pokey you're going to bust my balls on spelling? I knew it was probably wrong.Its eiffelrx ( I looked it up for myself too, lol...sorry just had to correct you HB) you are still the BOMB-Diggity mr poo ba /default_wink.png
Im not dancing or smiling yet cuz no pm from da poo bear /default_sad.pngp
pokey you're going to bust my balls on spelling? I knew it was probably wrong.
Good for you and anyone else who wants to take a shot a me. I give out enough shit to everyone else so bring it .
Just cause I got more post doesn't make me smarter or more valuable. We are all members here.
btw pokey check your PM, you and me are going to dance. /default_smile.gif
headbanger, I attempted to PM you but not enough posts yet. just wanted to ask if you could point me in the direction of "SY" as I still haven't figured out the acronym but have seen it often around the forums. PM me please. /default_smile.pngDave, SY will get you want you need but for $$$. Contact Efflrx they work weekends.
SY stands for the vendors in the "Mexico" section.headbanger, I attempted to PM you but not enough posts yet. just wanted to ask if you could point me in the direction of "SY" as I still haven't figured out the acronym but have seen it often around the forums. PM me please. /default_smile.png
No, still waiting here. (East Coast)Has anyone from Club 10/1 received yet? Doubtful....
As previously stated, I was expecting mine yesterday (10/18). Epic fail on my mutant power of foresight, time continues to make fools of us all. /default_huh.png Much like keysa:One month after my order date, today I had a wonderful surprise in my mailbox! My relief-o-meter is now at 100%. 18 days with no meds - unpleasant W/D followed by anxiety so bad that I ignored phone calls from dearest family and friends, went the grocery store and couldn't even get out of the car due to social anxiety (facial tics embarrass me and trigger other problems). Had to send the hubs in with my lists. Cancelled doctor appointments, cancelled hair appt., etc etc. I have a seizure disorder and anxiety is a seizure trigger, particular when I am in public, so I can barely leave the house. The only place I could I could go in was the pharmacy and even then I was so anxious I was shaking like a leaf - and this was only at the drive thru window. Not to mention the unpleasant thoughts that racing through my head when my anxiety is out of control. And insomnia due to the racing thoughts. OK, enough poor, pitiful me whining. This is good news and I am truly grateful. Thanks TTM! And to the posters who have not yet received their orders - keeping hanging on, it really is coming.
Bottom line:
Ordered 9/17
Shipped 9/23
Received 10/18
Southeastern US - rural TN
Best to others still waiting - but it seems that they will come. Thanks HB and others who recommended back up plans. Now that I found this site, I have already placed additional orders from TTM and another vendors so I can have that back up plan in place.
Dude if it gets that bad don't hesitate seeking medical attention. WD is not to be messed with, especially when the seizures kick in. And unless your worried about what your Dr. will say, then by all means seek help my friend you can end up in some dark and scary places. And if you are afraid of your Dr. jumping your shit, explain to him that what he was prescribing you just wasn't enough and he just may increase your Rx.I hate to hear that. I was there a few years ago and it's not a fun situation at all! I know it's not easy, but do your best to keep a positive attitude. Wish you all the best and keep your head up.
Dude if it gets that bad don't hesitate seeking medical attention. WD is not to be messed with, especially when the seizures kick in. And unless your worried about what your Dr. will say, then by all means seek help my friend you can end up in some dark and scary places. And if you are afraid of your Dr. jumping your shit, explain to him that what he was prescribing you just wasn't enough and he just may increase your Rx.David I was in your spot last week and it was awful. Then I found another source on here and he saved my life. I would prob be in the hospital right now if i was still counting on ttm (even tho its not their fault) Benzo w/d is no joke. We can have seizures. Keep looking on here in DBG. You will find some venders that are on fire right now. Its so easy to find You can't miss em. Hang in there David.
@tivan (lor@zepam) is a benz0.I'm waiting for my order from a few weeks ago too. But I had to throw in my two cents for everyone struggling.
Even if your WD are from unprescribed use, doctors will do something to help. The seizures are bad, they constitute a medical emergency. If you're having serious WD symptoms, see a doctor. You may not get benz0s, but at least atav4n or something similar. If you're not yet at WD, hit up an ER with panic symptoms (sharp chest pains, narrowed vision, feeling like you're going to die or going crazy, etc.). A lot of ER doctors are happy to give a small dose of benz0s to free up a bed, and maybe if they're kind maybe a very small prescription. It's not a good way to get them for long-term use, but it can get you by.