Nitrazepam - Not A Potent Sleep Aid?

Like "handling a wild animal", you say?  "Happy bliss", you say?

What was it Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday said in Tombstone?  "I'm your huckleberry..."

Thanks for the helpful info @Smoka90 - Now, of course, I can't wait for those suckers to arrive.  I'll try 10mg an hour or so before bedtime when they arrive and let you know what that dosage does for me - It's a quality brand, so I have high hopes.  Thanks again!

- b2g
Yes, do keep us informed. It's really the only benz that I get a happy calm with.

Have fun...

I've never tried it, but have a huge benzo tolerance, so was thinking of starting with 10mg as a sleep aid.
The only issue with this particular med is if you use it daily the drowsy effect is lost in a matter of a few days. I aswell have a very high tolerance to benzos and have used nitra before. For the most part, I found it calming my muscles down similar to a muscle relaxer more than anything along with your generalized benzo effects which help treat your panic levels to keep them at a low rate.

So all in all I'd highly suggest taking these in moderation if you're seeking to use this drug for sleep purposes so you don't develop a tolerance at a rapid pace with the hypnotic effects. The effects itself do decay over time, however it varies per person and benzo tolerance (depending how high yours is) may come into play regarding how long the effects will last in the long run (e.g. taking it for weeks before developing a tolerance to the sleep aid functions).

Hope this helped.

Absolutely helps, @VII, many thanks!
No problem, feel free to ask any questions if you're curious about anything. Can't say what I stated was 100% accurate seeing every human being is different, so be careful with the dosages. You may have a better effect than I personally had without any issues, who knows. You may also want to consult with a healthcare professional asking about this particular medication before consumption. You don't have to say you have it, just asking questions and how it could personally effect you is absolutely harmless seeing they have your medical records and a healthcare professional can say if you'll do alright on the medication or not along with what to expect.

Mogies/Nitr@z is GREAT, if you partied REAL hard and need 12-14hrs sleep and NOT wake up feeling like you hit a brick wall.. Another for sleep, imo the best out the L3nd0rm!n ,25.. or generic Br0T!z@lam. Sweet 8-9 hrs it's not like REAL sleep, none of these are. But Nitr@z while being one of ruf's cousin, could be dangerous if made higher than 5. This only would make it like flunitr@z, and noone but the red country could get it? MOST of what's out there, sans 3-4 were all RC's way before they got around to a patent, We just didn't know, no internet.

Dig your pic @VII

Thank you, seeing that I'm recovering from a high benz addiction it should work perfectly to maintain a good sleep schedule. 

It's strange that most doctors don't prescribe this medication though. It seems from what I've heard it would help with such a thing, but seeing it's a benz that might be why. However if the person is on benz's I don't see the harm in them trying. 

Well, now that I think about it that would just increase your dependency with the benz class substances so I may of answered my own question there, I'm not sure. I know for a fact I've yet to hear about many doctors prescribing it to patients that suffer from bad insomnia. 

US- that is your answer, they don't use L3x0tan, M!llt0wn(never heard of anyone w/ Mogs for sleep yet, temez is given out monthly?).. I have a list somewhere.. I'll post it at some point, or... I'll forget :)  just being honest, but ya when far east still use ruff's and it's a 1 here in the US.. We get prescribed what they are taught, other places you just walk in and buy. 

How does Clon@z€p@m rank amongst sleeping tabs? I've never tried them but have order some from my trusted friend in the east. I've been using nit and Diaz on and off for years so I'm bound to have a tolerance. I didn't take any the entire holiday then I come home and stress!! When life gives you lemons find a vendor who recognises it as valid currency.

Peace & love

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How does Clon@z€p@m rank amongst sleeping tabs? I've never tried them but have order some from my trusted friend in the east. I've been using nit and Diaz on and off for years so I'm bound to have a tolerance. I didn't take any the entire holiday then I come home and stress!! When life gives you lemons find a vendor who recognises it as valid currency.

Peace & love
I found clon@z quite woeful for sleep. It's very useful as an anti-convulsant and for anti-anxiety, but a while ago, when I just wanted to be numbed and knocked out, I ended up taking 3-4mg of it. It's just too much when you consider that 0.5mg clon@z = 10mg di@z. It'll mess up your tolerance.

