Hi Halflife, thanks for posting this. Not sure why you didn't keep both links up, but I hope people know that they just need to dig down to find that second, more valuable link that spills the tea.
I have known about it myself for a while. I thought most people did. It's not at all hard to find, and I would expect most advanced or even generally experienced members know about it, and if they don't, they should. In my view it should be a pinned post to warn everyone about the risks in this game. But hey, that's the mods/admins call.
I feel having this information accessible would help warn--or at least give a sense of what may be involved/lost (again, consequences) -- for the quality newbies, or anyone else who probably can't afford to have their stuff snagged. Hell, I've been doing this dance for 10 years, and I've been VERY lucky, yet god knows I can't afford a seizure at ALL right now. I can't even afford to place a decent fucking order, period. This list can help a person weigh the pros and cons. Again, mods/admins call.
Yet, I have to ask to all reading this, Isn't this sort of thing one of the reasons DBG is here? To help? To give the best, clearest, honest, vetted and most unbiased advice possible? Am I wrong?
By the way, that second link I am referring to is one hell of a read. Some of the snags I totally get, but a single package of rolling papers being seized? Four, yes FOUR V's? Hair straightener? Bloody CANDY? (real candy, not a euphemism.) This list reflects how our tax dollars are being pissed away, and also just how deeply "they" are crawling up our asses. Mind (and rectum) Blown.
Take good care,