Good afternoon, all. Hope you are well and had a nice weekend. Couple quick things. As I get deeper into my most recent order, I am sadly finding a bit more strength variance (or lack of) from tab to tab on both of the products I ordered. Previous orders were a little bit weak, but more consistent in the "batch" received. Overall, still OK, especially due to the price, but the whole shipping mystery thing is disconcerting to me, but whatever. I have not totally ruled out ordering from them ever again but am taking a wait/see attitude for a bit to see if they get their crap together at least a little bit.... Ok, now the really weird thing. Did anyone else get the Email from DM titled "Impacto Global" about how he is a Senior Pastor at a church there AND works at P? Seems kina odd.... Jesus is telling me to buy more pills from them so that they may bless Honduran families???? WTF? Anyhow, have a great one! S-