But that's just me, maybe give it a go. =)

How does Clon@z€p@m rank amongst sleeping tabs? I've never tried them but have order some from my trusted friend in the east. I've been using nit and Diaz on and off for years so I'm bound to have a tolerance. I didn't take any the entire holiday then I come home and stress!! When life gives you lemons find a vendor who recognises it as valid currency.

Peace & love
As a frequent user I must say it works best to treat anxiety symptoms for a longer time periods with a great half life. I don't think on the top of my head that it's used for sleep but I can kinda confirm it can make you drowsy very similar to xan.

I would have too say depending on the dosage, 0.5mg (generally half a mg does the trick, sometimes it takes 1mg without a tolerance, depends on the consumer) without a tolerance would keep you very calm and at ease during the night regarding clons. I can't really say it will knock you out or anything but it is really good to tune down your body to sleep. These types of benzos tend to slow your heart rate down to remain the calm state of mind which is why it's usually used to treat anxiety. 

All in all, I'd have to say if you do use it for sleep I wouldn't expect heavy drowsiness from it but a very relaxed state of mind to fall asleep with. Your body becomes very relaxed which can help you get a good nights sleep. You'd need to consult with your doctor though seeing the effects such as slowing of the heart rate could cause issues if you have specific health issues so seeing a healthcare professional even if it's just to ask about the medication would be your best bet seeing everyone is different.

Mogies/Nitr@z is GREAT, if you partied REAL hard and need 12-14hrs sleep and NOT wake up feeling like you hit a brick wall.. Another for sleep, imo the best out the L3nd0rm!n ,25.. or generic Br0T!z@lam. Sweet 8-9 hrs it's not like REAL sleep, none of these are. But Nitr@z while being one of ruf's cousin, could be dangerous if made higher than 5. This only would make it like flunitr@z, and noone but the red country could get it? MOST of what's out there, sans 3-4 were all RC's way before they got around to a patent, We just didn't know, no internet.

Dig your pic @VII

US- that is your answer, they don't use L3x0tan, M!llt0wn(never heard of anyone w/ Mogs for sleep yet, temez is given out monthly?).. I have a list somewhere.. I'll post it at some point, or... I'll forget :)  just being honest, but ya when far east still use ruff's and it's a 1 here in the US.. We get prescribed what they are taught, other places you just walk in and buy. 
It worked for the first few days for sleep but the sleep effects wore off quite fast, worked for roughly 3 days before the effects seized. However, it still helped with my anxiety and muscle issues strangely enough. I didn't expect it to do such a thing for my muscles regarding keeping them relaxed and pain-free. I'd rate this med high up on the board seeing it has multiple properties to treat different things. 

Only issue is you build up a tolerance quite rapidly which is a big con, but it's not a medication you'd take daily from my own experience. Seems every once in awhile would be more ideal when you have issues sleeping and have to sleep apposed from taking it daily to maintain the hypnotic effects rolling so to speak. 

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As a frequent user I must say it works best to treat anxiety symptoms for a longer time periods with a great half life. I don't think on the top of my head that it's used for sleep but I can kinda confirm it can make you drowsy very similar to xan.

I would have too say depending on the dosage, 0.5mg (generally half a mg does the trick, sometimes it takes 1mg without a tolerance, depends on the consumer) without a tolerance would keep you very calm and at ease during the night regarding clons. I can't really say it will knock you out or anything but it is really good to tune down your body to sleep. These types of benzos tend to slow your heart rate down to remain the calm state of mind which is why it's usually used to treat anxiety. 

All in all, I'd have to say if you do use it for sleep I wouldn't expect heavy drowsiness from it but a very relaxed state of mind to fall asleep with. Your body becomes very relaxed which can help you get a good nights sleep. You'd need to consult with your doctor though seeing the effects such as slowing of the heart rate could cause issues if you have specific health issues so seeing a healthcare professional even if it's just to ask about the medication would be your best bet seeing everyone is different.

It worked for the first few days for sleep but the sleep effects wore off quite fast, worked for roughly 3 days before the effects seized. However, it still helped with my anxiety and muscle issues strangely enough. I didn't expect it to do such a thing for my muscles regarding keeping them relaxed and pain-free. I'd rate this med high up on the board seeing it has multiple properties to treat different things. 

