Men, Dating And Sex?

I can so relate to you OP. I'm at a stage now where I'd love a boyfriend, someone who I can just click with and be on the same wavelength. Trouble with me is, I have quite low self esteem and I'm pretty shy and struggle to open up to guys. This can sometimes come across as me being cold or arrogant, which in reality, I'm anything but!

I miss having someone to cuddle up to at night, go for walks with, share things etc. But I agree that some guys just want sex from the word go, where as I like to get to know a person first.

Sex is great when you're in love, spontaneous and exciting /default_smile.png I'm not getting any younger, so I hope my mr right isn't too far away. I think it's time for me to get back in the dating game, but sadly haven't found my special someone yet /default_sad.png
Pharmaceuticals! From shy-60 in two!

Seriously tho. I am painfully shy around certain groups of people. I so sypathze. It has gotten better as I have gotten older but it is really hard to deal with sometimes. Especially in the very beginning...when you just meet someone. Keep in mind, thet even though they dont show it EVERYONE has been shy (except Headbanger) at one timeor another. I found that remembering that really helps! You sound so sweet! I wanna be your boyfriend and I am a woman! Lol!

Pharmaceuticals! From shy-60 in two!

Seriously tho. I am painfully shy around certain groups of people. I so sypathze. It has gotten better as I have gotten older but it is really hard to deal with sometimes. Especially in the very beginning...when you just meet someone. Keep in mind, thet even though they dont show it EVERYONE has been shy (except Headbanger) at one timeor another. I found that remembering that really helps! You sound so sweet! I wanna be your boyfriend and I am a woman! Lol!
Aww thanks Cat /default_smile.png When I was younger I managed to hide my lack of confidence fairly well, but at the same time, I never really did fit in, weather that be in school, college or work. One of the reasons I prefer animals to humans (no disrespect lol) is they accept me and love me & my eccentric personality unconditionally.

You've all cheered me up, even though I like my own company, it's still nice to know there's people here who get me /default_smile.png Even writing this was hard for me x

Hey Bmarie!

Yes, unfortunately I'm the same as you!.. I currently have very low self esteem and definitely enough mental deficiencies to scare off even the bravest of potential partners?!.. Plus, at the minute, I have no time, nor am I ever in any position to meet somebody?!.. My social life is definitely at an all time low!!.. Mostly by my own design, but a low, all the same...

And, like you, I ain't getting no younger!...

Sorry, I started this post by trying to cheer you up?!.. Did it work? Ha!

Ha ha thanks Phrenicz, you did cheer me up because at least here I'm not alone in my plight! Reminds me of that old saying - "misery loves company" lol (jk) ~ x ~

For what it's worth, those of you who are shy, socially averse or labelled with a psychiatric condition - these things don't define you unless you let them define you. Shyness, for example, is simply another way of being introspective and probably much more emotionally intelligent than an extreme extrovert. Being shy doesn't mean you lack humor, kindness or great devotion - it just means you need more time to recharge after social/external situations. It also means you're processing more information about people around you, ensuring consistency in their actions before giving away your trust - or a slice of it.

I'm not an introvert or an extrovert - I truly fall right in the middle. But if I had to choose between which "type" to date - I'd go for the introvert over the extrovert any day!!! So please, don't think of shyness as a social deficit - there are a lot of people in this world who value that very quality.

And mental/psychological labeling - God!!! By labeling, I don't mean the condition doesn't exist, I do believe people are bi-polar or have personality disorders that run the gamut. I'm undergoing a psychiatric evaluation right now (a bullshit action by my former spouse) to test whether I'm a harm to myself, my own children and impulse control! My 7-year old just completed a psychiatric evaluation (not my decision) to test for Aspergers (because she has exhibited anxiety throughout a very long, contentious divorce in which the father was awarded custody and she wants to be with her mother - me!). That's a whole other story on a whole different thread - but my point is it's important not to let psychiatric evaluations define us. Just because I'm going through an extremely stressful time, doesn't make me crazy or unstable! And it doesn't mean a 7-year old suddenly develops high functioning autism. It just means we're fucking stressed and all types of coping mechanisms or responses are being triggered - like anxiety, anger or depression, etc.

I guess my long winded point is be confident in yourself. Next time you feel uncomfortable around someone, just smile and say, "I'm a bit shy so I'm not sure what to say." They'll understand - and it makes you sound more confident admitting your shyness than trying to stammer out a response that doesn't suit you. As far as personality disorders, if someone asks you a question and you don't feel like responding, just tell them, "Sorry, I couldn't hear you over all the voices in my head."


Hang in there!


For what it's worth, those of you who are shy, socially averse or labelled with a psychiatric condition - these things don't define you unless you let them define you. Shyness, for example, is simply another way of being introspective and probably much more emotionally intelligent than an extreme extrovert. Being shy doesn't mean you lack humor, kindness or great devotion - it just means you need more time to recharge after social/external situations. It also means you're processing more information about people around you, ensuring consistency in their actions before giving away your trust - or a slice of it.

