Kratom Discussion

I'm currently having a very nice Bentingue burn from a vendor who may be a selective scammer, being that I have received 3 kilos from him at $99 a piece, one of them was bunk, the other two great, I consider myself one the lucky ones.  Never heard of Bentingue?  Me either!  It's unlike any Kratom that I've ever burned.  Definitely a night time strain, it has a deep, introspective aroma that put my moderate back pain to sleep.  It most definitely is not a mind/motivation booster like other strains as my head feels a bit cloudy at the moment.  But it can be very enjoyable if you just want to relax and clear your head a bit.  My tolerance is pretty high yet I always find the burn from this one to be pretty intense and pleasurable. 

I enjoy using Maeng Da to start my day, followed by a white vein as an energy booster midday, sometimes I just don't need or want a third burn.  I save the Bentingue for the weekends when I don't have to think so much.  Just staring at this computer screen is kind of draining right now.  Back to the couch I go! 

Thank you Roger, hopefully someone will find it useful.  I've learned so much from reviewing posts on this site and I thought it was time for me to contribute back.

Recently I have been ordering from mmmspeciosa and typically order their Classic Bali, Red Vein Maeng Da, and Plantation Maeng Da.  They are consistently great with customer service, shipping, strain consistency, and overall product quality and strength.  The Bali is great because I can use small amounts and still get noticeable pain relief.  With their more stimulating strains I can use even less, and have yet to get the dreaded "Kratom jitters" that I too often get with energizing strains from elsewhere.  I usually have good experiences with Kratom, but about one out of five experiences I will get mild nausea, but I rarely get that using this vendor. They do not have the cheapest prices because they do not sell in larger quantities, but for occasional use the prices are within reason. 

For cheaper prices and larger quantities I prefer to use Botanical Wellness.  They offer "Fine Grain" Kratom bought from Bikhuk and have found all the strains from Bikhuk to be solid.  Extremely reliable vendor with slightly better prices.  Of course you could directly order from Bikhuk, but the minimum purchases are generally larger then what you can get from Botanical Wellness.  The strength of their products (IMO) is slightly weaker than mmmspeciosa, but it is still much more affordable.

I can also give an honorable mention to moodandmind, although I prefer the above two personally.  There are probably 5-6 other high quality vendors domestically, I just have not had any reason to experiment after finding these three.  These are great places to start in general and I definitely suggest everyone sample from all three to find a favorite.
​thanks zuesdog. very informative/ I am partial to maeng da myself but like you said so many variations per strains and vendors. I really like caps but hey are so expensive so i make my own when I have time. I have also pounded powder mixed with hot water down straight. I still haven't found my perfect k yet although i do like the o.p.m.s. silver line. Expensive though.

I am ome of the lucky ones that does not get "plugged up" by kratom.  In fact, "plugged up" was my usual state.  you can now set your clock by me.  All of that fiber does a body good......not to mention poops the size of my forearm.  My bowels havenever felt so good.  I drink a TON of water all day long.  I sometimes add a splash of lemon or lime juice.  I drink prolly six or eight 32 oz bottles of water every day.  And sometimes, the occasional soda.  I do eat a lot of fruit too.  Even more so now that I am getting chubby.  Sigh............

i started to gain weight after I broke my arm.  I have just started doing yoga again.  My arm still hurts but oh well.  I have kratom and PKs for that.  

that plugged up business hit and miss with me. I also drink lots of water. And it usually helps. Can't eat fruit cause of blood sugar issues. I think the plugged up depends on the brad and strain personally. Like i said, its hit and miss. The other day it was such a miss it was like trying to drive an 18 wheller through a pixie I almost went to the ER and I'm I guy who hardly ever goes to the doc, especially for such embarrassing things, I pop a couple of colace a day to keep things under control. Also when you're in a real jam, they sell those bicarbonate lax sodas at  drug stores but just be aware that when they are going to work. You better be close to home, cause you don't get a lot of warning.

Not as plugged up as a s-ball habit will get you though.

Have to say, now I can understand why King Elvis died on the throne. So many jokes about that. All funny, I guess til it happens to you!!!!

Pooing and kratom are two of my favourite topics, so I just thought I'd chime in.

I'm probably too much of a user of kratom/opiates (daily) to be affected by the constipation now, but I have a specific diet and I eat ground linseed/flaxseed every morning. Sometimes that stuff makes you poo a little too much. Flaxative.

Does anyone here have any experience taking Kratom with hydrocodone to reduce the number of hydros you have to take to get the same pain relief?   I've seen mixed reviews online.

Question for any long-time users  or anyone who just understands the science very well.    When mixing Kratom with an opiod (specificially hyrdrocodone) does the usere run the risk of bringing on Precipated WIthdrawal Symptoms?    The internet has very mixed views on this subject, so I tought I'd come back to my friends whot turned me on to Kratom in the first place.

Thank you!!

Don't know if it just me or what. Nut at times when taking Kratom, my kidneys appear to wind up felling Like I've gotten a kidney infection. Anyone else notice this happening to them?  I hadn't really tied it together but I think I have almost pin pointed it to the use of Kratom. Not all strains do me this way. I guess it doesn't help that we do in fact have nasty crappie water at our place. The water purification plant is ran by a bunch of low level IQ-less circus clowns IMHO.

Question for any long-time users  or anyone who just understands the science very well.    When mixing Kratom with an opiod (specificially hyrdrocodone) does the usere run the risk of bringing on Precipated WIthdrawal Symptoms?    The internet has very mixed views on this subject, so I tought I'd come back to my friends whot turned me on to Kratom in the first place.

Thank you!!
I think there is cross tolerance to a degree but Kratom has alcholoids in it that hydro doesn't so there's that. I can only speak to the times I've used opiates for varying degrees of pain while on Kratom. Bottom line for me, Kratom cancels out the effect of opiates to the point where I get very little pain relief from anything except the strongest ones. In fact, I prefer Kratom over hydro and percs for pain relief. Hydrocodone will usually keep me from going into Kratom withdrawal but I don't feel any of the warm fuzzy, slightly energetic euphoria from it while using Kratom  

Example: Last fall I was having some minor back issues (spasm) so my doc Rx'd #25 10 mg hydros. I hadn't had a "real" opiate in over a year so one would think I would feel something.  Nada.  Finally gave up on them and went back to Kratom  

Had a severe break in my elbow/wrist which required internal fixation in 2013 which put me in the hospital for 3 days. Without my Kratom stash.  I was on morphine shots via IV every 4 hours, plus 10 mg Lortabs.  I was literally writhing in pain, begging my surgeon for something stronger/different.  Finally after 24 hours of this he gave me a shot of dillie and OMG it was great. He told me to be sure and bring up the fact I dont "metabolize" opiates well if I ever have to have future surgery and "Dillie" is the only opiate that is effective for me.  In reality, I had been using Kratom for close to a year at that point.  I am convinced without a doubt it was that which either jacked my tolerance up OR somehow cancelled the pain relieving properties of the less strong meds. 

I don't know if I've answered your question or addressed the specific issue Mr C. I think the two are cross tolerant as far as WD but the lack of serious pain control is my only concern about being a daily Kratom user. Kratom is about on par with hydro as far as pain control but facing post surgical or severe pain there might be a problem.  

I would like to have a go at Kratom but I'm extremely sensitive to stimulants (mood crashes and insomnia). Does anyone know of a source that might be more sedative and calming in quality? Because as far as my limited research has told me, the plants can vary in their effects.

Interesting to hear about Kratom and its efficacy in pain relief on par with hydro, I'd always thought it would be to traditional opiate pills to what St John's Wort is to SSRIs.

I would like to have a go at Kratom but I'm extremely sensitive to stimulants (mood crashes and insomnia). Does anyone know of a source that might be more sedative and calming in quality? Because as far as my limited research has told me, the plants can vary in their effects.

Interesting to hear about Kratom and its efficacy in pain relief on par with hydro, I'd always thought it would be to traditional opiate pills to what St John's Wort is to SSRIs.
​I think it's not necessarily a source, but a type/strain/etc. Most people find red strains sedating, greens and/or whites more stimulating...but YMMV.

This is a resource I found useful in my research:

I hope you find that it helps as you expect it to! Please update and let us know what you think /default_cool.png

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Example: Last fall I was having some minor back issues (spasm) so my doc Rx'd #25 10 mg hydros. I hadn't had a "real" opiate in over a year so one would think I would feel something.  Nada.  Finally gave up on them and went back to Kratom  

Had a severe break in my elbow/wrist which required internal fixation in 2013 which put me in the hospital for 3 days. Without my Kratom stash.  I was on morphine shots via IV every 4 hours, plus 10 mg Lortabs.  I was literally writhing in pain, begging my surgeon for something stronger/different.  Finally after 24 hours of this he gave me a shot of dillie and OMG it was great. He told me to be sure and bring up the fact I dont "metabolize" opiates well if I ever have to have future surgery and "Dillie" is the only opiate that is effective for me.  In reality, I had been using Kratom for close to a year at that point.  I am convinced without a doubt it was that which either jacked my tolerance up OR somehow cancelled the pain relieving properties of the less strong meds. 
I have experienced this exact same reaction. As a daily Kratom user for a couple of years, my 0pi@t3 tolerance is extraordinary high as a result. Don't even feel a few Hydro or the 60mg codeen from SL although I know they are of high quality. I do get a good result from p00py p0ds though. And my Kratom dose is only a couple to three grams at a time 3 times a day for maintaining. I'm planning on tapering and quitting the Kratom in a few months ( it's helping me taper off another substance).  I have tapered off Kratom before in the past and the worst part is the last half gram jump off point...get bad RLS so having a few benzos around is very helpful in getting sleep in the end of it. I only needed 10 mg for 3 nights and I was good. 