Only issue is you build up a tolerance quite rapidly which is a big con, but it's not a medication you'd take daily from my own experience. Seems every once in awhile would be more ideal when you have issues sleeping and have to sleep apposed from taking it daily to maintain the hypnotic effects rolling so to speak. 
@VII, this is great info, and I shall put it to the test tonight.  I've recently acquired 10 tabs of Cerson 10mg Nitr@zep@m, so I dumped out all of the Temazepam caps in my 7-day pill organizer I use for my sleeping pills, put them back in their prescription bottle, plopped a 10mg Nitro into each compartment of the 7-day pill organizer, and threw the other three Nitros into my "Hey, maybe I can take one of these on a Sunday to chill out" metal pill carrier.

I shall report on my first Nitro experience (10mg at bedtime tonight) tomorrow.

Just thought I'd chime in with a review on Nipam (5mg) brand that I got recently, and that I tried tonight. It's good, not weak, but also not overly strong. It's 5mg, as it should be. I think I've read a few reports where people say it's knocked their socks off. Personally I'd report extremely similar effects to Western European generic 5mgs. Not a bad thing of course!

I also like the fact they're 5mg tablets with a scoreline as well, so you can really have full control over your dose.

Overall, considering they're cheaper to get than well known brands or other generics, I will be using them again.

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I find the roche 5mg moggies available from S/L to be the best for my needs,just a bit stronger with a more euphoric feel.Not lots stronger just a bit. ...



Well, here is my experience.  Took 10mg about an hour before bed last night (these are 10mg tabs), and an hour later didn't feel the slightest bit drowsy.  I do, as I've mentioned, have a benzo tolerance built over the last 12 years that is really horrendous - Sometimes I feel like I should just eat them out of a cereal bowl.  Not wanting to throw another 10mg down the hatch (because this is an unfamiliar med for me, and I don't experiment on work nights), I tossed two 2.5mg L@razep@m down the hatch, threw in a Ks@l@l for good measure (they work my quickly than the Lors), and was asleep 25 minutes later.

So, in a fortunate coincidence, my boss calls me today at noon to tell me I've got too many vacation hours built up (the company only lets you accrue 60 days worth, then they start making you use it - I still have hope that one day they'll pay me for it instead of taking time off), he just got chewed out by HIS boss about it, and to take the rest of the day off, and plan on taking Fridays off for pretty much the rest of the year.

Worse things could happen, right?

So the wife's out of town, I have an entire afternoon to myself, and a new med to experiment with.  Since 10mg didn't make me drowsy the night before, I took 20mg at about 12:30PM - By 1:30PM I was feeling like all the weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, but still no drowsiness.  So I tossed another 10mg downrange and chased it with an entire can of Canada Dry seltzer water...What the heck, I only have 10 of these things anyway, let's see what they can do.

30mg seems to have been the magic dose - Oh, not for drowsiness, but for that "can't quite concentrate on anything, why is that over there, let me move it back to where it's supposed to go, stumbling about the house like a man who has just taken his first Z@lpidem, but waits too long to go to bed" feeling...Almost like a pretty serious booze buzz, say a 6-pack of Icehouse pounders.  Which would have been fun, but it lasted until 8PM - Which is a pretty long time to stumble around in a daze.

So, with 6 tabs left I'm just going to toss them into the "miscellaneous stuff that makes you feel good but only to be taken when the wife isn't home" metal pillbox, and lock the pillbox up again.  Doesn't look like this is the right sleeping med for me - I'll continue with my 5mg Lor and 1mg Ks@l@l until I get an opportunity to try Br@mazep@m.   And the 60 Tem@zep@m caps my Doc prescribes me each month can keep being tossed into that huge pill bottle that pharmacies use to dispense prescriptions for Ibuprofen 800 - They are useless for sleep, but since I don't drink any longer, 45mg of Tem@zep@m is an acceptable substitute when used sparingly...At this rate I'll have 1000 of 'em stored up in no time at all.

On with the adventure - I'll find that perfect sleeping / hypnotic benzo that allows me to wake up in the morning sooner or later.

- b2g

interesting thread, sleep is a major problem for me
Likewise. I believe it comes with being depressed/anxious. Not always the case but often so. What works well for me aside from medicene is listening to asmr relaxation from the Youtube.