I'm not an introvert or an extrovert - I truly fall right in the middle. But if I had to choose between which "type" to date - I'd go for the introvert over the extrovert any day!!! So please, don't think of shyness as a social deficit - there are a lot of people in this world who value that very quality.

And mental/psychological labeling - God!!! By labeling, I don't mean the condition doesn't exist, I do believe people are bi-polar or have personality disorders that run the gamut. I'm undergoing a psychiatric evaluation right now (a bullshit action by my former spouse) to test whether I'm a harm to myself, my own children and impulse control! My 7-year old just completed a psychiatric evaluation (not my decision) to test for Aspergers (because she has exhibited anxiety throughout a very long, contentious divorce in which the father was awarded custody and she wants to be with her mother - me!). That's a whole other story on a whole different thread - but my point is it's important not to let psychiatric evaluations define us. Just because I'm going through an extremely stressful time, doesn't make me crazy or unstable! And it doesn't mean a 7-year old suddenly develops high functioning autism. It just means we're fucking stressed and all types of coping mechanisms or responses are being triggered - like anxiety, anger or depression, etc.

I guess my long winded point is be confident in yourself. Next time you feel uncomfortable around someone, just smile and say, "I'm a bit shy so I'm not sure what to say." They'll understand - and it makes you sound more confident admitting your shyness than trying to stammer out a response that doesn't suit you. As far as personality disorders, if someone asks you a question and you don't feel like responding, just tell them, "Sorry, I couldn't hear you over all the voices in my head."


Hang in there!

Hey Bloom,

You've raised some great points here. Over the years, I've had so many "labels" put on me I didn't know what the hell to believe. All I knew (and know) is I was/am 'different' to others. I wanted to be 'normal' (what ever the heck that is) & craved acceptance. I believe as a child I was deprived of love from my father - he decided to completely ignore me from the age of 9 upwards. He didn't like the fact I was changing into a woman and would tell me things like "stop growing" etc.

It was like living with a cold hearted stranger, his resentment of me was palpable.

To cope I started drinking heavily at the age of thirteen, smoking and rebelling at school, being promiscuous etc. To say I loathed myself was an understatement, so I withdrew from society, became scared of expressing myself for fear of being laughed at and judged.

My mother took me to see a psychologist for the first time when I was 14, by which time I was self harming daily to cope with my emotions. Since then, over the last 20 years, I've been labelled with more "personality disorders" than you could shake a stick at! , Narcissistic pd, Body dysmorphia, Bi polar, and finally 2 years ago, Borderline PD with schizoid traits.

I do feel that the nail has finally been hit on the head, but its still a lot to take in and of course, when it comes to relationships, I can see why some ppl would want to run for the hills. But I can't change who I am, I can be hypersensitive, paranoid, secretive and overly suspicious. I'm also so set in my ways now, I worry I'll be on the shelf forever!

Still, I believe their is someone out there for me, there's just no sign of him yet lol  Anyway Bloom, sorry for the novel, and thanks again for the kind words, it means a lot to me.

Hiya allhoney, just read through this thread, sorry you had bad luck with that guy... I think you were unlucky... Please don't let it put you off. I did the same as you and married v young. The stats say I'll be divorced when I lose my looks and he's a hot shot surrounded by twenty something's ... So assuming it were me...

Honestly, I think times have moved on and it's fair to expect sex by date three. From a mans point of view, you fancy him enough to keep seeing him... So why not?? I'm not saying Id personally want it myself so soon because like you I need strong emotional feelings towards someone..but men don't feel that way and the fact he's held off until date there (I imagine you've been emailing inbetween) shows respect.. Imo.

I don't think cats story is the norm (Sooo lovely though) and I've yet to see a man and think "Id really like a piece of your anatomy inside me"

But yeah, if I was in the dating game I wouldn't rule out anyone based on when they initiated sex... My husband has a much higher sex drive than I do (duh) and his argument was "it's no more of an inconvenience than me giving you a massage" and I think he's right... Men have got to be so careful these days not to be labelled a rapist/sex pest, they almost need a signed consent form (with a witness to say she wasn't too drunk to consent) so personally I wouldn't write off an otherwise good guy (funny, kind, in work) just cos he made a move.

Loads of luck... You're doing the right thing looking rather than just expecting it to fall into your lap....hope you find an otter too xxxxx

@phrenicz - not a shark - when would you ask?

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Expect sex by date three.............I understand what you are trying to say about changing times and all but I am not compromising my values or myself just to fit the times. If I did I'd be a train wreck of a mess much like many of the young girls I hear calling into radio stations with the....."I just don't know why he will not commit. He comes over my house and we have the best times together, the sex is great but he doesn't want to commit". I hear this all the time from young women and they have no clue why things are happening the way they are and believe me many are emotional train wrecks. Many will go on distrust guys forever or many will go on to scream bloody death to all men. Remember Jodi Arias? Most women just cannot handle things casually like men can. For me, there have to be guidelines. This just simply works best for me.

