just wanted to add another positive review. Excellent communication and service (product arrived in 4 days with the cheaper shipping option). Haven't tried any of the strains yet & in fact don't need them but the deals are so good (e.g., on the Blazin Bali) that I had to stock up. As usual, he sent some nice samples. I just wish I knew what the yellow herbal was good for, but I can always try it and find out. Thanks again.
Hi , thanks for your positive review, it's much appreciated. Just wanted to chime in that yellows are usually mentally stimulating without being overtly physical like some stimulating strains can be. I don't record each sample I send out to customers (but leave those Initials to signify farm names, I'm thinking you probably  got a new group from H.E.R.). Once I find a promising farm I send them out and let you all be the judge. So that's what the weird Initials are for on the unnamed strains :). Eventually if I get enough comments about a certain strain I hold raffles to name them in  our facebook group and then names like "Blazin Bali" are born after the votes are in. So hopefully its something you enjoy, yellows aren't for everyone but some people swear by them. If it's just average it will remain just an initial and fade away. Enjoy and thanks again!

Hello Everyone, 

I hope you are all well and it feels so wonderful to be back. I have had yet another Pancreatic Attack that has kept me down for a few weeks. I have ordered and just received my Kr. Most of these strains are for energy. You see when you suffer from a life threatening condition such as Chronic Pancreatitis energy among other things are a huge problem. I have worked with Dan closely on repairing my energy as I could not even walk to my mailbox. Dan has sent me many strains to increase energy so I will be testing them one at a time and providing reviews for your convenience. Today I am happy actually beside myself as I have tried the first Aroma called White Borneo, almost immediately I had energy and made it to my mailbox! I am not a crier or whiner I am strong and fierce and this condition has had me in tears more times than I wish to say. To Dan, many many thanks to you! As of now I have tried many vendors Kratom outside of DBG  and I will tell you hands down his Kratom works! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)




I've put in an order for three strains last night, but I didn't feel like going through 200 pages about it. 

Is it just regular mail, right? 2-3 biz days? (To 'Murrica of course)

Thank you and sorry for the off. I'll get my review once the stuff is in, thanks!

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone