Kratom Discussion

I also read that it's supposed to have certain sexual benefits, unlike opiates. I'll have to report back.
Hee hee heeeeeeeee!!It sure does. I kid you not. Every time I take it, I get a little tickle "vey down der" /default_tongue.png

Yes tmi. But heck we're all adults and sex is fun. And so is kratom,;)

Does anyone know whether Kratom has any significant drug interactions. Especially with SSRI's like Lexapro?

FWIW, I am on Celexa and have had no problems at all.  I have talked to others who are able to handle their depression and anxiety with Kratom alone and I tried but still need a mild anti depressant.  Ive never heard or read about any negative reaction between antidepressants and Kratom but I suppose anything is possible.  The only substance that might have a negative effect is modifinil but I've used them together and not had an issue. If you are prone to seizures I would not combine Kratom and modifinil just to be on the safe side.  

Let me just say that my wife has been pleased!!  ?

Hee hee heeeeeeeee!!It sure does. I kid you not. Every time I take it, I get a little tickle "vey down der" /default_tongue.png

Yes tmi. But heck we're all adults and sex is fun. And so is kratom,;)
mrcoolguy said:
this stuff is so disgusting, in my state people dont admit there addicted to kratom but i see them all day in the kava shopps spending 40-60$ on those drinks, ridiculous , 

kratom addiction is like opiate addiction 
Mrcoolguy, just because you did not like kratom, an herb that has been a lifesaver for many (including me) does not give you any reason to call it disgusting.  And, you are speaking on behalf of all people in your state? That is pretentious.  And to call people who spend money on kava kava ridiculous? I have given you chance after chance after chance.  I felt bad for you because you are obviously having some serious problems.  The ONLY reason for you to state the above is just to be mean-spirited. I have talked to you about your hurtful comments REPEATEDLY.  I have been sympathetic (and just plain pathetic) trying to help you find your way to stay in this forum. 

my apologies to all of the members who have been disturbed and hurt by your comments.  My DEEPEST apologies.

I am ome of the lucky ones that does not get "plugged up" by kratom.  In fact, "plugged up" was my usual state.  you can now set your clock by me.  All of that fiber does a body good......not to mention poops the size of my forearm.  My bowels havenever felt so good.  I drink a TON of water all day long.  I sometimes add a splash of lemon or lime juice.  I drink prolly six or eight 32 oz bottles of water every day.  And sometimes, the occasional soda.  I do eat a lot of fruit too.  Even more so now that I am getting chubby.  Sigh............

i started to gain weight after I broke my arm.  I have just started doing yoga again.  My arm still hurts but oh well.  I have kratom and PKs for that.  

It is a good thing Mr. c!  Good thing the Otter likes to play....a LOT...HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

So I have a peculiar issue. I'm flying out of a BANNED state (to a non banned state) to attend meeting this week. Isn't that special? There is NO WAY I'm going to chance trying to fly out with kratom because even if nothing happened I think it would be irresponsible for all kratom users. Solution? Place an order to arrive at hotel so I am not kratomless. I can honestly say this is the first time in two years I've felt the least bit uncomfortable about kratom. Oh well? Just have to be creative and pray I don't get stuck 7 hours on a runway! Lol

Wow, now I really have a reason to be interested in kratom.  Do all types have constipation as a side effect?
I've only noticed a bit of constipation from green and white borneo when I first tried kratom. I had slight problems but now I use it every other day and it's no longer an issue for me since I stopped using it daily.
I've only noticed a bit of constipation from green and white borneo when I first tried kratom. I had slight problems but now I use it every other day and it's no longer an issue for me since I stopped using it daily.
Just curious, have you been able to keep your tolly low with every other day use? I find WD symptoms don't even really kick in until day two of a break---not that I've taken many--- admittedly not as many or long enough for the amount of time I've been enjoying kratom  

I find WD symptoms arent even very noticeable until day 2 of a break  Maybe because I've built it up in my system? That statement has zero science/research behind it, BTW... ?

Kratom has been a tremendouse find for me personally and I thank those members of the board who helped guide me.   A special shoutout to Teal for bringing Dayak to our attention.   Great CS and very affordable.   This stuff is really a miracle herb, imho.   Pain, withdrawal, mood/depression, diarrhea, and positive sexual effects.

I used kratom every few months to taper from tramp for two years.  A HUGE thing for me was kratom stopped twitching/muscle spasms/RLS and that was an IMMENSE relief for me.  

I get the chills just thinking about that. Yick!

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see red best for pain, low back,  stenosis, disc, but sedating.  anything for back pain but not sedating?  ( or elation)  want to use to return to work, certainly don't  want sedating just pain relief.  anyone using for work?  on feet  ten hrs day.  thank you in advance

Reds are more sedating, white is in the middle and green is most energizing.  Our approved vendors will send a sample of another strain with your order.  Veronica at dayak would welcome your call...she will explain everything to you and help you make your choice.  Personlly i would start with the balis.  They are cost effective and you can get them in each color, I believe.  Mention me or Teal Green if you wish...let her know you are from DBG.  

What about kratom when quitting subs? Addies help a lot but then again sy is as reliable as me sitting a steak on the floor and expecting the dogs to not eat it. I don't want to switch from sub to kratom just wonderin if it helps transition to neither being needed. Ty

What about kratom when quitting subs? Addies help a lot but then again sy is as reliable as me sitting a steak on the floor and expecting the dogs to not eat it. I don't want to switch from sub to kratom just wonderin if it helps transition to neither being needed. Ty
I've been looking into the same thing but about withdrawing from meth@done and from what I find it certainly helps with wds.I think it must be worth a try as when I was coming off a sub script last year I felt pretty awful but mostly it was the insomnia that got to me the most peanut.I think Dayak is the most competitive price wise and if your in the us I'd go with them unfortunately I'm in the uk and the prices are quite a bit higher!.Good luck with your detox peanut I found the wds from suboxone less painful than meth@done.I hope you get off them without  too much dissomfort peanut good luck...


Bliss. ....

I am ome of the lucky ones that does not get "plugged up" by kratom.  In fact, "plugged up" was my usual state.  you can now set your clock by me.  All of that fiber does a body good......not to mention poops the size of my forearm.  My bowels havenever felt so good.  I drink a TON of water all day long.  I sometimes add a splash of lemon or lime juice.  I drink prolly six or eight 32 oz bottles of water every day.  And sometimes, the occasional soda.  I do eat a lot of fruit too.  Even more so now that I am getting chubby.  Sigh............

i started to gain weight after I broke my arm.  I have just started doing yoga again.  My arm still hurts but oh well.  I have kratom and PKs for that.  
My gosh Cat that's a LOT of water! Don't over dose on it. You can. There was a girl that was in a water drinking contest and she won and the next day she dropped dead due to too much water. Just FYI, carefullll. <3

There seems to be a lot of different questions and concerns regarding Kratom use and I'd like to share my limited knowledge in the off chance it helps someone.  This is one of my first posts, so please pardon me if I break any rules or do not follow common forum décor.  I know the basic physiological actions of Kratom but I am by no means an expert, so my knowledge of Kratom is mostly based off personal experience(s).  An important aspect of Kratom that people should understand is that there is a huge amount of variability between differing strands sold by vendors.  For instance a Kratom type such as "Red Vein Thai" may have significantly different effects depending on your source. 

Because of the vast differences in Kratom quality and strength it is vital to only use trusted vendors that provide honest advertising on their products.  Since it is relatively new to America it is often sold by inexperienced vendors or shady vendors that may send you an unknown strand with unknown strength.  Bad vendors tend to make up their own strand names and over hype the substance as a "legal high" or as the "newest painkiller".  Under no circumstance should you ever purchase Kratom from a head shop.  They tend to sell mislabeled Kratom blends in capsules, and it will assuredly be way overpriced and of questionable quality.  The quality of your Kratom experience will be a night and day difference depending on who your vendor is.  Do your own research to find quality vendors, with a good place to start being right here.  Good vendors tend to have some level of consistency in their products so you can experiment to find a strain that offers the effects you are looking for.

The strains of Kratom can be confusing and misleading if you don't have a little personal experience to gauge what you like and dislike.  There are certain common strains such as Bali, Indonesian, Malaysian, Borneo and Thai.  Even within these strains there is still a lot of difference in effects depending on the batch you get, which is why it is vital to find a reputable vendor.  Strains are typically broken down into the vein colors such as red, green and white.  To get a good grasp on which strand is right for you it is going to take some time spent in research and in personal trial and error.  In general, red veins tend to be more sedating and analgesic, while green and white veins tend to be more stimulating.  I have tried just about all strands from multiple vendors, and I have repeatedly found Bali to be the most enjoyable and consistent strain.  There simply is not a best strain, as it is dependent on your preferences.  My advice to new users is to purchase a variety pack to determine how you react to different types.