WOW...seems a lot has transpired since I've been gone. Well I'm back and will try to jump into these threads. Got lots of catching up. Just needed a little healing time to myself but I'm ok now. Will give dating another shot some other time. Maybe in the summer. I do want to thank you all for support once again...........I know I can't say it enough!

Stick to your guns Allhoney75! The times or whatever other people do shouldn't have any influence on you. How you feel is all that matters and compromising your values would just make you miserable.

You know who you are and what your comfortable with and the right man will find that very appealing. I'm surprised that there aren't more men that are up for the challenge of winning you over.

Stick to your guns Allhoney75! The times or whatever other people do shouldn't have any influence on you. How you feel is all that matters and compromising your values would just make you miserable.

You know who you are and what your comfortable with and the right man will find that very appealing. I'm surprised that there aren't more men that are up for the challenge of winning you over.
Thanks for the encouragement. I still have a bit of hope left. Hopefully I can hang on to it. I know there are some wonderful men out there...we've got a great bunch on here. It's all about crossing paths with them. If I could just do that then voila! I think the bad guys overshadow the good ones but they are there. I grew up with a great dad and great uncles and brothers, so they most certainly exist. Looks like Cat found hers and so did you. I'm sure it's a great feeling!
Thanks for the encouragement. I still have a bit of hope left. Hopefully I can hang on to it. I know there are some wonderful men out there...we've got a great bunch on here. It's all about crossing paths with them. If I could just do that then voila! I think the bad guys overshadow the good ones but they are there. I grew up with a great dad and great uncles and brothers, so they most certainly exist. Looks like Cat found hers and so did you. I'm sure it's a great feeling!
Keep the hope alive! That's great that you grew up around a lot of awesome men. That explains why don't settle for less than you deserve. I find that the more I look, the less luck I have. But it does get tedious waiting for the "right" guy to fall into your lap. I'm right there with ya girl! You should try the meetme app. It seems like a great idea because you're around like minded people and there's no pressure to date anyone. I need to free up some time to try it out myself!

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Expect sex by date three.............I understand what you are trying to say about changing times and all but I am not compromising my values or myself just to fit the times. If I did I'd be a train wreck of a mess much like many of the young girls I hear calling into radio stations with the....."I just don't know why he will not commit. He comes over my house and we have the best times together, the sex is great but he doesn't want to commit". I hear this all the time from young women and they have no clue why things are happening the way they are and believe me many are emotional train wrecks. Many will go on distrust guys forever or many will go on to scream bloody death to all men. Remember Jodi Arias? Most women just cannot handle things casually like men can. For me, there have to be guidelines. This just simply works best for me.
I was in a restaurant the other day with my lady friend, and we saw a girl who looks just like Jodi Arias. I was telling my friend..."No way, she broke out of jail"..Than I said "Hey Jodi", and looked away from her. It turns out her name WAS Jodi, and she looked over at me. She was with her man, so things got really awkward. I looked back over at her, and both her and her man where looking at me and my friend. Once we made eye contact, she said, "do I know you"? I was speechless, so I just said "sorry, you look like a friend of mine named Jodi".....She said "my name is Jodi"...Trippy weird...

I was in a restaurant the other day with my lady friend, and we saw a girl who looks just like Jodi Arias. I was telling my friend..."No way, she broke out of jail"..Than I said "Hey Jodi", and looked away from her. It turns out her name WAS Jodi, and she looked over at me. She was with her man, so things got really awkward. I looked back over at her, and both her and her man where looking at me and my friend. Once we made eye contact, she said, "do I know you"? I was speechless, so I just said "sorry, you look like a friend of mine named Jodi".....She said "my name is Jodi"...Trippy weird...
I wonder if she gets that a lot? Jodi Arias definitely has a unique look. She's very pretty but knowing how psycho she is, it gives me the chills when I look at her!

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I wonder if she gets that a lot? Jodi Arias definitely has a unique look. She's very pretty but knowing how psycho she is, it gives me the chills when I look at her!

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Maybe she does, or maybe she was just messing with me.  Yeah, I saw the photos of her boyfriend, after she shot him in the head, slit his throat, and than stabbed him 20 plus times with a steak knife...Creepy Chick!

We should rename this thread to "Men, dating and no sex!" It doesn't seem like anyone's getting any...

In fact, why not start a thread titled "Women, dating and dildo advice?"

Just make sure to include battery instructions!


Maybe she does, or maybe she was just messing with me.  Yeah, I saw the photos of her boyfriend, after she shot him in the head, slit his throat, and than stabbed him 20 plus times with a steak knife...Creepy Chick!
She is my hero. That guy was a DICK to her.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?
  3. D @ druuls: sorry about that
  4. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  5. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  6. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  7. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  9. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  11. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  13. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  14. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  15. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  18. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  20. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good