Obviously I started back again after a while and I don't know how it may take to get my receptors back to normal to where regular dose of a normal, say hydro would work for me again. And get through that whole PAWS thing.

Example: Last fall I was having some minor back issues (spasm) so my doc Rx'd #25 10 mg hydros. I hadn't had a "real" opiate in over a year so one would think I would feel something.  Nada.  Finally gave up on them and went back to Kratom  

Had a severe break in my elbow/wrist which required internal fixation in 2013 which put me in the hospital for 3 days. Without my Kratom stash.  I was on morphine shots via IV every 4 hours, plus 10 mg Lortabs.  I was literally writhing in pain, begging my surgeon for something stronger/different.  Finally after 24 hours of this he gave me a shot of dillie and OMG it was great. He told me to be sure and bring up the fact I dont "metabolize" opiates well if I ever have to have future surgery and "Dillie" is the only opiate that is effective for me.  In reality, I had been using Kratom for close to a year at that point.  I am convinced without a doubt it was that which either jacked my tolerance up OR somehow cancelled the pain relieving properties of the less strong meds. 
I have experienced this exact same reaction. As a daily Kratom user for a couple of years, my 0pi@t3 tolerance is extraordinary high as a result. Don't even feel a few Hydro or the 60mg codeen from SL although I know they are of high quality. I do get a good result from p00py p0ds though. And my Kratom dose is only a couple to three grams at a time 3 times a day for maintaining. I'm planning on tapering and quitting the Kratom in a few months ( it's helping me taper off another substance).  I have tapered off Kratom before in the past and the worst part is the last half gram jump off point...get bad RLS so having a few benzos around is very helpful in getting sleep in the end of it. I only needed 10 mg for 3 nights and I was good. 

Obviously I started back again after a while and I don't know how it may take to get my receptors back to normal to where regular dose of a normal, say hydro would work for me again. And get through that whole PAWS thing.
This is my ONLY concern about being a daily Kratom user. What would I do if I ever needed severe pain relief? 

In my example above, do you think if I had used Kratom as per usual while having the severe arm pain that the less stronger pain meds (hydro & morph) would have worked? I ask because the surgery was a week after I broke the arm. I was on percs and Kratom the week before surgery and while my arm hurt, it was manageable. It was the post surgical pain with NO Kratom that sent me through the damn roof. It was HORRIBLE.  

Man, I'm not sure. I thought I was just a one of a kind odd ball. If it's a trait of daily Kratom use, it can be very dangerous in a surgical situation. I may try and taper down sooner than I had originally planned to...seems to have a severe negative effect on the opioid receptors. I just hope they repair themselves after quitting.

So, what did you do, get more Kratom or have you quit it?

BTW, there is something really weird about this new quote system...there's no code so you can't cancel out all the stuff you don't want or need. I just deleted as much as I could but it looks really odd.

Sorry, this is a new substance to me. For opiate withdrawal, is Kratom similar to subox0ne?  Does one work better than the other? Or is this substance more along the lines of shr00ms? If someone could please let me know, I would appreciate it.



Man, I'm not sure. I thought I was just a one of a kind odd ball. If it's a trait of daily Kratom use, it can be very dangerous in a surgical situation. I may try and taper down sooner than I had originally planned to...seems to have a severe negative effect on the opioid receptors. I just hope they repair themselves after quitting.

So, what did you do, get more Kratom or have you quit it?

BTW, there is something really weird about this new quote system...there's no code so you can't cancel out all the stuff you don't want or need. I just deleted as much as I could but it looks really odd.

Yes. The quite system does need just a little tweaking. 

Once the doc got the pain under control it never returned to that OMG intolerable level. I was discharged with a bottle of hydro but used Kratom after I was discharged.  I really prefer it over traditional pain meds at this point. It may be because that's wha I'm used to though. I've got an order for Jims 60 mg coody coming just for prosperity. Lol 

Sorry, this is a new substance to me. For opiate withdrawal, is Kratom similar to subox0ne?  Does one work better than the other? Or is this substance more along the lines of shr00ms? If someone could please let me know, I would appreciate it.


It's not like shrooms at all but it is not near as strong as subox. For myself I used it along with some benzos to taper from p0ppy p0ds but still wasn't any picnic. It will only help to a certain level, but won't do much coming off a long and strong op habit. That's just mho.

Kratom helped me get through the last few days I didnt have my pk's.  It didnt help me a ton but it did take the top off the pain which nothing over the counter did.  Im a bit greatful for that.  However I dont think I would chose to use kratom as  a full time pk, it doesnt cover the pain enough for me to function normally.  Thats just me though, everyone is different,.

How high of a dose have you tried sad?  If you have opi tolerance you can take up to 12-15 G safely.  (In a day) i find that small hourly doses for the first half of the day make it last all day and into the night.  The pain relief for me is amazing...complete!  However, i only have osteoartritis in my hands and a formerly broken shoulder that has healed slightly off.  I dont have any back issues or anything.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!