Haven't posted in a while but I am 4/4 with TT. First two orders came in 4 working days (both shipped monday and received Friday) to the Tri-State which was insanely fast. Last two came within 8 working days. Anyway, I only order alp's and to me zo p@x are 6/10, al z@m's are, IMO, comparable to US generics and 94's are without a doubt the best. I typically order the zam's and 94's together and mix and match to "stretch out" the 94's as long as I can. As for the my lan's, they are by far the worst US Generic so I would not waste the money on them. However, if you do not have tolerance I am sure it would get the job done. Hopefully the site is back up and running so I do not have to spend 6 per bar from my street supplier.
On a side note, can someone recommend another IOP with decent alp's just in case TTM is offline longer than expected?