When first starting, just like all other substances, you should start in small doses.  Inexperienced users should start with an amount as small as a gram in order to make sure you do not react adversely to it.  Small doses tend to be stimulating and energetic, while higher doses may become sedating.  Kratom should not be treated like your common prescription opiate.  The mentality of "more is better" will end poorly with Kratom, and I have seen this happen repeatedly for my friends.  Too high of doses usually results in extreme nausea, vertigo, irritability and a blazing head ache.  Slowly experiment to find your preferred dose, and quit dosing when you begin to feel any adverse effects.  People like to compare Kratom to opiates because of the mu-opiod reaction, but it does not behave identically and thus you should not expect identical results.  The effects of Kratom are significantly different from opiates, and the experience you have will differ greatly depending on how much you take.

The exact reaction you have to Kratom varies drastically but is usually subtle.  It is commonly used to combat pain or as a mild mood lift.  The first time I took Kratom it was highly stimulating and energetic.  After it kicked in I got a great run in and afterwards spent an enjoyable evening with my friends.  It was a noticeable mental difference from baseline, but in comparison to other commonly used substances it was much less pronounced.  One of the most common reasons people take Kratom is pain relief, or to taper off prescription pain medications with less WDs (or none).  I do not have personal experience using Kratom to taper off opiates, but it seems to be relatively successful if you carefully manage your doses.  However, it is easy to swap one addiction for another.  Granted, a Kratom addiction is probably preferred to most other addictions, but is still a serious issue.

When I was first introduced to Kratom I was told that there was no risk of dependence and that it was fine to use regularly.  I have found this (as have others) to be false and dangerously misleading.  The rise in tolerance and risk of dependence is clearly more mild then most common opiates it is compared to, but if used too regularly there is absolutely risk for addiction.  Kratom withdrawals are somewhat similar to opiate withdrawals and you will get the restless legs, irritability, sleepless nights, etc.. I have yet to see someone struggle with Kratom addiction in the same manner as other medications, but this substance should still be taken with the knowledge that it can cause dependence.  To avoid getting a physical dependence try to space out dosing and create a concrete limit for yourself.  When you begin to take it too regularly you will definitely begin to lose the positive effects it has.  The initial effects can make it tempting to continue using it frequently, but I have found myself at times taking large quantities with no positive effects.  As I said before, you can't just keep upping the dose to get the reaction you would like.  There is a certain maximum positive dosage for most people and exceeding it almost always leads to negative side effects.  All you can do once you lose the positive reaction is to reduce tolerance or find a differing strain to change it up. 

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Welcome Zuesdog! That was an excellent "first" post!  I can't think of one thing I would add or change in your Kratom post.  As far as I am concerned, it is as informative and accurate as it gets. 

To to take it one step further, do you have any favorite vendors you would like to mention? We would like to expand our vendor threads here at DBG Forum and it sounds like you have an excellent grasp on the importance of quality but more importantly, consistency in a vendor. Thanks for your post and again, welcome. 

Thank you Roger, hopefully someone will find it useful.  I've learned so much from reviewing posts on this site and I thought it was time for me to contribute back.

Recently I have been ordering from mmmspeciosa and typically order their Classic Bali, Red Vein Maeng Da, and Plantation Maeng Da.  They are consistently great with customer service, shipping, strain consistency, and overall product quality and strength.  The Bali is great because I can use small amounts and still get noticeable pain relief.  With their more stimulating strains I can use even less, and have yet to get the dreaded "Kratom jitters" that I too often get with energizing strains from elsewhere.  I usually have good experiences with Kratom, but about one out of five experiences I will get mild nausea, but I rarely get that using this vendor. They do not have the cheapest prices because they do not sell in larger quantities, but for occasional use the prices are within reason. 

For cheaper prices and larger quantities I prefer to use Botanical Wellness.  They offer "Fine Grain" Kratom bought from Bikhuk and have found all the strains from Bikhuk to be solid.  Extremely reliable vendor with slightly better prices.  Of course you could directly order from Bikhuk, but the minimum purchases are generally larger then what you can get from Botanical Wellness.  The strength of their products (IMO) is slightly weaker than mmmspeciosa, but it is still much more affordable.

I can also give an honorable mention to moodandmind, although I prefer the above two personally.  There are probably 5-6 other high quality vendors domestically, I just have not had any reason to experiment after finding these three.  These are great places to start in general and I definitely suggest everyone sample from all three to find a favorite.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  7. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  8. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  10. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  11. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  12. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  13. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  15. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  16. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  17. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  19. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  20. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@