I'm a condescending douchebag because I wont sell for a dirt rock bottom price? You don't even know me. I'm sure his product is lab tested too huh? Sorry I dont cater to people that blow through grams a day. You want to insult me when you don't know me. Dont like the price dont buy, that simple. Didn't call anyone a name but you label me that? Ok, and to immediately get something in from China and not spend the time sending it to drugsdata and immediately putting it out on the market, yeah your guy seems like a great vendor until he gets hit with a batch of nitazene mixed in with whatever he thinks powder he has and ends up killing people. It's nice you guys only think about cost, you don't think about all the work it takes to find a legitimate source, then repeatedly test that source. I hope what you consume is ODSMT so you don't die, more recently sunshine state vendors being caught selling Desalkylgidazepam as Pyrazolam for double/triple the cost of what Desalkylgidazepam goes for and I'm a gouger is hilarious. You guys have a great day, tired of dealing with clowns.