Likewise. I believe it comes with being depressed/anxious. Not always the case but often so. What works well for me aside from medicene is listening to asmr relaxation from the Youtube.
I don't think I've mentioned it here, though maybe I, I've found that it can make me very depressed, but not anxious. The depression tends to arrive maybe 5-6 hours after dosing, usually at 20mg, and can be very severe. But I'm a depressed goblin anyway, which is probably a large factor.

I wouldn't have gone near any of this stuff if it was not for my nerves. Lucifer can be a pain like that.

I think some of it is dependent on what state if mind you are in that's why there's so many varying reports on potency. Don't get me wrong there are varying degrees out there. It's like if you suffer a bad anxiety attack whatever you take for it will work faster, stronger and longer. If you are in a state of mind for them to be a sleeping aid, then in my experience they work very well I tend to take a v@l or two to get me into an initial sleep and as the nip@m are long acting they kick in whilst I'm sleeping to keep me that way. I've got the busiest scary mind at times, I don't drink alcohol just because of what I do so I don't have the experience of mixing them with booze and I've yet to very them as a "euphoria" drug. I have plenty of others that put me into a nice space when required. And if I've got that cocktail right why change it.

It's always that tricky one, different strokes for different folk as we are all very different. I think the only 100% I will be sleeping like a dream drugs would literally be anesthetics. I'm not even sure there's,a market for thst as I'm fairly inexperienced in this field. But I'm fairly sure it's a path I wouldnt want to wander down. I'll call it the M.Jackson M8.


I think some of it is dependent on what state if mind you are in that's why there's so many varying reports on potency. Don't get me wrong there are varying degrees out there. It's like if you suffer a bad anxiety attack whatever you take for it will work faster, stronger and longer. If you are in a state of mind for them to be a sleeping aid, then in my experience they work very well I tend to take a v@l or two to get me into an initial sleep and as the nip@m are long acting they kick in whilst I'm sleeping to keep me that way. I've got the busiest scary mind at times, I don't drink alcohol just because of what I do so I don't have the experience of mixing them with booze and I've yet to very them as a "euphoria" drug. I have plenty of others that put me into a nice space when required. And if I've got that cocktail right why change it.

It's always that tricky one, different strokes for different folk as we are all very different. I think the only 100% I will be sleeping like a dream drugs would literally be anesthetics. I'm not even sure there's,a market for thst as I'm fairly inexperienced in this field. But I'm fairly sure it's a path I wouldnt want to wander down. I'll call it the M.Jackson M8.

I think that's very well put about how nitr@z seems to 'adapt' itself well. If I feel depressed, it can actually accellerate those feelings.

I didn't actually report it back here, but last week I had a 'unique' experience with it. I had a very early appointment with my neurologist that morning, so was quite sleep deprived. But with caffeine I got along alright. That evening to unwide I had my usual (once weekly) dose of 20mg, and then felt the familiar and predictable cosy bliss. Then it got to about 11pm, and I suddenly got into the frame of mind that I do when I'm in seizure territory. I thought, with good grounds I think, that the nitr@z would negate that risk massively. So I got a little scared. Then I kept losing time and felt myself going in a loop. Next thing I know is I get the confusion and fear I get after a seizure. The fear was the same (just that day I said hopefully I'll never get that fear again - cursed it, I think). My partner said I looked at her with the same sort of helpless terrified face. So at the time, I was convinced I had a full tonic clonic (since of course I never remember the actually fitting..) My partner says that I didn't, but I was convinced she was telling me a white lie to calm me down. Turns out she wasn't. So, it was a seizure of some sort, everything except the convulsing, which is the only part I don't remember anyway...typical...

So, I know I was sleep deprived, but that's not new. I'd remembered my carbamazepine that morning, and with that med, I've had nothing this bad for months. So...what the heck happened? Yeah, nitr@z can make you depressed, but this was some sort of partial seizure it seems. Can anyone shed any light on this? Can't really accept (and I don't want to) that nitr@z stimulated the electrical surges in my brain.

"That's all for today's episode of 'Smoka's Super Fun Happy Life'! Please tune in next time, where we'll be having the world's first 'party of glumness', where we'll all sit around, eating cake, drinking champagne, and we can all exchange downcast stories of how meds play havoc with our brains...."

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  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!