Starlite was always my best bet for safe delivery of quality meds. If by â€clownsâ€you're referring to Clonazepam, then yes they carry it. Loose or blister packed, your choice. I always went with the loose 2mg ones and they were great.I've just sent a request email to SL.
I just had another email from AMC and they predict they & their sister Co's will completely discontinue shipping to Canada.
They would not recommend an alternate source for me either.
From hours & days of again scanning these threads for a good source, SL seems to be my best bet now.
Hope he carries clowns. I am down to the very bare minimum ration now. Too low for safety : (
I fear getting sick!
I'll keep you posted on my success with SL ...
or if I wind up in Emerg.
P.S. If you go into a WU office, they will convert your payment into US funds.
There are also private email only vendors which will ship to Canada on a DBG thread. But I think you need 50 posts (or something like that) to view it.
Sorry, but please don't PM me and ask for the info as I'm not gonna say. Ask a Mod

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